Tommy A legend : The Five Amulets

written by Crystal White

There has been another planet , thousands of miles away from Earth called Eric and I have been writing the legends of this new unspecified planet, Eric , the legend of Tommy with no last name for now. Excuse me if I'm using a few terms of Earth like the month names , week names because I'm bound to use them because I don't know many details about these. Tommy, found by a respectable gentleman Hugo Brackenstall had been living in Quarrel Avenue for ten years until he got his school letter and went to Omega, the school where students are firmly trained with weaps.Then he receives a strange letter from an unknown address saying about the five Amulets which are to be found by him or else Amensia will be plunged with terrible cold, awful hot , accidents, unstoppable fires and life risks. Now, Tom( his nickname) starts his adventure with unraveling these strange mysteries and finding the five Amulets, but be beware ! An evil Lord seem to be added up too...

Last Updated






The Cursed Bathroom and Sultan

Chapter 5
The Snowfall season was coming with the Gerodirel Festival. In this occasion, the school will be decorated nicely with white clothes everywhere and the only thing which pleased Bruce was the holiday for a week. There’s still 7 months left before they could make for the exams.
On the Gerodirel day, Tom was stunned to glimpse, ghostly costly clothes everywhere and it looked like a very, very happy day, but in reality it wasn’t.
On this day, Sir Cleomenes (Founder of Omega and the successor of George Rings and also the hero of CIAZ Kingdom), had killed the evil King Ciaz Audoro of CIAZ, and after this there was a celebration in the Vampire Village which lasted 50 days but in Amensia it was for 7 days to Sunday (In Eric the week’s names are same). What people enjoy here is the finish of Ciaz Audoro but the last day is celebrated as Holy since people say that on that day, Ciaz rose from death.
The assembly concluded bogusly, and the students ramble around gleefully. Seven days free from school.
Today Tom sat with Bruce and two twins of their grade namely Trick and Crax Dings. They had brought a few samples of Jokes and they were surely very much funny.
“Once a mother called her son and asked:
Mother: Son, how you faired in the examination?
Son: Great, I wrote all the questions.
Mother: Is there anything you didn’t write?
Son: Yes, I didn’t do the answers.
How was that?”
Tom tried hard not to laugh but Bruce was having a phony laughation (disease which causes you to laugh).
“It was what had drawn me over here. Mom’s always scared that we will make things wrong, but we don’t make troubles, troubles trouble us.” Trick said dismally pricking his toast with a big pin.
“How came you never got reports?” Tom asked in disbelief.
“We get always; Brother Charles has a record of 175 reports for mischief in 1 month. “
Tom’s mouth fell open and Crax stuffed an over-burned toast inside his mouth. Tom swallowed it without understanding.
“I hate it always when Julie snaps at us when we break her favorite flower vase.”
“She’ll be joining next year.” Crax added. “Disgusting.” He said taking out a dead rat from his pocket and throwing it in Brownie’s plates.
Breaking their little chat Sir Chuck had paced into the breakfast place.
“Attention Students!” He said in a mocking voice “There’s a giant ice moth found in the mountains and I’d be pleased if you keep your nose low in this matter.”
“He thinks he’s the best but he’s the zilch “Trick mumbled. “ A moth in the mountains? Is this the joking season? Do people joke in Gerodirel day?”
“I’ve no idea.” Tom muttered daintily.
The rest of the week had leaked out somehow but Candy had roared very easily in the third day.
“Any idea about the second amulet? Where could it be! Think!” She roared on the third day “The second will perhaps be hidden in your most needed place in your home Think about it dunderheads!”
“We’d never find it. “ Bruce said tumbling over a rock “It’s bogus, I give up. It could only be the toilet again; we’d always need toilets in our home”
“So you don’t want to make things right again?”
“What do you mean?”
Suddenly, a hot blast of wind lashed into Tom’s white face. Candy panted and Bruce cried. Another whip of blistering air had fluffed up.
“What’s going on?” Candy asked throwing her coat quickly.
“The weather’s turning hot. I know it, these type of winds are called Kajo and they make the climate warm and warmer and the named is Sir-“
“Stop IT TOM” Candy took a deep sigh and thundered upon Tom who was trying to make her understand about Kajo, the most boiling wind of Eric.
