Tommy A legend : The Five Amulets

written by Crystal White

There has been another planet , thousands of miles away from Earth called Eric and I have been writing the legends of this new unspecified planet, Eric , the legend of Tommy with no last name for now. Excuse me if I'm using a few terms of Earth like the month names , week names because I'm bound to use them because I don't know many details about these. Tommy, found by a respectable gentleman Hugo Brackenstall had been living in Quarrel Avenue for ten years until he got his school letter and went to Omega, the school where students are firmly trained with weaps.Then he receives a strange letter from an unknown address saying about the five Amulets which are to be found by him or else Amensia will be plunged with terrible cold, awful hot , accidents, unstoppable fires and life risks. Now, Tom( his nickname) starts his adventure with unraveling these strange mysteries and finding the five Amulets, but be beware ! An evil Lord seem to be added up too...

Last Updated






A strange dream about Amulets

Chapter 1
I could hardly clarify, that there has been another planet, akin to the Earth, and I have been writing the legends of this new, unspecified, planet, Eric, which is said to be at least ten thousand light years away from the Earth, (the whole year is cold so people crave FOR summer very much) and the few legendary kings have been ruling this planet. Whatever, I have the greatest interest, in telling you the legend of this boy, Tommy (or Tom for short, as his good fellows call him), the boy with no last name at least, for now.
This very boy was found on a cold and dizzy morning, by a respectable man, Mr. Brackenstall who soon took Tom. Mr. Hugo Brackenstall was a man of forty that time, with burly, and muscular arms and legs, and sharp but somewhat a blunt head, as most people call him very imperceptive, (that sounds nice, since he’s bald) and he’s got the full power when on the wrestling field or sometimes good money when he’s about to purchase a new table set. He is black mostly like the CIAZ people if you ask me and it looks very nice when he wears his little russet cap in his bald head. So on that cold morning of January, in his overcoat, Hugo was strolling in Lament Avenue his home land situated in Red Cat village of Amensia. He was busy thinking about his hectic business schedule, which is not going to over until the coming Friday when he had heard the fatal cry of a small boy. He had heard that charily and understood it was coming from the Beggar Street. There on the lane, lay lots of ugly boys snoring peacefully. The king of Lobstock, Terra hates beggars. Hugo has packed much poise that the cry is coming from there. With dismay in heart , Hugo walked till he found a small baby, with brown hairs, and a pale fair face, with pasty cerulean , beautiful eyes, and it was what making that sound in that woozy morning. Feeling strange, Hugo peered into the blankets to get a better view of the small boy. Eccentrically, Hugo raised his hands to pick up the boy. He had a small son too, just like this street baby, named John and a wife, Aouda. Both of them had died of a very weird sickness called Junodise .The boy’s cry melted his heart away, and he started remembering his mature, heartbreaking moments, moments long ago forgotten, began to shiver his heart with gloominess. After his wife’s death, Hugo had opened a small restaurant ‘La Plaza’ but it’s not running well. He could still think of his son, John, whom he called Johnny. He had shared many golden moments with his family, and many poignant moments too. He could see, as if, his wife and his sixteen – year old son on the bed, dead forever. Suddenly, he felt his chest was being hammered by sorrow. Strangely, this baby looks same like his son John. Same, sapphire, moving eyes, same fair and brown hairs and the same pleased smile, the baby was showing as Hugo picked the baby up. He could see his own son’s reflection in the baby’s face, glowing with half- sadness and half-happiness.
At that time, he understood, he couldn’t let the baby away. He moved his face towards an old man sitting in a bench a little away, with lots of freckles in the face.
“Where’s this baby’s mother, do you know anything?” Hugo asked, miserably, feeling very depressed.
“Oh God!” The old man sighed. “The boy’s motherless, haven’t even got a name. No one knows anything about the boy, I can only tell you that this poor fellow was found on the road, very dirty and worn out and I took him here, I am searching for someone to take care of that, but-”
“But he’s not supposed to be here!” Hugo exclaimed loudly “He would die!”
“Yes. Of course. Only we can wait and see what future stores for this small boy.”
After that day, Hugo took the small boy and the boy and was named Tommy, and Hugo called Tom for short, and it seemed a very nice name for a boy with no last name. This might be the small history of Tom, but a major secret still lies enclosed up. (Hugo still believes he’ll find Tom’s parents anyway)
Soon Tom grew up to be strangely, too much tall almost five foot or more, and with brown hair skinny and his blue eyes were pasty than ever.
