Tommy A legend : The Five Amulets

written by Crystal White

There has been another planet , thousands of miles away from Earth called Eric and I have been writing the legends of this new unspecified planet, Eric , the legend of Tommy with no last name for now. Excuse me if I'm using a few terms of Earth like the month names , week names because I'm bound to use them because I don't know many details about these. Tommy, found by a respectable gentleman Hugo Brackenstall had been living in Quarrel Avenue for ten years until he got his school letter and went to Omega, the school where students are firmly trained with weaps.Then he receives a strange letter from an unknown address saying about the five Amulets which are to be found by him or else Amensia will be plunged with terrible cold, awful hot , accidents, unstoppable fires and life risks. Now, Tom( his nickname) starts his adventure with unraveling these strange mysteries and finding the five Amulets, but be beware ! An evil Lord seem to be added up too...

Last Updated






The Strange letter and arrival to Omega

Chapter 3
The days weren’t going as smoothly as Tom had hoped. More than two months have gone, but there is still almost a month before he starts for the school year and course you can’t find mysteries in everyday life. Mysteries are just like fire, can set up from anywhere, anytime. After the fire in the Eric year day, people had nothing much to babble except the fire. They would swear to talk about the person who set the curtains charred, because people rather think it’s some sort of potent and authoritative person who might have done that. Tom had looked forward in solving this simple mystery; perhaps he could ask Bruce and Candy?
He hadn’t seen any of them in the roads. Hugo had met the Hyenas and what they say is Bruce is very sad about that sudden issue. What could be more depressing than losing your mother? But last day, he had seen Bruce in the Park, talking with a stranger. There, Bruce had told him that he had something important to tell Tom, on the coming Sunday in the Spring Park.
On the rather boiling Sunday morning, Tom woke early at sharply four. Hugo normally goes out at dawn for morning walk and returns by six, but Tom was never an early riser like Hugo, he could sleep till the crows bark in the mornings.
Slowly, he swept past the kitchen in the 2nd floor to get the breakfast ready. Hugo always demands breakfast by six.
Tom prepared the bacons, butter and bread- all ready and at last hoping to see his favorite quiz show; he clambered down into the stairs straight to the 1st floor in the drawing room. There was a flash of fair light shining in the floors.
Tom moved around, has Hugo left the TV open? It only sounds like that.
The small TV was left open in which was glittering a ballet show in which girls dressed in crimson dress were dancing away happily. Tom glanced at the TV and briskly shot his eyes into the Sofa. There was someone in it, but it wasn’t Hugo.
It was an outsized green giant, with leaves in its neck was watching the TV. It had two long brown horns jutting from its temples, rising down, straight to its elbow. It had a large cherry mouth and two very small blonde eyes, which were truly saying it was a very gentle giant.
“Oyo, you’re finally awake. I got past your bed three times – but you were sleeping like some red pillowcase didn’t have any sleep for a year…” The giant had a terrible loud voice, which sounded more loudly as it burst into titters.
“Err- hello, I don’t think it’s –“
“You don’t think you know me, eh? “The giant stumbled over Tom; Tom could see all his teethes yellow and a bit jade too.” I’m Pearl, just Pearl, at your service.”
“But I don’t think I-“
“You don’t think you have a job for me? “ Pearl anticipated between, showing his large front teethes “I don’t work really- really, I have got a piece of news for you. “
“A news? “ Tom tried to say “What- “
“What kind of news? Well, it’s not exactly a news, it’s sort of thing I think I’ve got to tell you. “
“Yeah, I can understand.” Tom said with some ire, his face rather frenzy “But – “
“But you think who sent me? Well, I can’t tell it right now, to you, Tommy Tom.”
“I’m not in a rush, so I’ll begin from start – err, can’t you make some tea while I watch this amusing show?” The giant laughed.
Feeling very droll and rather odd, Tom went towards the kitchen to make tea. Within just ten minutes, he returned and the TV was shut off.
“Where were? I thought you went to sleep again.” The giant chortled, in a funny clicking noise.