“We need to do something” Muttered Bruce sweating.
“It must be because of the amulets” Said Tom and in a minute all of them had flew towards their rooms.” The second amulet had started its evil work!”
None would have guessed such a sizzling in the snowfall season and after all the ice in the mountains which never melt have started melting. Tom had been shut in his room hotly. Not only him, the whole school was shut up and there was nothing much to do. And the most tremendous thing was that Sir Tinetin was away from school, in the Master Dragon Kingdom to meet one of his friends and the school had been expecting him badly. If the ice continues to melt, all will die in this hot.
The sweltering and sultry was now unbearable. Temperature had risen to 45 degrees.
Tom knew it was because of the amulets the whole thing was happening. But you must know you can’t escape fate.
So like that, Tom, wrapped in clothes to avoid boils had started towards the toilet on the last day of the festival. The school looked very barren with ginger muggy wind belting continuously. If this doesn’t stop, Omega will turn into a desert in three months.
Tom walked towards a cross-signed door curiously. Who’d have made something so bogus like this?
Pressing the hot door, Tom went inside. Now he knows why someone would like to make a cross sign in a plain, simple toilet which doesn’t seem as simple from inside.
On the crumpled walls were written miserable words ‘Give me Food and water....’ ‘‘Help me Dad’ ‘I can’t bear this hunger…’ and something very distressing which made Tom’s heart pound. The toilet had an awful smell and it seemed like someone was tapping on the white walls, grubby with fine red blood.
Tom gulped and turned numbly to move out. But somehow, unbelievably, the door was shut from outside. Madly, Tom pounded over the door, but nothing happened. Will Tom be trapped forever?
A very sharp, like lots of mouse squeaking and bitter voice rung in Tom’s ears. Even in this hot climate, somehow Tom was feeling frozen as chilly winds whipped faster through Tom’s paralyzed body. He had sensed someone on the bathroom.
The voice knew his name!
Tom jerked to look around. But there was no one. Was his own head speaking to him? Intrepidly, Tom asked “Who are you?”
“Johnny …Tom… just Johnny… son of the Evans once... and then of Lord R…”
“….Lo-lord R?” Tom was shivering as the voice roared.
“LORD R! We all know he’s Lord Ruby! But I’m a spirit who doesn’t fear him! “The voice’s words sounded tough.
“Who’s he?”
“HE?” The voice laughed wholeheartedly. “ He’s the world’s most vice man of no good… and has a boon to live for 500 centuries… he thinks he’s the master of all because of his powers…Tommy…his appearance could make you shudder…and he neither understands love nor goodness at all…and unfortunately I was his stupid son…he killed me with his own hands.”
“ I had started to stop him…he couldn’t bear his own son to fight for goodness…he waited for every opportunity to find me…and at last in this place he shut me….and used his powers to the whole school to forget that there was a boy here…in the sixth grades…they forgot me…Johnny…and I was trapped here…and after the principal Michael…Sir Tinetin took over and made a cross sign on the door so that no one comes here since this place is evil…evil and sinful where a boy of sixteen was killed without any food or water. “
Tom marveled at the walls from where the sound came to be. “Do you know about the amulets?” Tom asked suddenly “I can’t bear this hot or do anyone…I want to save the school from this havoc...”
“Yes… I know “The voice answered “I can give it to you ….for just one word…”
“You’ve to fight for my spirit….”
“Fight and free the world from this wicked sorcerer forever! You need to free my everlasting spirit…my soul wants to be free. Free…free…free…”
“But…” Tom muttered his eyes fixed on the walls and his head swirling.
“If you want to save your school and my school too… you’ve to promise me…that you’ll fight for me…from my side to finish off that sorcerer…you have to…and I’ll let you leave this vice place”
‘Anything’ Tom muttered in his mind and slowly, softly he whispered “Yes I’ll do it for you… But where will I find R?”
“He’ll come for you... anytime Tommy… Goodbye…Goodbye...the Viditor….”
Tom wanted to ask about the Amulet, how the spirit knew his name and the meaning of Viditor but the spirit had gone since there was a crack and the voice stopped
Suddenly, a mouth like thing wide opened on the walls, and a blond round thing was pushed from it. Tom ran to pick it up.
