Tommy A legend : The Five Amulets

written by Crystal White

There has been another planet , thousands of miles away from Earth called Eric and I have been writing the legends of this new unspecified planet, Eric , the legend of Tommy with no last name for now. Excuse me if I'm using a few terms of Earth like the month names , week names because I'm bound to use them because I don't know many details about these. Tommy, found by a respectable gentleman Hugo Brackenstall had been living in Quarrel Avenue for ten years until he got his school letter and went to Omega, the school where students are firmly trained with weaps.Then he receives a strange letter from an unknown address saying about the five Amulets which are to be found by him or else Amensia will be plunged with terrible cold, awful hot , accidents, unstoppable fires and life risks. Now, Tom( his nickname) starts his adventure with unraveling these strange mysteries and finding the five Amulets, but be beware ! An evil Lord seem to be added up too...

Last Updated






The discovery of the first Amulet

Chapter 4
Crack- Crack.
There was a fairly shrill hum outside which had made Tom stir in his bed.
Tom at first, looked up and then around his room. Seriously, where’s he and what’s he doing here? All seem to have been leaked out of his head.
‘Yeah, I’m in school’ thought Tom breathlessly ‘and who’s knocking outside?’
No one was exactly knocking, Bruce had peeked into his room and beeped “You need to come, there’s a real mayhem!”
But Tom didn’t take it seriously. Bruce shouted on as Tom washed and brushed his hair and teethes, changed his night suit, casually not taking the matter gravely.
“You may not think it’s so small, when really and really someone is lost.”
“Really? Who?” Tom asked.
“Come on.” Bruce urged.
Both the boys had laid their legs in the ground, one curiously and another critically. The massive, never ending grounds had three or four separate fields guarded with yellow fences and beside one of the fields, a large crowd of snooping and panicky students had appeared and it was what had caught Tom’s sapphire eyes.
“What’s going on there?”
“Come and you will know.”
Tom and Bruce, almost knocking an elder student dashed to see the matter. The crowds of students were surrounding a board with a picture of a green-haired impulsive boy and Elsa and below their pictures were written – LOST. Please inform the teachers if you have seen them anywhere in the school. They are lost from last night.
“This is IMPOSSIBLE. “ Tom said, upset “It’s Dex Boot and Elsa, who are lost!”
Tom and Bruce found Elena stuck in a corner dumbfounded. Founding them, Elena said in a startled voice “Such things have never, never happened in Omega. The teachers, the staff and everyone are searching for them from last night. Where could they have gone?”
“Home, I think. “ Bruce replied. “But you know, I think we’re better off without that Dexy boy.”
After a few minutes of discussion, Tom tore his eyes from the pictures but he didn’t stop thinking about the matter. Dex and Elsa had arrived in Omega because he had seen him in the train. So, he’s missing from last night, but the question is, where is that fellow is and Elsa?
Tom and Bruce had breakfasted and were roving the whole school. Omega has hundred of hectares; you wouldn’t know where it ends. There are swoopy dangerous trees with peculiar traps and only a brainchild will be able to help himself out of Large Freckle Traps or a round pumpkin hole.
They had their first class with Sir Chuck, a tall brown moustache and pink faced man, with largely build body structure and taught them the use of swords. But Bruce made a blunder in his first class.
“In my class only sincere and reflective students will survive. “ Sir Chuck had said at the very first as all of them had taken their positions “I don’t think you can understand the real meaning of power, the real charm in perfect sword defense or the enchanting sword barrier. As you people have got sword as your weap, you must train really hard. “
After that, he had continued a large, very large speech about the great swordsmen of all time. What Tom did, was to copy everything he said on.
They started their class with easy sword movements and how to hold a sword firmly. And it was when Bruce made blunder, a great blunder.
“Slashes are what we are starting with for your exams. Just see me. “Said Sir Chuck and swayed his sword adequately in the left.
Bruce hadn’t heard properly that Sir Chuck said only to see, not to do. And with a jam-packed energy and might, Bruce thrust his sword straight at left. He did exactly same with only two little differences. One, Sir Chuck had done it coolly and Bruce did it agitatedly. Two, Sir Chuck hit no one but Bruce did.
“Oh ...” Sir Chuck sighed.
Bruce had, perhaps accidently, knocking and battered terribly in Brownie’s sharp, white teeth, which had almost broken. Bruce stood, guilty – faced, while a few laughed out whole heartedly.