“So- you said – you wan- “
“I wanted to relate you from beginning, about why I’m here. “
“Yeah – “
“Yeah, I ‘m saying. “Said Pearl as he poured the tea in his pursed lips.
“So- “
“So, what was I saying? Yeah, I remember –well, you live with the Brackenstalls right? “
“Ye- “
“You mean yes? “ Pearl coughed and muttered away. “Here I’ve got you a letter, it’s a puzzle, and actually the sender wants you to solve this small mystery yourself, so that you can know the reason yourself. “
“But- “
“But you haven’t got an idea, how to? I have given you a load of time, think, and take help from others BUT I WARN YOU NOT TO SHOW THIS TO YOUR UNCLE. “The giant bellowed.
“Alright, right, right.” Tom murmured, shaking. “And –“
“And here, take this letter, and now- “Pearl said, handing him the letter
Tom’s stomach lurched.
There was a knocking on the main door. Hugo was back.
“Its uncle…. Come here!” Tom roared, shoving Pearl into the toilet. Pearl was a lot bigger than the toilet but somehow Tom managed to stuff him inside.
The main door flung opened. Hugo always takes the key with him.
“So, you are already awakened. Good, Good. “Said Hugo briskly, turning towards the toilet.
“No, wait, uncle, here have the breakfast don’t – “Mouth dry, Tom raised his voice to stop Hugo.
“But you know Tom, I’ve got to clean my feet and face. “Said Hugo in alarm “is someone inside?” He asked, pressing the door, to open.
A bomb is going blast now. But before that Tom‘ll blast.
Hugo raked inside the bathroom. But the giant wasn’t inside. It was empty.
‘Did the giant have vanishing powers? ‘Thought Tom dully. So, the giant vanished? But how is it possible?
Suddenly, Tom moved his eyes towards the letter on the table. Hugo hadn’t noticed it!
Like an express train, Tom made a grab for the letter and sprinted towards his bedroom. Yeah, he’s got the letter.
Musing about what Pearl had told him, Tom started unwrapping the letter.
In the letter, was written:
The five Amulets and the Omegan places, Beware!
One maybe found where we please,
Where we rest and cram as we please,
The second will perhaps be hidden in your most needed place in your home,
In case, whatever it be,
The third might be in the most soaring place,
Hidden and buried in the ice,
The four might be in a dim and sacred place,
Where the cursing folks might live
With their dreading and valiant accuracy!
And in the last was written:
Find the fifth yourself.
Izradw Nana
What all these mean? Tom thought miserably. The five amulets?
Feeling like a mystery, Tom stuffed the letter inside his diary. From downstairs he heard his uncle‘s voice “Tom, I can’t find the TV remote, can you help me find it?”
Tom opened the door swiftly and came outside. Bruce had told him to meet him at the park on the Sunday evening, four. Tom hadn’t had any idea, of who could dare to slay Bruce’s dear mother and his heart says he shouldn’t be thinking about it.
The little Modern Art Park of the Quarrel Avenue didn’t have any more impulsive people except one. There were a few children riding on a large elephant balloon and swinging a swing.
At first, he couldn’t detect Bruce right away. Instead he found the only one impulsive boy in green hair, very ashen-looking face, as if the boy has recently failed an examination. His eyes were fairly unpleasant, bluish-purple eyes, glittering at Tom.
“Hey. “The boy said palely. “You are Bonny, right?”
“Tommy. “ Tom said dully, with a slight cough.
“Very strange name. Tom… male cats? “The boy sounded too much like a vex thing. “ And my name’s Dex boot, not really that I prefer Boots. Well, just Tommy? “
“Yeah ...” Tom said in perplexity “I’ve heard of you”
“Yeah, you might have heard of my new Medicalogy (Study of medicines) result, well I’m first in it. “
“Perhaps…. Bruce told me about you.”
“Bruce? That penniless and scanty fellow, you can say, they are very envious to me “
“Why?” Tom asked with disgust.
“Well, we are the richest one here, Tom. Well, err, nice to meet you. “Said Dex with a sort of sharp giggle, as he raised his hands to shake.
“Well, that’s it, I’m not much pleased to meet you. “ Tom said drably.