The Amulet of Sun! A sunny glow peering from it and a brown chain over it and in the front was written, well choose shiny words; The Amulet of Sun. To stop the warm weather’ which glowed as Tom touched it.
Tom tore his eyes from it and ran to open the door. It’s opening. The spirit kept his words. And Tom will have to keep his promise on defeating R.
Tom peeked to see if anyone was there. The hot climate had given up and the weather was returning normal. Now the Amulet of sun has been saved, the third Amulet will start showing its vice powers. He needs to find the Amulet of ice next.
Tom wheeled round and faced Trick or Crax, can’t tell which.
“Crax!” Tom shouted.
“I’m Trick, not Crax. First tell, what were in the hell you doing in the cursed bathroom? No one returns from it! A boy…Adam died in it…”
“N-Nothing.” Tom stammered “R-Really... I came out but nothing h-happened… Bye...errs…Well; Trick please I beg you...don't tell to anyone about this.”
“I’ll give you a chocolate.”
“OK. I won’t”
Bruce and Candy were really energized for what Tom did. But none was wondering about how Tom would face Lord Ruby. The school assumed that the bad weather just gave up but when Sir Tinetin returned he had a grave remark upon his noteworthy face.
Tom slept that night miserably, contemplating about Lord Ruby. Johnny said he’s the fiercest Evil Sorcerer of Eric and Johnny was his son…. Lord R is mega powerful and the most apprehension was that he can come for Tom, anytime, anywhere ready to put Tom in the death. But he has promised Johnny to fight for Johnny…the cursed soul…who was indirectly killed by his pitiless and malevolence father...Lord Ruby….
Tom kept his ears tuned in to hear. He could hear the words screaming in the chilly night air. Shivering, Tom turned to sleep. Today might be vice and appalling but let tomorrow be chaste and noble as usual.
“Well….as you see this is the map of Eric. And you’re to study it carefully. “Sir Henry said loudly. “ For tomorrow”
The class began to retire from the classes happily and Tom and Bruce roved around the mountain. The Mountain blizzard was over.
“Remember about the third amulet of ice? I wonder where it. The third might be in the most soaring place,
Hidden and buried in the ice,” Bruce said “All I know is it’s here in the mountains. If we don’t find it, the ice of all the mountains in the world will start melting I think.”
“More bad. We won’t survive this way” Said Tom feeling cold.
“I wonder if we could see Pearl, the giant who delivered you the letter. He’s sort of eccentric too.”
Tom sighed and flashed his eyes upwards. “Tomorrow’s something...”
Bruce looked into Tom’s face “Tomorrow…..umm….yea…I remember!”
“Tomorrow’s Sunday” Bruce completed.
“No. I mean tomorrow’s something very important…We’re forgetting…. Someone’s birthday….Candy told us in Plant Class…”
“Liam’s?” Bruce kept on guessing “Elsa, Elena, Candy, not yours or mine? Eh? Then Dex? Or Trick or Crax or Blanc-“
“Yea! Blanche’s birthday!” Tom barked “Candy and Trick were thinking of a party in the mountains”
“Go on… Party in the mountains….doesn’t sound so gibberish …we can ask Candy and Elsa for food they’re good cook… We can decorate the Map class …you and me…we don’t have maps tomorrow…”
“Splendid!” Tom roared gleefully. “But remember to keep it top secret. Let’s inform others about this… I’ll write a letter to Uncle for Blanche's gift…”
Blanche gazed at the calendar uncertainly. She looked 25 times but the date’s not changing. There’s a red mark on today’s date saying; Blanche’s Birthday’.
However her friends did not seem like remembering it at all. She hasn’t even got a card except her parent’s and a gift from them.
What’re the others doing? Not even have wished her.
Hastily, the tent door swayed and a keen, slim and tall boy entered. His untidy hairs told at once he is Liam.
“Hey Liam do you r-e”
No, Blanche’s not going to tell that. Never and never. Liam’s say himself.
“I wished today was Monday but unfortunately Sunday “She said stridently instead.
“Actually, Miss Penny’s calling you over on the Rorsology cave. Come quickly with me.”
“Why? The cave’s supposed to be shut off as today Rorsology has been cancelled.” Blanche asked curiously.
“No. She is giving projects to us” Liam uttered cautiously.