“Enough, you take her to the hospital, you’ll find it straight from here. “ Said Sir Chuck to another girl looking dazed “And YOU! What did I said you? Just TO WATCH.”
Bruce scrambled down as Sir Chuck yelled appallingly. Lots of students went paralyzed with giggles and unforgettable chuckles.
Sir Chuck had an angry mind but Miss Penny was exactly opposite of it. She was cool and clever, her complicated notes about giants and witches will leave you dazed and dizzy at the same time. She would give a lot of homework but she never liked scolding people or she detested stupid answers as much as Miss Amy Jones, the Shamanism teacher.
“Welcome to my class” Said Miss Amy “You‘re here to learn the precise art of science.”
“Great.” Tom mumbled in her first class.
“I know you won’t understand a bit. See here.” She said taking out some white powder from a plastic “These are called Derik” She said and spluttered some in her face. At that moment something took place.
She began to double up as the class screamed in horror. She began to swirl and roll and beside her a lady appeared. Same blond hair and pink glasses the lady showed and glowed with. The class yelled. A duplicate of Amy Jones had appeared.
“Now say the shiny words – Haiti Gaiti Amok “As she spoke them, her duplicate vanished. The class broke into ovation. “This is called Derik Steps. If you follow my orders you can do anything in my class “She smiled.
Shamanism and Rorsology was held in the mountain caves. Tom soon found out that Shamanism means what quite hurtful surgeries and science but Rorsology created interest in him and abhorrence in Bruce. Candy could easily make up her bad Monk (fighting with bare hands) skills with her excellent Plant marks. But Bruce seemed to say every subject in school is very and very boring. Bruce really enjoyed nothing except lunch and dinner in their very first day.
“IT’ S GETTING very BORING. “ He said in the dinner table in front of Liam, Elena, Candy, Brownie and Tom.
“Only for you. But think of Hog sir, he’s very skilled.” Candy muttered.
“Everyone’s skilled in their profession” Bruce said in dismay.
“What about those lost students, did anyone find them?” Brownie changed the subject quickly and speedily.
“No.” Elena answered very sadly “No one yet. Everyone’s searching for them. But you know if those students think of climbing the mountain, they’ll never return.”
“Why?” Tom asked.
“Because from tomorrow there’s supposed to be a very, very strong blizzard in the mountains. But we will not be affected so no worries. Sir Tinetin will protect us.”
“HE knows. And don’t always ask questions, Tommy.” Elena said with frustration.
“And what about their parents?” Tom asked, not listening to Elena’s words.
“They’re informed I think. “ Liam said, gaining consciousness as he tried hard to bit off the cake.
Tom drank from his goblet, anxiously. Dex’s and Elsa’s parents must be very worried about him. And if really he had gone up to the mountains, he’ll never come back.
In a minute two, a notice was given that Rorsology, Shamanism, Mexinism (Mythological studies), Psychic power and Demo lessons will be held in the field instead of the mountains because of the blizzard.
Tomorrow’s morning was as calm as possible. Tom had got demo Lessons and break now, so he, Bruce and Candy sat in his room to talk.
“Tom, you remember about the letter, you got? “ Candy asked excitedly.
“Yes, I think it’s here somewhere.” Said Tom, searching in his drawers.
“You know what? I’ve thought to make a team. “
“A team?” Tom inquired.
“Yeah!” Candy urged “We can make a team and form our first mission ‘Find the Amulets’, Team ‘The Untouchables’!”
“What? The name’s…” Bruce sighed.
“Bad? “ Candy thundered “ITS BETTER THAN YOUR IDEAS. Come on, we can take Bruce with us to find the Amulets with the clue letter!”
“Not a bad idea.” Tom beamed at Bruce who nodded reluctantly.” Three of us, OK?”
“OK. “ Bruce asked “Now, read the first clue for the first Amulet Tom and yes can’t we include others? “
“No, keep it private. “ Candy bellowed. “NOW READ, Tom!”
“Yes” Said Tom and started reading “One maybe found where we please,
Where we rest and cram as we please, Hmm... What do we make of this?”
“Let’s think.” Candy said. “The Untouchables needs a brainstorm – “
“Poorly.” Tom completed.
“Idea, my brain’s bulb light has turned on!” Bruce yowled “It says the place we all like, we all prefer!”
“Yea…” Tom muttered under his nervous breathes.
“In the toilet!” Bruce shouted, and stopped and stared at the funny and perplexed look in Candy’s and Tom’s face.