“Yeah, Yeah.” Dex said sharply. “You’d meet the same end as Bruce’s family. Brainless, motherless fellow. And you, a parentless fellow. “
“Say that again!” Tom raised his voice, tersely.
“So you’re going to fight me, eh? Not now, not now, some day of course, if I can meet you,” said Dex in disgust, and hastily walked away, shooting a boorish look at Tom.
Dex might have dodged away because Tom was a lot taller than him, like a high school boy. But it wasn’t Tom’s blunder, really.
Tom spotted Bruce and Candy coming from the Swings. Before everything, Tom related to them about Dex Boot.
“A very offensive boy. Let me find him, I’ll change my name if I didn’t break his arms and legs sent him to the hospital for a bed rest for exactly a year. “Candy divulged, perhaps something she wanted to say for ages.
“Later on, you can deal with Dex; after all he’s going to omega too!” Bruce said with abhorrence.
“What!” Candy cried out, as if she had landed from space to Earth” This is not viable”
“This is likely to happen. After all he’s got money and money is above everything! “Bruce exclaimed. “ But how he got chance in Omega is a complete secret…I think because he’s first in everything”
“No. Money can buy you everything, but not happiness. Think, you’ve lose your mother just like me, can you buy it with money, Bruce? “Tom explained.” There are many things in this world you cannot buy with gold and wealth, Bruce. “
“I agree with you. “ Candy sighed, as Bruce muttered under his breath.
“Well. “ Bruce said “I wanted your help for something. Dad didn’t really want us to go for such a dangerous matter, but I didn’t listen.”
“What’s it? “ Tom asked, very eagerly.
“We want revenge. “ Candy roared.
“Revenge?” Tom trembled.
“Course, revenge from the murderer of our mother!” Bruce shouted “Dad says it an accident but it’s not! It was a murder, someone had planned it. Say, Tom you’ll help us!”
“Yes. “Said Tom with a strange pain “After all, I can’t let your mother die without any punishment. “
“You know, you are very good. There is something which is above everything. “Said Candy. “It’s goodness, braveness. “

“But it’ll be risky, Tom!” Bruce said coldly.
“I don’t care how risky it’d be! So, what are your plans? “
“Plans? We’ve got. “Candy said, smiling.
“Umm… You mean the Boot’s right? “
“Exactly!” Bruce alleged” It could be only him; no one hates us as much as the Boot’s. We can spy them!”
“So… you mean we shall act like a secret agent and spy them up?” Tom said, weirdly.
“But why should they do this? It’s completely illogic, Bruce!” Candy with disgust. “We’ve no proofs, at all. “
“But I’m sure…” Bruce murmured. “We can be involved in espionages! We can spy them whole day!”
“I understood why you get so bad in studies.” Candy muttered “How can we inspect someone like this? We may end up with no results! “
“Then ask him straight. “
“Never” Tom said “He’d never say. “
“Then? We’ve to be sure that it’s Dex!”
“OK. “Candy exclaimed “Listen, We won’t asking him straight or inspect him. He doesn’t know me right? Or do I know him? I’ll soon be his very best friend and he’d tell me everything. I’ll act that I’m …. Lavender Bone!”
“Splendid! He neither knows how you look like, nor are you Bruce’s sister!! It is a terrific thought; looks like you are having a brainstorm!” Tom said cheerily.
“But it’d take a lot of time… Candy…” Bruce said with no interest at all.
“Wait and see.” Candy said abruptly.
“Alright, but I want to see some pun-“
“WAIT AND SEE” Candy warned her face shiny with the brilliant idea.
The Boot’s were clearly the most richest and foul family in the Quarrel Avenue. They had a large mauve mansion, a lime, large backyard, and splendid flora. It was completely a king’s mansion.
10 days had passed. Who knows how Candy might be doing, but Bruce said to wait near the Boot mansion today to Tom, Candy will be asking him today about the fire.
Tom and Bruce hid near the bushes, while Candy in a very pretty crimson dress waited outside, her smile rather fixed. There was Dex talking with her. Tom heeded them with full caution.
“- And you can think about the weather, it’s like a rampage.” Dex sniggered. “After the entire Hyena’s so poor.”