Blanche followed Liam suspiciously. Miss Penny giving out Projects? But she already gave. Has Liam lied?
The cave in the ice was still very dark even it was day. The sun’s light couldn’t enter in to the cave.
The cave was quite wide and Blanche could feel chairs and tables. But the light’s turned off. Is Miss Penny really here?
“I can’t see a thing. Liam!” She stammered “W-Where a-are you?”
The lights flashed and the darkness faded. Blanche stared around unbelievably.
“Happy Birthday, Blanche!”
On the left dark cave wall was a large white ribbon hung on which was written the shiny words well chosen. The walls were designed with Blanches’ favorite color blue and there were stars and balloons honing from each wall. On the large table in front were big chocolate cakes, Spring rolls, Hamburgers, Hummus with meat, soft drinks and chips and ice- creams with chocolate and bits of Chocó chips and the large candle in the cake with ‘ 11’ gave Blanche a tremendous shock, a shock of gladness she never had. There were five gifts in blue starry wrappings and she was surrounded by her dear friends, Tom, Bruce, Elsa, Elena and Liam, beaming at her.
“T-Thank you, my f-friends…”
“So as you see these soaring sticks are mainly made of the plant matter Fior. So what’s Fior?”
“Fungi part of the Geo Plant, helps to grow the plants. “ Tom answered.
“Yes… Like this.”
The Plant class carried on with Miss Jenny’s boring lecture and use of Soaring sticks and Trick kept on mumbling about That Miss Penny, the elder sister of Miss Jenny, Brother Charlie, Weather and Brother Charlie. It seemed his brother Charlie was his favorite subject of matter to natter about.
“You wouldn’t know, Brother Charlie first in the 4th grades! He’s cool!”
“Why?” Bruce asked, looking very dull.
“He’s great... good looking…” Trick muttered as Elsa agreed with him.
“Yes... he is….” Elsa nattered.
The two kept on babbling about Brother Charlie’s 1ST achievements or how Charlie defeated the great dragon of Fairy kingdom as Tom stared up wards in to the blue sky. No, it wasn’t blue it was starting to be a bit yellow.
“Please listen carefully” Miss Jenny muttered as the bell rang “As far as the weather report the climate would be razing with cold. The temperature could approximately reach 0 degrees so I think those who don’t have warmer clothes would take it from the hospital as soon as possible by tomorrow.”
“Hmm.” Bruce mumbled to Tom “You know what? The Amulet of Ice had started its power “
“What of What?” Trick asked oddly to Bruce.
“It’s the Amu-“griped Bruce and was cut short by Tom.
Before Bruce could complete, Tom gave Bruce an awful pinch on his left shoulder which proved to be worthy as Bruce and Tom jogged out of the class swiftly.
“Remember to keep it private? We can’t let the whole school know we’re after the Amulets!”
“But we’re doing it for everyone’s good... Eric’s sake…” Bruce griped grumpily.
“Ok, let’s see the third might be found in the most soaring place deep and buried in the ice! It’s the Ice Mountains” Tom whispered.
Bruce whimpered “O! SHUT UP. WE’RE NOT GOING TO SEARCH THE MOUNATAIBS IN THI-“Bruce chattered now” C-Cold”
“Can y-you believe the temperature? It’s getting awfully cold. Let’s get some warm clothes” Said Tom, Shivering in the whipping of chilly air which seemed as strong as the Ice Mountains itself.

“Got those leather clothes of fur skin eh?” Crax asked them at dinner “I’ve got something for you”
Tom’s mouth fell open. A letter from Dex.
Dear Sucking Tom or Tommy,
I could see your powers where they lie. Meet me this midnight in the eastern forest near the lighthouse. I’ll show you what I mean. A challenge on a fight. I’ll or you will not cheat, remember it.
Dex Boot.

“He challenges me for a fight!” Tom said hungrily “Let’s see what he’s made of this night”
“It’ll be a nightmare to fight with Dex, Tom. He is a cheater.” Bruce mumbled.
“Break your head so you don’t need to go. And if you need helping in it, I’ll help you with a smile” Trick looked elatedly at Tom who was reluctant.
“But I’m never back down from a challenge…”
Creeping in the midnight was really a very, very dodgy job. You can’t make it out when the school guard August Fling is there to find you.