“I think your brain’s bulb light has turned off.” Candy said with some rage “NEVER and NEVER, a Toilet! Seriously, Bruce you are having a stern crumple in your brain! We need someone brainy!”
“Alright, Alright. “ Said Bruce, shaking with anger “I’m not in your woozy and debris mission, cut me out.”
“Settle down, Settle down.” Tom urged “Come on sit. Oh, look at the time, the Demo lessons are about to start!”
Madam Jenny Filter was the youngest teacher in Omega. She wore a massive reddish gown like thing, looking like some sort of recently made a queen.
“Welcome to my class” She said in a very gentle, polite and sweet voice “You’re here to learn from your inner mind, from your inner heart about exactly of the psychic power and what terrible a power a monk has. But for this year, we’re going to keep everything low and you’re welcome to learn about the first steps about how accomplish real freedom from the bonds of life. “
Now, Bruce asked a very stupid question “Do you mean we’ll have to attain salvation, meaning we’ll have to attain our death?”
“NO. It’s not exactly an experiment that I’ll die and show you how to die, but I will tell you about Hritek Roshan, the greatest Salvator. Now what a Salvator means, Salvator means a person who studies Psychic powers. He-“Miss Jenny’s words were cut short by Bruce
“Attained Salvation?” Asked Bruce making everyone laugh.
“NO. “ Miss Jenny struggled to keep her voice low. “He explained about the four virtues of how to reach your aim and that’s what we are to discuss today. Well, I want to see everyone note them down. No.1 He said that the best place is Home. It’s the only place where you can rest and mug up as much as you want and nothing better than your own rooms, right? And let me explain how it is connected with our aims…..”
Suddenly a flash of intuition had leapt into Tom’s mind. He had solved the first mystery.
“I’ve got it!” He exclaimed.
“What you’ve got?”
Tom peered into Miss Jenny’s peculiar black face. “I mean I-I that Hritek Roshan is really g-great. “
“Good. I believe you’ll only choose demo as your main subject for the 8th grades”
Tom couldn’t wait for the class to finish. Because of the terrible excitement he even forgot to note Hritek Roshan’s teachings.
“What’s up with you? “Candy asked after class to a very keyed up Tom.
“Hritek Roshan is the best man I’ve ever heard of.”
“OH. “ Bruce asked being annoyed “We all know he is the God of all the demoers here. And now tell what you’ve got.”
“I’ve found the place where the first Amulet could be!”
“Where?” Candy asked eagerly, even Bruce seemed fervent to know.
“In Rooms! It could be in any of our rooms! Because you know home? Home is the best place for resting and cramming. And for us, in Omega our tents are our most favorite place! So that’s where we will find it. “
Bruce seemed very relieved but Candy seemed sorry. “But there are hundreds of tents here. Which one to search?” She asked practically.
“Yea, that’s true. “ Tom said reasonably. “It could be anywhere. But does it hurt you to go and check your rooms?”
“But it’s true, and the first one was the most and the most easy. “ Bruce smiled down at Tom. “Anyone could have guessed it. “

The afternoon blizzard was heart shaking. The mountain was covered with beautiful snow, dangerous snow in which the whips of cold wind was blowing. Tom and Bruce were just assembled in their seats to meet the lunch when Liam came hoping from a distance.
“It’s awful!” Liam cried out at Tom “I’ve seen them! “
“I was on my way to Sir Blaine (Plant teacher) Patel’s office when I s-saw –“Liam panted “Dex and Mary, those lost students!”
“WHERE? “ Tom thundered.
“In the blizzard, they are stuck over on the Rorsology cave. I had climbed up the Plant cave a minute before the blizzard started whisking. As the blizzard started I returned. I tried to take them with me but the snowstorm started so soon, that I had run for my life But it’s really dangerous , it’s very high and I’m on my way to report the danger! I’m going to the principal! This is awful!” said Liam and ran away.
Tom stood up, anxiously. Then his thoughts had been right. Those two were in the mountains, but why?
But this is not the matter now to think of, he needs to save his enemy, Dex and the girl Elsa! Dex might be his enemy, but no more now because he never meant any hurt to Tom. Tom can’t differentiate now and Dex and Elsa because they needs his hand up there!
“Bruce, Come with me!” Tom called to Bruce.
“What do you mean?” Bruce inquired “Do you mean to rescue them? You can’t, you’re just a 1st grader! We can’t stand a chance in the blizzard!”
“But we’ve got to rescue them anyhow! Think about Elsa and Dex! They won’t even survive for a day. After all, this blizzard will last for a week, how’ll they survive?” Tom said.