“Yeah.” Candy gave a short snort “Do you know anything about the fire in the Eric year day? “
“No. I was rather frightened about the fire and I really pity Bruce. He has a sister right, what’s that stupid’s name?”
“Mum... yes…Candy, I think. “Candy stammered, with a little heat.
“Yeah. Bruce’s father is a Hostel teacher; I hope they won’t hungry for the rest of them months. “
Candy became very stern “yes…”
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing, really, nothing. Well, who do you think can fire?”
“Anyone. I haven’t got the least idea. We have not hadn’t done it, I tell you. The Bruce’s think we’ve done it, but we didn’t really. My father and mother weren’t in the party, only I was. Well, how many times are you going to ask that thing? “
“Oh… well… looks….like …..I am having a stomach ache…..I’ll have to go, see ya soon. “
Dex bounded back to his mansion and Candy sprinted towards us.
“I’ve been asking him for last three days about this, and I don’t think the Boot’s have done it, Bruce. “Candy said sharply.
“Then I don’t know who else can do it, “Bruce said, sadly.
“You know what I think?”
“It was an accident.”
“It only looks like that.” Tom consented. “Why would someone want to kill your mum, Bruce? “
“NO.” Bruce boomed “It was a murder!”
“Stop it, or I’ll MURDER YOU, you malicious, cruel, dense, mindless AND dim-witted BOY.” Candy said terribly, shaking the passer-byes.
“You’ve returned to your nasty mood I see. “ Bruce mumbled softly.
“We’ll see about that that has that nasty and senseless feelings and thoughts wasn’t it your idea that the Boot’s have done it? “
“And didn’t you say that you’d act like lavender Bones and be Dex’s friend? “ Bruce thundered.
“Yeah, and my plan worked, you silly and brainless git!” Candy roared.
“OH.” Tom thundered, even louder than Candy and Bruce “Stop ARGUEING. You’ve got to solve out that the real mystery of this case, right?”
“Yeah, but he started first. “ Candy said, sternly.
“LIER!” Bruce shouted. “Let me tell this to dad!”
“STOP, I SAY STOP” Tom bellowed “Stop fighting; can’t you two think of something sensible?”
“Well… it’s all because you were adopted!” Bruce cried out.
“Really? “ Tom asked.
“Yes. I am Bruce’s half-sister, I was adopted.” Candy said in a much wrung voice.
“Stop, I need to tell you something. “ Something had flashed in Tom’s mind. He should have told Bruce and Candy about Pearl, early.
“Really, you can show me the letter? “ Candy said, interestingly.
“I’ve learned it, somehow, here –
The five Amulets and the Omegan places, Beware!
One maybe found where we please,
Where we rest and cram as we please,
The second will be found in your most needed place in your home,
In case, whatever it be,
The third might be in the most soaring place,
Hidden and buried in the ice,
The four might be in a dim and sacred place,
Where the cursing folks might live
With their dreading and valiant accuracy!
And in the last was written:
Find the fifth yourself.
“WOW” Candy roared “the five amulets of Amensia! I know about them! Does that mean we have got to search about them? We can start that in Omega!”
“Yea!” Tom exclaimed “You know I’m really excited about this, Candy. Looks like, we’ve to solve this mystery. “
“So, you know what? “ Candy said abruptly in a very wound up tone “If we solve this mystery, we can get the five amulets! But I wonder who sent it. It’s jumbled, right? “
“Yeah” Tom said, curiously. “And pearl won’t tell me the name. “
“IT would have been great if we knew magic. We could magic it out. “Candy said, comically.
“And the first Pl-“Suddenly, Tom looked at Bruce, he was marching away.
“Where are you going Bruce?” Tom asked.
“I’m going away. You two unravel and decipher this gag”
“So what you want? “
“You? “ Candy laughed “Solving the witticism case of that murder. “
“It’s all because you don’t care about her!” Bruce said in a loud voice.
“Why should I? “ Candy said carefully “I was 8 that time, my dear mother died, and you remember Bruce? Your mother had laughed in my face. I never liked her. So what were we saying Tom?”

“You carry on that, I’ll solve it mine.”