“I’ll come with you, you may need me.” Bruce called on Tom at almost eleven. “O, Oh, let’s go” Tom murmured shakily, very nervous and cheerful for a good match.
“I always wanted something like this, to kill Dex single-handed” Bruce said very slowly and softly. “You-“
Bruce and Tom shot their eyes near the Assembly field. Someone’s there.
A man dressed in all white was talking to Fling. Tom and Bruce crept nearer and nearer in a rose bush to watch them.
“– As you say I let it go.” The man dressed in white said with cleverness “Or else you’d never get the money.”
“But I don’t want to con plump about this. You can’t think of anything less.”
“No I can’t. Take money and let Sultan destroy Omega forever. He’ll continue his work in midnight, killing one student each every night.”
Tom’s expression changed quickly.
“And as long as the amulet of Ice is not found, none would guess who’s making these all happen. I only want to test the boy… if he’s really my …” The man said all these very fast. “And unethical with that Plump Tinetin, lock up. He’s never my match”
“I know” Fling whispered.
“Fling…” The man asked suspiciously “I’m the world’s greatest sorcerer and all mightily powerful”
“I’m the best?”
“None can stand before me?”
“Yes” Said Fling getting intolerance “So what?”
“SO WHAT? “The man sniveled” So is it mindless and silly for me to say that two boys are watching us?”
Fling shot his eyes into the rose bush quickly.
Tom shivered and pinched Bruce “Come on” and keeping their heads low, the two friends gathered speed as they ran towards the lighthouse.
“STOP” Bruce roared as they stopped after sometime.
“What was that?” Tom asked, panting.
“The greatest sorcerer…”
“Lord R, I mean Lord Ruby?”
“Strange…” Bruce said daintily “But Lord Ruby can’t look so simple, can he? “
“Oh… so strange…” Tom wailed “But he said about the Amulets and Sultan!”
“Hmm… I feel the both are connected with Lord Ruby somehow…” Bruce said in disbelief.
“Well… Anna said Sultan’s hiding in the lighthouse, right?”
“And we’re going into the lighthouse.” Tom added shakily.
“Oh…” Bruce said with a sigh “You’re no match for Sultan, the EVIL SHADOW AND MASTER OF ALL GHOSTS, and Tom”
“But it doesn’t hurt to try” Tom muttered “Try and Try but don’t cry.”
“OK… But it hurts if you get hurts…”
“No problem, let’s get going “Tom said after a long pause.
Tom and Bruce looked up at the dense forest shining vividly in the moonlight. Strange plants grew here and there of cherry, green and sapphire and Bruce liked the shape of a large pumpkin key hole.
“A few more steps…I know we’re not allowed in the forest but we need to keep going” Tom said pacing heavily and hastily.
“We could make a dash” Bruce panted.
Suddenly, Tom noticed a shadow emerging from the trees. Squinting hard, Tom cautiously stepped forwards treading softly on the grounds so that his footsteps didn’t give it away. Tom and Bruce staggered back.
Before their astonished eyes, glowed a dragon with twisted horns jutting from its navy face and awful evil eyes glazing at the two boys.
His blue wings outstretched, the gigantic dragon flew, its eyes gleaming with devil. As his eyes met Tom’s, it gleamed with venomous delight.
“Tom, it could be dangerous, step BACK!” Bruce screamed.
The dragon flashed and Bruce only managed to dodge away. In a second it sniveled and soared away at once. “What was that?” Tom asked, wheezing.
“Gone. Gone. And we’re saved” Bruce said gasping.
“Hmm… quite outlandish.” Tom mused.
“Leave it; we’ve got to find Dex too.”
“Yes, err okay.”
In another flash, they had appeared before a spindle – long sallow lighthouse with a little blond light peering from top but the surrounding had gone very quiet and still.
“I could sense the evil here…” Tom said breathlessly.
“Oh, alright, you mean Sultan?” Bruce inquired winded.
“Yes.” Tom added shakily.
Tom stretched his eyes to see the vast Dead Ocean widening with all its might. The blue water in the vast ocean dazzled and sizzled in the moonlight. Tom could see his long figure, awfully slim and watery eyes and brown hairs quite clearly in the water. He’s reflection was shimmering in the stunning water.