Now I shall tell you a very strange incident which took place in Tom’s tenth birthday, on January 8th (That’s the day, actually Hugo found Tom, so that eventually became Tom’s birthday) midnight. Hugo was roused up by someone sauntering in the floor. It could be only Tommy, thought Hugo. Hugo got up, skeptically, pondering what that is. He moved his face down on the floor and he saw Tom on the floor, sitting and drawing something. But worse, Tom’s eyes were closed! Hugo had heard some people are sleep walker, but never a sleep artist. He peeped into the page tom was drawing, with closed eyes. Tom’s pens were going nonstop, drawing a rather beautiful woman. Hugo was never so positive that Tom could draw so well. When Tom had finished, he fell into the floor asleep. What’s up with Tom?
Hugo looked into the page, Tom had drawn.
It was a woman with long, blond hair, a diamond tiara in her appealing head, and in one of her attractive hands, she had a large eagle – quill and she appeared to be very noble and gracious and quite posh too. Hugo couldn’t explain to himself, that who could that woman be, perhaps he could find out that tomorrow?
But when tomorrow, he showed Tom that picture and asked about the lady, Tom couldn’t remember anything at all. It remained a secret.
To be positive, today is the day, Tom’s letters from the school would come. Hugo had sent three letters in Omega, Sapphire and Tiger. It’s dire if Tom will go to Tiger and splendid if Omega. He was full of determination that Tom will be in Omega but Sapphire won’t be so much awful.
Hugo had completely forgotten to check the date today, the day he’s going to get the letters. He was rather interested telling Tom that today he’ll have to get to the bank to draw out some money. He’s being short of money for several days.
In this world, money is called Burg. One Burg means 13 flicks and 1 flick means 40 corres. Corres aren’t much used nowadays, Flick is normally used.
In a lilac coat, Hugo and Tom in a navy sweater and black trousers, started towards the Burg bank, happily. Tom gazed over everything he could see; actually it’s very erratic that he could leave home. Normally Hugo would leave him to the Roars (Hugo’s restaurant cook) if he had to go somewhere.
The road was filled with dazzling swordsmen and powerful archers and Rogues (people who fight with two short swords) and nasty Paladins. There were lots of equestrians, wearing very massive boots around their ankles. Tom marveled at those superlative and outstanding people, who seem to leave a sign in the roads, as they pace away. Tom grinned as he saw a toilet written ‘the most loathing place’.
Tom’s biggest dream was to be a swords man. He had always wanted to use swords, bows or axes and fight. He was real stimulated when Hugo told him about Omega.
Omega is place in the Ice Mountains in the Amensian map, the most famous school where each student is trained firmly with weaps (which means swords, bows and arrows, short swords and axes) so you can easily understand the thrill and delight of Tom, which seem to make him a daydreamer.
The Burg Bank was a large, rose building, with massive ear like things, from where, money were popping out.
“Tom, have a wander around if you like, till I draw out 14 burgs and be back here by 20 minutes. “
“Alright Uncle.”
Tom looked upon his shoulders and gazed into the big park, feeling very independent for the first time in his life. He ambled away happily and hummed a very gay song and bought an ice- cream by the 5 flicks Hugo had given him.
Sauntering with enthusiasm, he spotted a very shattered, jade, broken shop called ‘Witchcraft’ looking very gloomy and it seem to catch Tom’s eye suddenly.
‘Does it matter to check the shop? The name’s nice, Witchcraft ‘thought Tom, cheerfully. He hadn’t got any idea of what could be inside, waiting for him.
Pressing the cold door, Tom raked inside. There wasn’t much stuff. There was a small, pesky- looking Witch, with a tan skin and two tiger teethes in front. She looked very unkind as she sat in her chair glazing at the TV. There were only a few finger nails in the front and a box of stinky- smelling chocolates. The witch looked at Tom suddenly and said with delight “Woo- Hood”
“Hi, err” Tom muttered.
“What brought you here, boy?”
“ I’m not boy, I’m Tommy and I came here, to just see, and I’ve seen” said Tom, feeling very unsafe.
“No, dear, you haven’t” said the witch, grabbing Tom’s arms, tightly “You are to stay here”
“No thanks... Let me go “Tom struggled on as he solicited loudly.
“No one leaves my shop, dear”
Tom asked in alarm “What you sell?
“I sell? “ The witch chortled out, seizing Tom hard” I sell small boys like you “
Tom felt he had done a great err.
“Oh, do you really? “ Tom thought, if he’s about to die by getting sold, then why worry to have a simple chat with this witch?
“Ah, yes and I think 70 burgs would be your ideal price. “
“I don’t think I’m that much worth. “ Tom said stridently.
“Ha, ha. “ The witch murmured “And until you are getting sold, I‘ll keep you in the storeroom so you can have a feast with the rats. I really detest the rats; they scare me so much and I faint. But no problem now, because you are going to eat them up.”
Like lightning, a flash of inspiration conquered Tom’s mind. Tom’s got a brilliant idea.