“Good luck, dim- witted, boy!” Candy roared with sniggers.
But, Tom felt pity for Bruce, the motherless boy. After all, he also doesn’t have a mother. He could feel that, a cry inside his heart, and perhaps his own head was shouting “Tom, Tom, and Tom!”

Three days to go .Tom’s got a full list for his grade 1 school books:
1) ‘Study of Rorsology ‘ by Geolideril Frankings
2) ‘ Monk History : A true tale ‘ by Leo Marikason
3) ‘Dragonsim’ for Grade 1 ‘ by Mika Missy
4) ‘ Shamanism Tales ‘ by Firenha Fire
5) ‘ Use of your Demos ‘ by Terra Campbell
6) ‘ Spaceology 1 ‘ by Ghitak Dorus

A Perfect set of books were sent to Tom, and his uniforms too which turned out to be very eccentric and quite unexpected. It were like robes but were smaller than robes, in black color which could only reach up to your knees and down them, you wear black trousers.
On the first school day, Tom was awakened up, and got fully dressed and sat on Hugo’s old crimson car, which could live for exactly a year or two. Tom was packed inside and Hugo was about to start the engine when Tom remembered he had forgotten his Pens and diary. The second time Tom had remembered to get his ‘Use your Demos ‘when Hugo had taken a right turn to leave the Quarrel Avenue. Hugo was fierce.
The station called Lobstock which was situated in the east of Red cat village was known to be an eventful and diligent place, from where the Omega express will journey to the Ice Mountains. It’s exactly a 6 hours trip.
“Sorry, err- may I know if this is Lobstock and if it’s eight? “
Asked a girl about the age of Tom, with bright bushy yellow hairs and a very glinting and dynamic face, as Tom nodded but it seemed foolish to him because it was already written on the ticket counter with big letters. And everyone can see the large clock tower, can’t this girl?

Tom had big hopes to find Bruce or Candy but it seemed they’ve forgotten to check the date.
“I think you’ll have a nice term Tom, and now get along. “
A bright yellow colored Train had appeared on the tracks, and Tom flew into it, shoving his lug gages hastily, because a crowd of students had thrown themselves into the train.
There was a rummage for a minute or two, and by then the crowd had slid into their compartments, hearts and minds ready for a new school year. Most of the compartments were full with boys and girls kicking each other or yakking in loud voices. But Tom couldn’t find his friends.
“Tête-à-tête, ya your right, I must say – “
Tom whirled round to face an almost triangular faced boy, looking very sad as his mother was kissing him goodbye.
And beside that boy was standing a very uncouth boy, Tom always knew.
“Dex… So nice to see you again. “Tom said coolly, rather brave than last time he had met Dex Boot.
“Seriously, how you got a chance here, eh? After all – “
“After all, you’re here too. “
“You must know with whom you should disrepute and with whom you should revere, and I can correct you heart fully.”
“No thanks, “Tom answered quickly “Because I think I can help myself understand that. “
Dex threw Tom a dirty look and began to stroll into another compartment.
Tom spanned speedily, and ran to meet Hugo through the windows.
“I must say- the train’s going to leave now, so goodbye “
“Yes, uncle. “ Tom muttered beaming.
“And somehow I don’t know what this is, is this yours? I found this paper, you must have torn this from a book, see.”
Hugo handed Tom a letter, and Tom tried hard not to bellow. It was the letter Pearl had given to Tom. How came Hugo never chuck it out and how Tom became so careless?
“Year- m-mine, we use-d t-to –“
““OK, keep it to yourself; oh the train’s got to go.” Said Hugo as the train began to stir slowly. “Have a good term!”
In a second the train began to leave the platform , leaving Quarrel Avenue, Lobstock , the burned banquet hall , Red cat village and Hugo far behind . Tom walked into an empty compartment.
No, he had thought it was empty but it wasn’t. It was occupied by a tall (almost of Tom’s height) boy, with dazzling red hairs like fire.
“Hey. “ Said the boy in a wrung voice. “Liam Campbell.”
“Tommy. “ Tom murmured in a low voice.
“6th grader? “Liam asked.
“No, I’m new, 1st.”