“Where’s Dex? The scenery’s good, but I want to see Dex instead.” Bruce said grumpily. “Did he cheat?”
“No idea.” Said Tom, staring at the Oceans.
Tom gawked at the oceans, and started to feel bore too. So…Dex cheated? He can, he’s Eric’s No. 1 cheater.
“Why not explore the lighthouse?” Tom asked.
“W-What? Whoa! Sultan’s there you remember, Tom!” Bruce shouted, looking painful.
“So what?” Tom said logically “We’d won’t explore because of Sultan? What’s there to fear a mere shadow too much? He won’t do us any harm. Come on. It could be …The Amulet of ice here...”
“But it’s not ice.”
Suddenly, stronger blast of icy winds fluffed up in their leather, fur clothes.” Strange, we’re wearing fur clothes and still feeling cold. I believe the temperature’s less than 5 degrees now...this only happens in the snowfall season and it’s over.” Bruce said in dismay, shivering with Tom.
“I think it’s warmer inside, get on” said Tom getting into the stairs of the dark Lighthouse.
The Lighthouse was darker than any tunnel and was very, and very quiet. There wasn’t any sound all around the broken stairs. It sounded like not even a mouse lived here. Could Sultan be here?
Tom must have said big words, but he was too feeling a bit scared, in this arctic climate.
“12’O clock…” Bruce muttered seeing his black watch which was the only light in the dark “Its midnight…and ghosts rummage around this time.” He added a snigger to it. But Tom didn’t laugh. He wasn’t feeling the same and he was having a horrible feeling of Sultan inside this place.
“We’re almost on the top.” Said Bruce, feeling woozy. “Where’s Sultan?”
“I don’t know” Tom mumbled, casually, holding his sword (He brought it to fight Dex and Bruce brought too) tighter this time. He had sensed something.
Around the broken stairs, a shadow gleamed from the wrecked window with ruby eyes, staring hungrily at Tom and Bruce.
The shadow had big, massive wings and it was the shadow that Tom had seen in his dream of Richey. Now, he knows which shadow tried to mess with Elsa and Dex in the mountains by bribing them.
“S-Sultan!” Tom and Bruce screamed together, their weapons raised. Suddenly Anna’s words rang in Tom’s mind ‘Remember Sultan is a shadow’… and Shadows couldn’t be defeated with weapons like swords! They’re in Big DILEMMA.
“Oops…” Bruce whispered.
The Ruby eyes stared and uttered in an immense voice, “Welcome...Welcome…”
“Sorry… We-We Didn’t know it was your H-house, we’re g-going...” Bruce nattered and then chattered. “S-So S-S-Sorr-ry”
“Not so Soon” Sultan said extraordinarily.
And then… Tom felt a giant wing surround his neck. He tried hard not to bellow as the hand squeezed and squeezed his neck enormously. He couldn’t breathe like this. But he tried hard to take slow breathes. Bruce had gone dazed as the same thing was happening with him.
They’ll die like this with Sultan deriding at them, merrily.
“T-Torch-h…” Bruce muttered, struggling for the end of his life.
YES! The only thing which can stand before the dark is the Sun’s fantastic light! And now, they just need the torch which Tom brought in case they find the forest dark.
But how’ll Tom take it out of his pocket, eh? He’s out of breathe almost.
Fraught badly, Tom forced his hands into his pockets…but he can’t move them…he’s feeling so strange like dyeing…
Tom threw out the torch on the stairs and it landed in front of Sultan’s vice shadow, perfectly on.
In front of them, Sultan began to scream and double up and the hard squeeze from Bruce’s and Tom’s necks calmed down. Tom and Bruce wheezed terribly and heavily for the first time in their life.
Soon, the shadow of Sultan vanished.
“Oh...He can’t stand before lights…g-great idea Bruce, Thanks” Tom said, dazed of where Sultan could go.
“He must be in the top tower. We need the torch badly, take it Tom and let’s ESCAPE” Bruce bellowed.
“But we can’t leave Sultan like this to kill every student of Omega! You heard that man talking with Fling! He’s ordering Sultan as I think” Said Tom, panting. “We need to g-go” He had started to feel the cold again.
“This cold and then Sultan! Awful” Bruce articulated grudgingly.