“No buts, Bruce. Isn’t Elsa your friend, At least think about her?”
“Ok, Ok.” Bruce bit his lip and started pacing towards the mountain with Tom.
Tom and Bruce ran up to the Mountain and started climbing with full effort. The wind had started whipping in their warm leather clothes.
It was hard for them to walk on the sharp rocky and winding ice path. The route quickly became very steep. Normally the classes were held almost in the top of the narrow ice mountain.
“It’s getting hard and harder” Bruce whispered.
As they set off across the ice once more, a sharp gust of wind blew up suddenly, making them all shiver although they wore warm clothes. Tom accelerated his icy steps and Bruce looked narrowly in the front. A stronger flare of icy cold wind had fluffed up in their heavy clothes but it didn’t stopped.
With its terrible lashes and screams, ice began to thrash in their clothes and the sky suddenly became very dark grey, getting wilder with the blizzard. “The snowstorm is on the start!” Tom yelled trying to find Bruce, who was creeping behind Tom. But Tom didn’t give up.
“I think the cave was this way… “Tom said, trying to see, clearly through the grey and white haze but he could scarcely keep his eyes open in the vicious snow.
“I think we’re lost! I can’t survive in this c-cold!” Chattered Bruce “WE have to find any class cave q-quickly or we’ll die as quickly as Dex and Elsa! Do you t-think they are still a-alive?”
“I hope s-so.” Tom muttered feeling his body going numb. He can’t walk anymore, but he staggered with his last hope of saving them.
The wind kept on howling and screaming and freezing the two poor boys. Their Map lessons had already started but Tom can’t think of classes right now, in this circumstances. They’ve walked for almost twenty minutes, shivering in the cold.
“I-I can feel something rocky and hard, Tom, just see here...” Bruce urged calling Tom.
Tom touched a wall like something with his fingers. It was very cold. Cave?
Tom peered inside and saw two inactive figures lying inside. Is it them?
Before thinking, Tom ran inside and looked carefully in their faces. Its Elsa and Dex! He had found them at last!
“I can’t believe ...” Bruce muttered getting into the cave “Are they dead?”
“No.” Tom mumbled with his last hopes “You have the lighter Bruce? Here, come on I’m wrapping my hankie in this twig, done. Now light it up.”
The light of the fire lighted the whole cave and Tom moved it daintily in the two unconscious faces. They’re alive, they are stirring!
Elsa opened her eyes and Dex did it a second later. Dex sat up and stared at Tom, unbelievably and Elsa broke into a sobbing “I-I Can’t think we are safe! I’m going to be expelled!”
“OK, later. “ Tom said curiously” but why you two came here? The school was searching for you and your parents were called too”
“A shadow called us!” Elsa cried, tears rolling down her white face.
“A shadow?” Bruce trembled.
“Yes, a dark one with red, ruby eyes. It said to meet it in the mountain and it’ll give some something precious” Dex explained “We listened to the shadow and together went to look after it. But as we climbed and climbed, we couldn’t find the shadow anymore. We searched and searched and at last thought it was FALSE. But when we tried to find our way to school, we couldn’t. We searched for a whole day but never found the school. It was like we were stuck in a hell maze, from where you can never return. Then this afternoon we found this cave after a lot of effort and came here. We must have fainted because of this unbearable cold.”
“Terrific. “ Bruce mumbled “How could you believe a shadow only because of greediness?”
“…we thought…but it was attracting us… really very attracting it was…” Elsa whispered and asked “Did you come to rescue us?”
“T-Thanks “She muttered.
“I never believed you’ll save my life, Tom.” Dex muttered in awe looking down in the ice.
“Leave it. Oh, the fire died, Bruce light again.” Tom said.
Bruce flicked his lighter but the embers didn’t appear. “Disgusting. Not working. “
“No one can survive in this cold.” Said Tom dizzily. “I’m feeling very sleepy and cold.”
“So do we” said Dex hugging his knees with his hands. “We’d die if the school doesn’t find us. “
“We can only sit and wait…” said Tom in an undertone voice glancing out in the whipping snowstorm. Will the driving snow block the cave and shut them inside?
They haven’t got any idea of how to save themselves from this cold. Even Bruce’s lighter isn’t working. Tom thought miserably ‘It’s time to die in this woozy cold’.
Tom looked around dizzily. He’s feeling very numb. He could barely feel his hands in the ice and his head was spinning badly with his body frozen in death. So, is this what feels when you die?