“Hey look!” Tom shouted madly “A rat, a tidy big, large, noxious rat, just behind you, look!”
The Witch released the firm seize from Tom’s hand, and cried and perhaps fainted and Tom taking this golden chance, threw his tall legs into the air, and like a bullet train, leaped out of the Witch’s shop and took three great bounds and then stopped exactly at the place, he had left Hugo . He can’t believe he’s safe! ‘This is what feels when the death is just in front of you and you bounded over it. ‘Thought he, feeling like he’s standing for the whole of modern age, panting.
Hugo appeared after ten minutes. “Where were you? It’s more than 40 minutes I was so worried and oh, you look so worn out.”
Rapidly, Tom told Hugo about the incident.
After a pause, Hugo burst into chuckles “HA, my dear boy,” then he turned stern “No more nasty business, and now off to home. “
As, Tom was about to start pacing, a large letter fell into his head. “Oh look, uncle. “ He called out, looking at the letter. (Letters in Eric use psychic powers by which they are delivered anywhere in the receiver’s head)
To Mr. Gray
The house no.8 in the Lament Avenue.
“It’s someone else’s letter. Says ‘gray’ “Tom spoke up.
Hugo snatched the letter from Tom’s hands.” It’s ours. That Gray is a printing mistake, Tom”
Hugo opened the letter and a cheerful smile played on his lips “You’ve been selected for Omega, Tom, I can’t believe! Term starts after 4 months on the 3rd, I’m never so happy”
Tom felt a flush of pride run through him, as he smiled feebly, feeling very lucky and contented.
“Now, we’ve got packing ahead… many books to buy, well off you trot now!” Hugo exclaimed, with pleasure looking like he’s going to Omega, instead of Tom, the boy with no last name.
I It was deep silenced forest, where a boy was sleeping peacefully……..
Richey stirred up suddenly. He had a terrible emotion in his mind. For a minute two he lost his sense about where was he. He rubbed his eyes in astonishment.
’Oh, yeah! I am here at the forests. ‘Said Richey. His pet dog Happy was sleeping beside him. He remembers king Terra told him about this way. ‘So this is the way to the beast forest ‘Richey said to himself.
King Terra has given Richey an important quest. He had to save the kingdom of Amnesia from the toxic snakes. They are causing a great dilemma for the people. Luna the evil snake goddess is been controlling by the sinful R. Richey’s parents told him to not to go alone but he didn’t took note to his parents. He is been chosen by Wizard Anna .He had to save amnesia before it is too behind! Richey is happy because the beasts are real and not myths. He always wanted to meet a beast. Richey saw his shield and sword resting against the tree. What would have been happened if someone had stolen it? Richey though anxiously. He had to be very careful in future. Richey was trained by his grandfather Max, when he was small. Suddenly his pet dog woke up, he barked excitedly.”You say we should move on? Okay as your hope. “Richey said to his dog. Richey picked up his belongings and start moving. He had already walked a mile. He heed that Luna was the goddess of snakes. R used her for destroying Amnesia, he crafted her into evil.
The forest was even profound than a black hole. Wizard Anna has given him a magical map. It tells them where the beast is. The forest was becoming deeper in every step. Suddenly, a sound came by. Hiss!
”Snakes “shouted Richey “happy move away!” his dog barked and hid behind a tree. It is going to be the first fight of Richey. He had to defeat that snake. It can attack from anywhere. He held his sword tightly and looked around. The forest was darker and deeper than a simple one.
An icy wind blew in Richey’s heart. A large twisted-blackish snake appeared. Its eyes twisted into evil. Its deadly eyes made half-faint Richey .The snake clacked and jumped at Richey, but he was only able to move quickly. Happy glazed from a distance. His blood was unbearable cold.
Shivering, Richey sliced the air, while the snake ducks out of its way. He tried again and cut out the snake’s head.” Yikes! How dirty” he thought. Suddenly to his astonishment more sounds came by. “Hiss””Alas more snakes” cried he. What should he do now?
Where should be the best place to conceal from snakes? He must be conscious, that one cannot fight with so many snakes.” Yes, yes, I can run away from here!” shouted he. And so saying Happy ran and both of them fled from the deadly snakes. They ran, and ran leaving everything behind till they reached the pond. He was so relieved. At the fall of night, they made their camp near the pond. He caught some fishes and ate them up. Happy didn’t seem happy to have fish. Happy went to sleep before him. He sat beside the fire.
Suddenly his thoughts changed. He fled from the battle being a coward instead of fighting the snakes bravely. He felt a loud cry in his heart. He is of no use. He is so dumb, that he has no courage to only fight a snake. Why did Wizard Anna and king Terra choose him? All around was dark and cozy. But a trembling thing doubts his mind. Why they have chosen him?
“Hoodoo” a sound came by. Richey ran into the camp. The fire remains as like it was. The sound became louder in each minute.
“Who is it?”No answer.