“Impossible, I never saw someone so tall, in 1st grade. “ Liam said in awe.
The compartment door twitched and two familiar faces whizzed inside.
“Tom! We’ve been raking for you for at least an hour!” It was Candy’s voice and beside her stood Bruce.
“Guess who is in the teacher compartment? TERRA CAMPBELL!” Bruce rumbled louder than ever. “Wait, isn’t this LIAM? YEAH, you’re grandfather’s there, go and meet him. “
“We’ve met a dozen times already.” Said Liam and jerked his head towards the window. There was wasn’t much scenery except a few patchy fields and coconut trees.
“I know why. He’s a celebrity and no one’s allowed to meet him. “Candy talked softly “Bruce, use your brains, we can’t meet Terra. “
“But I think he must teach Demo lessons in Omega, right? Let’s ask Liam. LIAM” Bruce thundered, shaking Tom.
But it created no interest in Liam. He was wearing a prefect badge and mumbled about something else” All you three in swords? Got your weaps yet?”
“No. “Bruce grumbled “Where will we get it?”
“I’m the prefect of Swords, and here I have my weap paper and I must ask your name. “
“Bruce Hyena.”
“Candy Hyena”
“Only Tommy?
“Yes “
“Great “Liam spoke confidently.
“OK “Candy griped, sternly.
“Umm…? “ Tom inquired.
“You’ll get in school, no worries. “Groused Liam, grinning and in a minute he went outside.
“Candy, you like Archery!” Tom said, in a sort of complaining way.
“Did I make a blunder? After All, I don’t make so great muddles like Mr. Hyena. “
“I –“
“Stop arguing Bruce. “ Tom yawned “Can’t you two think of something important except these chaises?”

“I know! The case – “
“OF my MOTHER”s murder, right?” Candy completed “Let’s hear from Tom, what you made of that letter?”
“NOW, listen! “ Bruce shouted “I’m not included in your jumbles and messes or in this gag, so cut me out.”

“You were cut ages ago, hyena. “ Candy roared and perhaps she was about to say something more but three polite girls broke the dispute.
“Sorry to disturb, but you –“
“Err?” The second girl in pink hairs and in a red face said “I’m Blanche Rose, the smart girl and this one is Elena Frank, the head girl and this is Elsa White, the pretty girl”
She was true. Elsa was really pretty with her brown long hairs and a satisfying white face, and Elena was taller than Tom, and looked quite bossy in her slight blue short hair, tied in a tight bun. Blanche looked the most intelligent and vigorous among the Three Girls with long blonde hairs and what a weird red nose.
“And we are the school’s most active cheerleaders “Elsa said in an affable way. “ Well, I and Blanche just became for the cheer leader position from Miss Dorothy, the sports teacher”
“Oh, my name’s Tommy, this is Bruce and Candy. “ Tom said, looking at the puzzled look in Blanche’s face.
“I know you! “ Blanche said to Candy “Everyone’s discussing about you. “
“Am I famous?” Asked Candy, happily as if she really wants to hear a yes from Blanche.
“I mean, there’s something at your back so we came to help you out from public humiliation. Everyone’s degrading you, just look at your back. “
“MY back?” Candy said lively and asked Tom to see what is it. Tom went paralyzed and Bruce began to smirk and snigger loudly, than ever.
Something was written with yellow ink in Candy’s back:
“Wonderful!” Bruce cried out with jolliness, scanning Tom’s bewildered, colorless face “Wow” Elena tried hard not to laugh.
“So, you better change “Said Elsa and Blanche together. “We only wanted to save you from this trouble, sorry if you are hurt. “
It wasn’t the first time; Candy had an irate and furious remark upon her red face. “It’s Dex, he did this!” Candy fumed and gnashed her teeth heatedly “I’ll kill that Boot!”
“You can kill him later but first change, I think there’s a washroom over there” Elsa pointed.
Candy stamped her foot crossly and ran out of the compartment. Now, to her disappearance, everyone laughed out merrily.
The three Cheerleaders sat down, smiling.
“How’d you know about that?” Bruce asked, still smirking.
“Everyone knows it, and we too knew it very well” Blanche said.