Tom tried to open his eyes, but he couldn’t anymore. He’s perhaps…
Tom opened his eyes shakily. There was Bruce bounding over him, his face still white in the cold. Tom had somehow fainted. “It’s an hour I’m trying to get you up. Look out!”
Tom peeked from the cave to outside. Somehow- miraculously, the snowstorm hadn’t stopped but had calmed down a little, which is enough for them to return to school.
“Come on, we need to go, bullhead!” Dex roared from behind.
“Don’t forget we rescued you or else you two might have become ice-creams by now. “ Bruce assumed very logically.
“There are no creatures in this mountain?” Tom asked, getting out of the cave, feeling a little calmer blast of wind whipping again.
“No. We’ve been wandering all morning; we didn’t even see a plant.” Elsa said miserably.
“Plants don’t grow in ice, except Rio Herbs” Said Tom pacing through the icy path.
Tom had started to feel the cold again and now he could see flat white snowy ground stretching with its entire mind, and the last terror which struck Tom was they might be in the smoother ice and he wondered if they are walking over a lake or not.
“I know this place.” Elsa said “From west of here is the ice valley, but remember we’re not in the solid grounds and this looks outlandishly thin. I wonder if those cra-“
Oddly, Tom heard a thick cracking sound. All the four had seen the something.
They could see pools of water beneath their legs. The ice’s melting!
In a jiffy, the ice had gashed, and Tom could see the frosty cerulean in the ice, which had cracked open in a flash. The four galloped like a horse, over the stinging arctic water, feeling dreadful.” This must be the Neo Lake! I’ve heard of this lake!” Dex cried and the four ran across the melting ice, but none of them had ever run so fast. They could feel the cold wind coming for a howl again. Will they make it?
Perhaps yes and perhaps no because as Tom had touched the ice of solid icy land, Bruce’s foots had slipped behind the melting ice. He led out a scream and it finished as soon as he vanished below the bitter navy water.
“BRUCE!” Tom called out.
“We need to get him out!” Elsa yelled, as she and Dex landed on the hard ice.
“But it’d take a lot of time, all ready I could feel the blizzard returning to shape...” Dex muttered.
“But we can’t leave our friend in danger!” Tom called and threw himself in the ice to look for Bruce.
Bruce’s cold fingers touched Tom’s fingers through the ice. Bruce had disappeared with a hole and was continuously peering out from it, to breathe. But how longer could he hold his breath like this?
“We’ve to do something!” Tom bellowed nervously.
Meanwhile Elsa had taken out something from her pocket. “Tom, this might help!”
Tom grasped the rope tightly and yowled “Help me; we need to get Bruce out of this deadly water!”
The three friends threw the rope in the water waiting for Bruce to hold it. But Bruce didn’t come out. Is he alright?
Then to their relief Bruce got hold of that rope, flippantly. Dex holds the rope, grudgingly and the three began to pull with their all might. But Bruce had fainted.
As Bruce had fainted, his hold to the rope had become very weak. But who can faint in this woozy and terrible cold? Bruce opened his eyes at once, but his eyes weren’t focusing properly or he could grip the rope firmly.
“We’ll get you out...” Tom muttered as their work brought success and Bruce hit the solid mass of ice. Their team work had saved Bruce!
“Are you all right?” Elsa and Tom fell in Bruce’s face who smiled weakly.
“Here, take this.” Said Tom pulling out his own coat to Bruce, who kept on shivering.
“Are you three going to sit there and chat for whole day? CAN’T YOU SEE THE BLIZZARD’S coming again to kill us?” Dex bawled out, looking very petrified.
“Can you walk?” Tom asked “We’ve to return anyhow.”
But before Bruce could answer someone said aloud “There are they!”
Bruce quivered. The school had arrived.
It was Liam, Miss Penny, Sir Chuck and Sir Tinetin who had arrived on the spot. Bruce trembled, perhaps of cold or of the fear of being expelled.
“I told you, they are here, Halloa!” Liam said in a shuddering voice “Tom and Bruce? What are you two doing here?”
“Trying to show your power and braveness, Hyena and Tom?” Miss Penny asked in a cold voice with a disgusting air. “Acting to be The Great?”
“No Ma-“
“Why are you hear, May I know?”
The four students went on explaining about how Elsa and Dex went there, how Tom and Bruce found them after a lot of effort, how Bruce had plunged into the deadly water and how they rescued him.
“A shadow? How curious... How curious...” Sir Tinetin whispered, in a pale voice.