“OH God!” Bruce shouted unsteadily, walking.
Tom peeked backwards and blasts the torch light into the stairs. Someone’s there.
A loud scream had burst from upwards. A girl.
“So who’s that?” Said Tom looking upwards.
“A girl. Let’s check, who’s sobbing and who’s in trouble.” Bruce said stretching his ears. Yeah, Tom could hear too, someone’s sobbing.
The two mounted upwards to find a wailing Brownie sitting and a brave and quick- witted Blanche telling him something very useful.
“You know what? Are you a girl that you are crying like this! Boys don’t cry, mud!” She said in a sort of boyish way “We need to find them, Brown”
At this, Brownie cried to spot Tom and Bruce watching them hopefully and it was the only thing that distracted Blanche from lecturing Brownie.
“You dryad! “ She said, very, very angry “How dare you two wander in the forests especially in such a chilly night?”
“Calm down” Bruce asked oddly” But tell what you are doing?”
“We followed you from the forest” Brownie answered with tears” To warn you that Ferno dragons are seen here and there are very colossal and sturdy, we knew it’d have killed you. And then we came inside and –“
“And Brown began to wail” Blanche added.
“You Blanche…you’re an additional windfall…” Bruce muttered harshly.
Blanche couldn’t hear properly “What? You say you’ve seen an extra Ferno?”
“Oh no….” Tom said “But I think the dragon we saw in the forests were him…”
“Why are you here?”
“Dex challenged me on a fight… near the lighthouse and it seems he himself has forgotten it.” Said Tom very aggravated.
“DEX?” Blanche blurted out” He was caught by Fling.”
“Yea…We saw Fling caught him up when he was on his way to you. Dex kept on muttering that you two were in the forest too and then Fling and he went to find you. They must have reached by now.”
“I could dance with joy! Dex getting detention” Bruce shouted singing a very gay song.
“Oh no… please don’t … Fling’s coming to cleave you in pieces.” Blanche said laboriously.
“We need to get back to school if Dex can’t come… well you two needn’t had to worry about us.” Said Tom, valiantly
“And don’t forget the forest is out of bonds for the 1st graders, Tom” Blanche said, tugging a howling Brownie to get up.
“Don’t be so silly hoodwink” She said, stanchly “We are in no fear of that irrational dragons... we four are double its match… I wanted to ask something to you both.”
“I’ve seen you two taking an Amulet of Moon from Dex. So…Tom… you received a letter?”
Tom’s mouth fell open in horror. Bruce blinked stupidly.
“How I know? Simple, Candy told me.”
“CANDY??” Bruce yowled louder than ever, shaking spiders from the stairs.
“ She told me that Tom had received a letter regarding the Amulets… and you three formed a team… well… you three have been searching for the third one, Amulet of Ice right? Because of it the climate’s so horribly cold, right?”
Tom glanced at her idiotically. How could Candy tell this to someone who is not a part of the UNTOUABLES? HOW DARE SHE? Tom’s head was swirling.
“She’d tell me everything.” Blanche said very smartly, her large front teethes shining vividly. It looked like she brushed her teethes too much today.
“This is so IDIOTIC.” Bruce said with fury and horrible antagonism “How could she… we promised to keep it private...”
“Well… I can help you with the Amulets. Me and Brownie. Brown knows a lot about the myths and strange tales about lords and other species. And I’m super- witted, I can easily help.”
“Well… an extra added bonus… “Tom smiled weakly.” OK… well… right… but….”
“What do you say, Tom, Tom?” Bruce asked wildly to Tom.
“Let the be our well-“
“We were already friends I think. I mean you’d keep it secret right, Blanche and Brown?” Asked Tom.
“For the cost of our heads.” Brownie replied.
“Then… I can tell you about this, but this is plainly A VERY A VERY SECRET “Bruce said noisily.
Then, like Hogwarts express Tom and Bruce went on explaining about the five Amulets, Pearl, Tom’s strange dream about Richey, the findings of the other two amulets, the cursed bathroom, Wizard Anna, Sultan, the white dressed man and at last about the third hint.
“Wow.” Blanche muttered interestingly “Terrific… Sultan? We didn’t see him. He must have escaped, a cruel beast.”