“I can say, we’re now in the part of Beast forest. “ Elena said briskly looking at the open window which showed trees of different kinds and it indicated they were in a forest.
“Time for some food!” Bruce uttered, and took out a large box.
Tom had bought 4 sandwiches with corned beef, Bruce had apple pie, Candy had treacle tarts, Elena had hamburgers, Elsa had boxes of chocolates and Blanche had three pieces of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla cakes. They had a good time, which turned even good, when Liam returned with Noodles, and he was packed with all sorts of bogus but humorous stories. Their talks turned from foods, to families, and then about school. Tom hadn’t even noticed the time, 6 hours had passed.
“We must be there, just ten minutes” Blanche said loudly. “And we’ll be in school! You know, I and Elsa are starting our first year and Elena and Liam are both 6th I think “
“Yes” Said Elena and Liam together.
The train had stopped exactly after three minutes in a deep, profound forest. The six friends hurried with the crowd of students outside.
The forest was taller and you can’t see the sky, it was every dark, because of the tall trees, shaped like a canopy.
“Queue up!” Cried someone.
Tom twitched his head to see a man of thirty in a much bronzed dress and pale face, and his veins were sticking out. “He’s probably Sir Henry Cocks, teaches maps, I think “Elsa muttered. “ My dad knows him”
With the students in line, Sir Henry began to lead them into the forest. It was getting dark and darker with every step. Where are they going and where is Omega?
Tom was as excited as the other students. Elena was mumbling about all she had learned from Shamanism to Liam, speedily and Blanche was the most active among all the students. She looked as if she knew everything and Elsa kept on peeking to get a better view of the forest, with great elation. Bruce and Candy were awestruck and so was Tom, where are they going, really and really?
They were soon in a never – ending field, where the bright light of the sun could enter and it seemed perfect for Omega. There were lots of tents scattered in the large field, and perhaps hundreds. The students were quickly taken into a field guarded with fences where tables and chairs were kept. Soon, they were all settled cozily.
“I’m really excited, Tom “Candy murmured. “ Look!”
Tom hadn’t noticed the spiral long mountain in front of him, sparkling in the sun with its ice, but it seemed foolish to Tom that how the ice hadn’t melted in all this heat. Is it magic?
Tom was thinking about the ice mountain, when a serious lady in a murky cloak, stepped into the field.
“I know you cannot believe you’re in school but it’s true. “ She said rudely, but then said in a normal voice “At first you’ll have your weap ceremony, and it’s very important. Weaps are not something you should play with “She said all these very fast.
“It’s Miss Penny Bleak!” Elsa whispered. “Teaches Rorsology, very strict and a bit rude, head of the archers“
Miss Penny went out of the field and came again with a large mauve box. Tom hadn’t looked into the front large table, in which a posh gentleman of 40 was sitting, looking contently at the students.
“Sir Tinetin Plum, one of the best principal and Swordsmen I’ve ever seen! “Elsa muttered again, looking at the principal and then at the teachers in the teacher table.
What? When did all these people come? Tom never saw someone coming from the field; he was always staring at it. Are all these People knows magic or some other odd stuff?
“Now, we must start our weap ceremony. “ Said Miss Penny stridently. “You’ll come forward and open the box and take your weaps as I call your name.” She said studying a large paper.
OH, so easy! Tom thought they had to grapple the teacher or the principal.
“George Like! “
A boy in a smudged robe came forward and opened the box. He had got his axe.
“Mite Faro!”
Mite got a sword, and became the first sword as she ran back to her seat.
“Blanche Lapin!” Blanche had a got a purple bow and set of arrows.
“Lie Mink”
Lie got two short shiny swords (Rogue)
“Elsa White (in archery too) ….Sonia Yvonne …. Cho Rung ….Bruce Hyena…” Bruce leaped forwards and opened the box hurriedly. He had got an icy sword.
There weren’t much people left. Only four to catch Tom. Tom could feel a sense of trepidation run through him.
At last, “Tommy, err- no surname, dear?” Miss penny looked perplexed and gazed at Tinetin who shook off his head as Tom hurried in the front.