“What do you think sir? What should these boys get for their punishment?”
“That’s your part, Miss Penny.” Sir Tinetin beamed at Tom and Bruce.
In a minute Sir Chuck and Miss Penny disappeared from the place and Tom and Bruce turned their foot to go.
“Where are you going?” Sir Tinetin inquired.
“You’re going to expel us, aren’t you?” Tom replied.
“Tom and Bruce” Sir Tinetin said “A lot amount of braveness is required in every dangerous situation in life like these. Friendship also esteems real braveness among the friends, though which friends share; help each other out in their most treacherous problems. I therefore esteem and admire your braveness.”
“But- “
“Miss Penny has probably gone for something else, which you’ll know later.” Sir Tinetin smiled down at them. “And now follow me, back to school and I think Bruce you’ll have to go to the hospital as soon as possible”
Everything had turned to be prolific after Tom and Bruce’s little adventure and but cost them too much was that their current rising fame. Even after Dex’s rescue, Dex wouldn’t think that Tom or Bruce had saved him but he did it himself. He made out some foolish and reckless story to everyone but when in the assembly in front of the whole school, Sir Tinetin had told everyone about the real incident and the risks of Tom and Bruce, Dex’s face had gone purple and he might not need to bang his head with his goblet if Tom and Bruce weren’t called and prized for their bravery.
“Really, Really, Really, why didn’t you to call me in this adventure? After all, I’m in your team too.” Candy said to them after the plant class.
“We didn’t have any time. And after all, you were that time in the monk class.” Tom said.
“Alright, you could have made a false excuse and called me. Foolish boys.”
Candy kept on yelling at them till Bruce changed the subject “Alright, leave it. And now, tell What about the Amulet?”
“What about the Amulet?” Said Candy angrily “Are we supposed to check and rummage in every rooms here? Tom, you have a brilliant theory but no use of it”
Within a flash of seconds, Dex had arrived with a cry boy which he introduced at very first as Conan Tip.
“Tom, you may think you are a genius because of that freak situation. If it hadn’t been so cold I would have made you lick my feet.”
“Seen your courage. You were saying to leave Bruce in that water, selfish boy. “Tom said impolitely.
“After all, you don’t have wealth or power, bonny boy.”
“What wealth DO YOU POSSESE?” Candy barked.
“This.” Dex pulled a very shiny round object written ‘Moon ‘on the top. Bruce’s eyes glittered, not with greediness but with terror.
“That’s the Am-“
Tom anticipated between “Can I have a good look?”
“Yea, you may look hundred times but never Touch, poor boy” Dex rumbled pulling out the shiny round object to them. “It’s the Amulet.” Candy whispered in Tom’s ears.
“Dex, I heard there’s contest going on there. You’ll have to hand your most precious objects to me and Tom to take part. We’ll give your wealthy thing to Sir Francis Motto and you’ll reward for your object. “Bruce invented.
“What? But I’ve never heard of Sir Francis Motto” Dex inquired “A new teacher?”
“Umm….I means y-yes. So, say will you take part? If you win you’ll be given a gold medal and will be declared the most studious, powerful, wealthy and the best boy in school”
Dex’s eyes shone brightly. “OK, But why you?”
“Sir Motto has chosen me.”
Dex handed the amulet to Tom, unwillingly. “But –“
“Think of being first! Oh, I forgot something. Listen if you don’t win, you won’t get your thing back, Bye” Called out Bruce and jerked Tom and Candy and broke into a great, happy run and stopped exactly in Tom’s room.
“Hurray! I can sing!” Candy called out. “You are brilliant, Bruce!”
“But we cheated him “Tom said.
“Oh, he cheats us a lot of time. And after all, this is a puny little cheat. Doesn’t matter. “Answered Bruce looking at the Amulet of Moon.
“Now, we won’t have any freak accident, but where to keep it?” Tom asked.
“Hmm… I once read in a library book ‘Amulets’ that Amulets should be given to the Diver.”
“Who’s a diver?”
“To whom the god has given a letter with the Amulet puzzles. And I think Tom should keep it. Alright, Tom?”
Tom nodded gleefully. He felt sorry for Dex but soon forgot it has kept his first ‘Amulet of Moon’ which will save people from any freak accidents.
“Can I ask something?” Tom asked suddenly “What is Moon?”
“SERIOUSLY.” Candy roared “Now? Moon means accident .I had heard of a planet called Earth which’s satellite is named as Moon.”
“Great.” Said Tom, his face shining in the sun.
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