“Hello old boy!”
It was a hot morning when Anna appeared.
“Hello wizard Anna, “wished Richey
“How are you doing?”Said she “I am here to tell you something”
“Well I am doing fine, what’s it?”
“You have to defeat Luna you remember? She is controlling the weather here. You’ll see in a few days that how the weather changes.”
She was quite right. Last day it was freezing cold and today it is boiling hot.”But where I can find Luna?”Asked Richey
“You’ll find her in the Graveyard .But be alert of Sultan. Sultan is a dangerous cruel ghost beast who lives there. He slumbers for 5 days and wakes in the sixth at dawn. I am sure he is sleeping now. Don’t awake him. If you awoke him he’ll start razing everything.”
“Okay Anna, You can count on me” said the boy. And then Anna‘s image faded.

Most of the tress in the Sacred graveyard where wipe out and it had a great difference with the beast forest.”We are at the north part of the graveyard I assume here we will detect Luna.” He said. As they walked the place became scarier. Richey tried not to fear and move but he was trembling with fear. The place has disgust smell which one can say” the stink of lifeless objects” Richey had read Alice in Wonderland when he was small. It must be fun to get lost in a weird land; where one can turn large as a giant or sometimes small as bacteria by having delicious treats! But here Richey didn’t saw a single tasty treat. To pass his boredom he asked his dog” hey happy! Do you know the capital of France?” The dog licked its furry skin and groan loudly. “It is Paris” he said. Richey was not sure if he was right, because he thinks it is Italy. “No no Italy is the capital of Berlin!” Thought the poor boy.” But my teacher said it is France? Italy, Berlin, France, ‘sent like “So what is the shape of the Eric happy?” he asked again.
The dog doesn’t seem to answer.” It is round as your favorite fruit orange!”(Actually he is wrong because the shape of earth is spherical!) He said
He was so boastful that he even not overlooked that he was walking over something deadly.”Aghhhhhhh”

Richey’s body rolled and trembled and hit the ground with a thud. And the Marvelous creature stood up.
It was nothing except a shadow of a man with wings. So he was walking over a shadow? He turned towards Richey. His soulless eyes glazed at him. His eyes were mixed with red and pink and the devilish face made a deadly appearance. He swings himself in the air with his powerful wings. Richey could see a fireball forming in his mouth. No where to escape!
The Shadow hurled the fireball at Richey. Richey jumped and tried to protect him and happy by his shield. His shield has magical powers, but it was no use. Then the dragon swung again and fled from the battle and left a paper behind.
Richey picked it up and read “Amulets can be found in --- --- ---“ “What’s this? Wondered he “This must be a…” before he could complete Wizard Anna hastily appeared.
“Richey, A great disaster has happened! You woke up sultan the deadly ghost beast!”
Richey couldn’t believe his ears.” What I? That means that shadow was nothing except Sultan. He left this” He handed paper to Anna
“This can’t be...” her eyes glowed “Amulet! Alas! Let me tell you Richey. Before Terra his father George had five amulets. They were the Amulet of Fire, Amulet of ice, Amulet of life, Amulet of moon and the Amulet of sun. He gifted the Amulets to me. I think the Amulets are stolen! Without Amulet of fire we can’t use fire, even worse cold will increase, moon will grow bigger and sun will give more heat!”
“That means this paper can tell us where it is?”
“Yes I do believe.” She said” But you have to be very careful. This can be a trap. But first, stop sultan! He is demolishing everything he could see. My magic will not work against him. “
What if I kill him?”
“No, you can’t. Without him the other ghost beasts will not mind us! You have to stop Sultan from doing these. By the way give me the paper, this can be useful “
“What about Luna?”
“Oh yes, take care of her too or else people will die in this boiling hot, I don’t know what can happen if Luna persist this.”
“But... but “
“No buts. Carry on” And she faded.
Richey was hopeless. What he should do now? He is such a fool he woke up that evil creature and now doesn’t know what to do. He looked around. Nature was restless, Because of him.
“Hiss! “This sound came closer by.
Before the boy could do anything a huge creature bounded over the shady sky leaving him a painful scratch.
The creature was nothing except a large venomous snake with two red evilest eyes gazing at the boy. “Luna!”Cried Richey. It had strange glowing face and evil smile.
Her body was cloudy white with two heads and lunging towards the boy who stand still.
She looked around for a moment while Richey get himself ready for the fight. Then she leaped high above calling “Shiiiiii”
And with a great rush two snakes appeared. They were normal as a snake must be but they had two jewels in the centre of their head. Suddenly a weird thing happened. The first snake astonishes and stabbed at the second snake. The second one got angry strike the next. Another harass with all its strength. Luna growled loudly.
And then she threw the two snakes back. The two carried their own fight. Suddenly the second snake struck the first one’s head. And the diamond which was on its head falls on the ground.
The precious diamond lay still while Luna recovered her strength and gave a perilous look to Richey. “Let’s end this Luna!”