Tom guzzled fearfully and started to open the box. What if there’s nothing for him in the box and he’s sent back saying he was not supposed to be choose for Omega? What if it was a false letter? Tom gulped again.
No, at least there was something. A black, gleaming powerful sword like the midnight. Tom didn’t know why, but Sir Tinetin and Miss Penny smiled at him, willingly. Tom was at least happy, because he has got his weaps! Tom’s in Swords!
Candy had got her archery tools too. He, Bruce, Candy, Liam and the three cheerleaders sat together with another black boy, whose name was Brownie Steve.
Tom discerned lots of plates and bowls in the table and got attracted to the plates which were filled with Potato soup, Hamburger, hummus with meat, scoops of chocolate ice cream, sweets, Chicken , Juices, Vanilla crème Brule , tasty treats, Fried rice, Sandwiches, Burgers , cakes and so on…
“And” Tom tore his eyes from the food to the Principal who had stood up. “A Very Jolly year it should be! Welcome to Omega, for another perfect year. Before you can satisfy your hungers you must know something. Anyone interested in Water biking must talk with Miss Dorothy. 1st graders aren’t allowed in the forest and the prefects shall remember that too well. Classes like plant study, Rorsology and Shamanism will be held in the mountain caves. And none of you shall roam in the mountains since a furious blizzard is supposed to occur by a few days and it’s even risky for prefects. Thank you for your patience. “
As the principal took his seat, everyone hasted with the super delicious food. Everyone seemed like starving for ages.
“I can’t really satisfy my malnourishment with these. “ Liam said honestly, looking at Candy who had her robes fastened over her left ear “After all we don’t have feasts everyday!”
“I want the classes to start right away” Blanche said. “Look at my weap, get ready to be ripped off Mr. Hyena. “She said, showing her sharp point of the arrows to Bruce.
“You can’t rip him now, because you don’t know how to use them. “ Brownie said for the first time. “ I think Sir Chuck will teach us ‘ Use of Weaps’ , well, he’s as brawny guy.”
“Brawny Sir “Elena corrected him.
Tom felt full like an inflated balloon. He was so full of food that he could hardly stagger now, but somehow he raised his ear to listen Miss Penny for the last time. “The prefects will take you to your tent area, where you will find your tent with your name on the side. You’ll find your timetable in your rooms. “
In another moment, all the 1st grade swords were guided by Liam towards the tent area. Tom was really lethargic by now. He had never eaten so much in his life and after all, this seemed like the best day in Tom’s life!
When they had reached in front of a flood of tents, Tom couldn’t digest that there were so many of them. “Find your room” Said Liam to the swords.
Tom and Bruce ran here and there, to find the tent with their name. Tom had finally found a lilac tent on the corner of a large tree and Bruce’s one was a little far from Tom’s room.
“A very Goodnight, Tom” Bruce spoke up to a much drained Tommy.” Yeah, Goodnight.”
Tom’s tent form outside seemed very big, and from inside it was too. Tom stood inside with a stunned face.
There was a wooden bed, study table with racks to keep books. It was a lot bigger than Tom would have expected. Tom couldn’t bear his happiness of being selected for this amazing school. Suddenly, he looked into a paper on the table:
1) 8:30 – 9:00 = Use your weaps by Sir Chuck Smith
2) 9: 20 – 10 : 50 = Rorsology by Miss Penny Bleak
3) 11:00 – 12:30 = Shamanism by Miss Amy Jones
4) 12: 50 – 1: 20 = Monk Lessons by Sir Hog Jones
5) 1 :20 – 2:00 = Lunch Time
6) 2:00 – 3:00 = Break
7) 3:00 – 3:30 = Map lessons by Sir Henry Clearwater
8) 3:30 – 4:00 = Plant Class by Miss Jenny Bleak
NOTE: You’ll have Demo lessons by Madam Jenny Filter on Saturdays and Thursdays from 3: 50 to 4: 20 and Space classes by Sir Rio Stilton on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 (PM) to 7:30 Pm. Remember the library closes after seven in the night.

Tom studied the timetable once more and then he didn’t remember what he did next; because he only knows he went to have a goodnight’s sleep in his comfortable bed.
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