Creative Writing Workbook
This is a workbook with basic worksheets for creative writers of both the fanfic and original work variety. It includes character creation, setting, genre, POV, plot, and more.
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The 6 Senses
Chapter 8
The 6 Senses
Touch, sound, smell, taste, sight, and imagination.
Practice using these 6 senses by finding a picture of an imaginary place online and imagining what each of the five senses would tell you.
What can you touch? Describe in 5 sentences.
What can you hear? Describe in 5 sentences.
What can you smell? Describe in 5 sentences.
What can you see? Describe in 5 sentences.
What can you taste? Describe in 5 sentences.
Use the descriptive skills you've worked on here to make sure that the world you're creating is just as powerful and vivid. Below, write 500 words using all the five senses above to inform the sixth: imagination.