“Wait” Brownie explained “You know about Lord Ruby and Johnny? John was killed by his father awfully, starved to death. Do you know about the Sims? There are three Sims in Eric, The Gray Sim, The Curse Sim and the Hatchback Sims. Lord Ruby, his childhood name Mark Curse killed his own heir son for the Sim to gain the power which will let him learn any dangerous stuff in Eric. Now he’s in search of the heir of Hatchback and Gray to gain as much wealth he wants and living forever. The heir of the Gray is his most- wanted stuff. This is the reason why he killed his own son, Johnny. I believe Johnny’s soul is trapped by him.”
Everyone marveled at Brownie’s words. It’s terrific.
“So… we’ve to stop Lord Ruby from claiming the Sims of Gray and Hatchback.” Bruce said.
“The hatchback’s not as important as the Gray. Lets you live forever “Brownie said.
“Your head is made up of history.” Bruce laughed.
“Let’s return to school. It’s almost two.” Said Tom and peeked out for the window. No one’s there, they can go to school easily.
“So… Now the Untouchables have Blanche and Brownie too” Bruce said, grinning brightly.
Tom and Bruce’s yesterday are excellent adventure was noted down in Tom’s diary. Tom wouldn’t forget yesterday nor did he want to forget. But a doubt was pricking Tom. The man dressed in all white…could he be Lord Ruby? Tom’s d shiver to think about Sultan’s appearance. Is it true that Sultan‘ll kill one student each day? It could be elementary that Lord Ruby was dressed like that. And after all, he called himself the world’s greatest sorcerer! Tom’s sure Lord Ruby’s behind these… but he needs to solve the mystery anyway by finding the Amulets.
The weather was also as horrible as possible. All around... you can’t believe was a great snowfall…
Tom and Bruce broke into a snow ball fighting on the morning. When they were drenched with snow, somehow they were caught up by Liam.
“Dex says you two were in the forest last night, really?” He asked after a pause.
“No. “Said Bruce before Tom could say something. Liam nodded and looked at them warily and darted away.
“Don’t tell anyone about yesterday. Who knows if anyone’s watching?” Said Bruce looking around charily.
“Have you seen Candy? I haven’t seen her from the birthday o Blanche…” Tom said vigilantly.
“No. Wish she isn’t expelled.”
“Nope.” Tom agreed watchfully. “Let’s find her room”
Candy’s tent was covered in snow, and the plum collared outside looked very glossy and large. But inside there was someone.
“Oil Candy!” Bruce cried getting inside “You didn’t come to us; you know what we did yesterday?”
Candy whirled.
“We met Sultan “Tom said with elation.
“O-Oh great... did she fight?”
“O-Ok. What are you guys doing?”
Candy looked very petrified. There was a change in her look and her behavior.
“W-Well, no thanks.”
The two boys came out cagily and thoughtfully.” Candy’s acting so strange…” Bruce said gently.
“She’s not Candy” Tom uttered, his eyes rounder than ever.
“It wasn’t Candy.”
“How’d you know?”
“Well…Candy always shows anger when we don’t take her in an adventure. She has a tendency to shout on you. And she didn’t express fury when you called her stupid. She’s not Candy. Someone else. She didn’t even know about Sultan and Candy’s always excited and she looked gloomy that time.”
Bruce grew severe. “But… she looked a lot like her… but not so bossy like her.”
“That’s why it’s not Candy” Tom muttered, his eyes narrowing.
“Then… you mean someone else has taken her position and Can-“
“Candy’s in trouble.” Tom said gravely.
“Wait… you remember Lord Ruby saying that Sultan will kill a student each day!”
“But there are hopes Candy’s alive!” Bruce shouted, looking scared and sad.
“Then… Candy must be in Sultan’s grasps or Lord Ruby’s!” Tom said in a hushing voice “Now destination Lighthouse on this night once again! We need to take Blanche and Brown too; they’re great help in the light house”
“ALRIGHT…. I only assume Candy’s alive.”
“Really... we can’t live on hopes.” Tom muttered solemnly.
“But… I believe…” Said Bruce looking sad.
Tom stared at Bruce and beamed with great hopes.
“No worries. Sultan won’t be able to digest Candy. He could hardly swallow her.”
Bruce smiled awkwardly with Tom.
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