Harry Potter And The Triwizard Tournament

The Triwizard Tournament is an event where four out-of-age students face three, very dangerous tournaments against three more students from each different schools except for one (from his school). Harry gets chosen for the tournament and he has to face the challenges ahead. Harry has to also face the Dark Lord Voldemort during his third task and be able to get off that trap, since the Dark Lord wants him dead.

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Chapter 10 - Working Out Clues

Chapter 10
Morning arrived. Everyone was already at The Great Hall having breakfast. Harry had a bandage on his arm and the others were helping him. Then, Hermione said:
“Professor Dumbledore said that if you want to send any letters or anything, the owls will arrive shortly.”
“No problem, thanks sis.” Linda said.
Then, she heard Fluffyfeathers coming with a newspaper and a letter from her old school. First, she took the newspaper.
“Aha! I knew she would do this.” she said.

14-year-old Harry Potter, being smart and clever, still involves between love. His girlfriend, Linda Granger, has the opportunity to keep it in secret away from her boyfriend Roberto Malvolo, which is, a stupid idea to do.

“What?! This is not true. I broke up with Roberto ages ago.” Linda said, angrily.
“So why is she bringing the subject up again?” Hermione asked.
“I don't know, to annoy me or something, but, maybe, it’s got to do with me.” Linda asked, impatiently. She took the letter and read it, furiously:

Dear Linda,
I am so surprised at what just happened. You never told me that you'll get another boyfriend, but INSTEAD you said that you won't get another one. Well, I need you back at once and I don't care what you do to stop me from loving you. I need you back.
From Roberto.

"Who does he think he is? I'm replying back." Linda said, disgusted. She took one of her spare parchments and wrote:

Dear Roberto,
Well, too bad, that's never going to happen, you can stay and contact Susanna Heath. I'm done with you. IF YOU SEND ME ANOTHER LETTER, IN RETURN, YOU'LL GET AN HOWLER!
From Linda

Linda gave it to Fluffyfeathers and she flew away. Linda frowned and reluctantly finished her breakfast. Then, the boy that she saw in second year came to give a parcel to Ron.
“Parcel for Mr. Weasley.”
“Thank you Nigel.” Ron answered.
Nigel was staring at Harry as if he has never seen him before. On the other hand, Hermione looked concerned on why Nigel was staring at him, but Ron said:
“Not now Nigel, later.”
Then, Nigel just ran away disappointed. In fact, Hermione frowned at him, then Ron said:
“I told him that I would get his autograph.” Then, Linda said to Harry:
“Harry, bring your arm.” Harry brought his arm at her and Linda carefully said, moving her hand on him and said, “Chiuro!” And his arm felt back again. Harry said, astonished:
“Whoa, darling, I don't know what you did to my arm, but…”
“I just mended your arm, I don't want to see my boyfriend with a broken arm.” Linda answered.
“Thank you.” Harry said, smiling.
“It's no problem at all.” Linda answered again.
Then, Ron said, opening the package:
“Mum sent me a dress.” He went to Ginny and said:
“Hey Ginny, this supposed to be yours.”
“I'm not wearing that, it looks musty.” Ginny answered, glancing at the dress. On the contrary, Hermione was laughing. He asked:
“What are you on about?”
“They are not for Ginny, they are for you. Dress robes.” Hermione said, grinning.
“Dress robes? For what?” He asked. He looked really concerned.
A couple of minutes later, Professor McGonagall was announcing:
“The Yule Ball is a tradition to the Triwizard Tournament. What I'm going to tell you is: They Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance.”
The girls were whispering, on the other hand, the boys were moaning about it.
“Silence! I don't want Godric Gryffindor to see everyone behave like a couple of bamboos. Let the air breathe inside every girl who desperately want a companion…” Professor McGonagall was explaining to the girls.
On the other hand, Ron was whispering to Seamus:
“Well, do you think that will happen? I wonder who Hermione is going to ask.”
“…and inside every boy that deserves a girl, Mr. Weasley.” Professor McGonagall continued.
“Yes?” He asked, confusingly. Professor McGonagall dragged him out. He forced himself to sit, but Harry pushed him out. Then, Professor McGonagall said:
“Put your arm on my waist.” She dragged his hand on her waist, he removed his hand, but she put it back there. Then, she signaled Mr. Filch to start the music for her to see how to do it. Then she said:
“One, two three, one two three, one, two, three…”
Fred and George were humming with the music. Then, they saw Harry tugging them and he said:
“Hey, never let me forget this.”
“Never.” They both said.
Then, Professor McGonagall said:
“Girls, on your feet. Boys, do the same.” Then, the girls stood up, but the boys didn't, except for Neville. Later, Linda came to Harry and asked:
“Would you dance with me?
“Well, I…” Harry stammered.
“Don't you love me?” Linda asked.
“I do…” Harry asked.
“Then, come on, dance with me.” Then, she dragged him and they all danced together. In the late afternoon, Linda and Harry were doing something: Harry was thinking about The Second Task, while Linda buried herself in The Standard Book Of Spells, Grade 4. Then, Linda asked him:
“Let’s find out about the egg, if there is any clue. We'll go into the boys’ bathroom to find out. You are going to be the one to jump into the bath, okay dear?”
“Alright, let’s go.” Harry answered. They crept inside the bathroom and then, Harry made himself inside the bath, after removing his clothes while Linda just stood near the bath. Then, she said:
“I wish I went in there too, but, I don’t want Myrtle to see me with my tail on.”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind.” Harry said.
“Well, I do, because she doesn’t know.” Linda said, gloomily. She stood away from the bath so she wouldn’t get wet. Then, Myrtle scared her, and Linda fell into the bath. She turned into a mermaid.
“Myrtle!” Linda said. “What was that for?”
“I didn’t know you were a mermaid!” Myrtle bursted with laughter.
“Well, now you know.” Linda said, frowning.
“Don’t worry, I don’t even talk to no one, except from both of you, Hermione and Ron. Your secret is safe with me.” Myrtle said.
“Good.” Linda said, relieved. Then, Myrtle turned to Harry:
“Well, go on, put it in the water, just like Cedric did.”
He did that and then a voice sang:

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
For an hour you'll have to look
To recover what we took.

Then, they all came out of the water, coughing. Myrtle was laughing. Then, Harry asked:
“Myrtle, are there any merpeople in the lake?”
“Very good. It took Cedric AGES to solve the riddle that all the bubbles were nearly gone.” She chuckled and laughed, then, she rested her head on Harry’s shoulders, but Linda said:
“Get your head off my boyfriend!”
She removed her head quickly, then, Linda kissed him, while she hugged him. Then, Linda and Harry cleaned themselves and headed to the Gryffindor common room.
Then, when they dressed up to go outside, Linda said:
“Come, I need to talk to you, but, let’s go into that room.” She pointed to a dark room. “I don’t want anyone to hear us.” Then, she followed her, with his book in his hands. But, then, a voice said:
“Why so tense, Potter?” It was Draco Malfoy. He continued to say:
“My father and I had a bet you see. I told him that you won’t last ten minutes on this tournament.” They both stopped and turned. Then, Malfoy continued, coming down a tree:
“He disagrees. He says you won’t even last five.” The others were sniggering, but Harry went to him and said:
“I don’t give a damn of what you father thinks Malfoy.” He shoved him as he said it. “He’s cruel and vile, and you’re just pathetic.”
Malfoy was angry with him that he took his want to jinx him, but Linda said:
“Ah, ah, ah, Expelliarwandus!” Red sparks shot out of Linda’s hand and his wand flied to Linda’s hand and she said:
“Thank you, plus, 10 points from Slytherin to try to jinx someone.” She turned to Harry and said:
“Come with me.” He followed Linda. When Linda turned to Malfoy red light appeared at her eyes. Malfoy was afraid of her. Then when she got there, she closed the door. Then she said:
“Harry, I wish you good luck on this tournament. Please, I don’t want you to die, you know that, and I asked Albus if I could join you in this tournament, because You-Know-Who is hunting for the both of us and he said yes. Anyways, I wish you luck. Lastly, I love you.”
“Thanks, I love you too.” Harry answered, smiling.
She hugged him and kissed him. Then, they exited and went to the common room.
Then, when, evening came, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Linda were at the library, trying to work out the riddle. Linda was caressing Harry gently on his hair.
“Harry, repeat the riddle again.” Hermione said.
“Ugh, come seek us where our voices sound.” Harry said, hitting his head on the opened book.
“The Black Lake, that’s obvious, continue.” Hermione confirmed. She woke up Ron because he was snoring, then, she gave him the golden egg.
“An hour you’ll have to look.” Harry continued.
“Still, obvious, though, admittedly, potentially problematic.” Linda confirmed.
“Potentially problematic?” Harry asked, surprisingly. “When’s the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Linda?”
“Look Harry, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out.” Hermione said, comforting him.
"Yes dear." Linda answered, comforting him and caressing his hair.
“Hate to break up the skull session.” Professor Moody said, approaching into the library. “Professor McGonagall wants to see you.”
"But the second task is hours away and..." Hermione began.
"AND Mr Potter should be prepared by now and should have a good night sleep." Professor Moody said.
Harry was getting up, but he said:
“Not you Potter, just the two Grangers.” So he sat, while Hermione went. Linda whispered:
"You'll never forget me?"
Harry shook his head.
"You'll always love me forever?"
Harry nodded.
"Promise I'll always be with you forever."
"I promise." Harry accepted back.
She hugged him and kissed him on his neck, but Harry kissed her on her mouth. She left Harry sadly.
Harry was wondering: Why would Linda ask her those questions? Was something going to happen to her & Hermione? Then, Professor Moody said:
“Weasley and Longbottom, help Potter clear up in the library.” Ron and Neville did as they were told and helped Harry in the library. Then, Neville said:
“I think what will the best thing to use for The Second Task.”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Gillyweed. It’ll make you breath for an hour and change you in a way you’ll be able to survive with the merpeople underwater.” Neville answered.
“OK, thanks.” Harry said.
“I’m off to bed.” Ron said, yawning.
“We are coming too.” Neville said. Harry kept the book and followed Neville and Ron to their dormitories.
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