Luna remained dishful and then without warning threw a toxic ball which had formed in her mouth. Richey with the help of his nimbleness drag his body out of the direction. Luna got furious and vaulted at the boy. She got stemmed by Richey’s mighty shield. Then she seeks to bite off the shield. Erroneously, the shield got free from Richey’s hand. He had no moment to pick that because Luna was already upon him.
Carving the air, Richey stabbed the sword into Luna’s horns. He cut it clean.
Luna was already fuming and got more cross to see his horn cut. The horn was like a crown to her. She got outraged and scratched the boy fatally. Richey’s fingers were torn with red blood. He sliced the sword upon her which made her more livid.
How can he defeat such a dangerous beast? Anna had told him that R had given this beast a thing which gives her evil vigor. He quickly scanned the beast. He figured out that the beast has an eccentric teeth tied in her neck. Maybe that is the cause for her such strange work.
He jumped higher and bashes his sword into the teeth and endeavors to haul it out from her neck. She got badly throb and attempt to shake Richey from her. But it was no use. Richey started pulling with more energy. On the other hand Luna was shouting with fear.
Will the teeth break anyway? He was using his full power but still it is not. Will he going to lose in his quest at last?
And then to his joy the chain broke! Luna gave a short cry and Richey was pitched from her. For a few minutes she stood completely still. But she had no more evil eyes but a gentle eyes and a kind smile. But she was standing still.
After that, she bowed before Richey and jig out of the way.
“What is happening??”
And after that an image began to form in front of him.
He understood it was Anna.
Has he really saved Amensia? Or, has made things more terrible? Has Luna being right after all? The only one who could answer this is Anna.
“Well done! I had nothing more to expect from you” said Anna.
“You mean that I’ve saved Amensia?” asked the boy.
“Yes and for positive. The people of Amensia are thanking you deeply and from bottom of their heart. All the snakes are causing no snags and the weather is back again”
“I’m happy to glimpse that everything is all right.”
“For you” said Anna kindly” I’ve brought the map of Amensia. It will detect the evil beasts that are surrounding us and will warn you before any danger”
“Thank you” he said as he took the map.
“So you can return to castle and reinstate your energy and then go to find sultan. “
“But where will find him?”
“You will find him in the faded lighthouse which is now his new quarter. Remember he is not actually a beast but a ghost and R is controlling him”
“Wizard Anna can you tell me, what this teeth is use for?”
“Oh yes! Everything you will restore from a beast has special power and magic. This tooth will help you from any evil magic. It from now yours”
“Thanks to you”
“Meanwhile, don’t forget to search for the amulets.”
“Yes, of course”
And while Anna’s image faded, he raise his sword and he bravely said” I’ll never give up!”
“Wake up, wake up, please!”
“Whoa!” Tom cried out, as he jumped from his bed, shivering.
“What’s up with you? It’s eleven, you overslept. “Said Hugo loudly.
“I had a dream! A fierce dream” Tom cried out, explaining the whole dream to Hugo.
“Looks like it was a nightmare, sort of thing. I heard of that Boy called Richey Campbell .He freed the most evil beast Luna. I heard very few people dream of him, and having this dream tells that you are about to face a danger. Richey’s fight with Luna is a great tale.” Said Hugo.” And I don’t want you pondering about that because breakfast is served.”
Tom felt his blood go ice.
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