Magical and Mundane Plants - A Wizard's (and Witche's) Guide

written by Katherine Lutz

This book will guide you through all that you need to know in your primary years at Hogwarts in the subject Herbology. Enjoy!!

Last Updated






English Rose (rosa)

Chapter 14
“Roses are good for the skin and the soul.”

The English Rose, like lilies, grows in partial to full sunlight. It is classified as a shrub, and grows from one to twenty feet. As a shrub, width is also an important factor to consider when planting. It may grow from two to four feet wide, which depends on the variety that you obtain. The rose flower may be blue, green, orange, pink, red, or white. Make sure to plant your rose shrub in soil with a pH range of 5.5–7.0.

Most home gardens tend to have a pH of 6.5, however there is a spell you can do to test the soil. "Acidious revealious" (ah-sid-EE-us rev-EE-lee-us) will reveal to you, in the form of white mist, the number of the pH level your soil is. There are also muggle soil tests that can be done, but I am not an authority of those. If your soil is too acidic you can counteract the acid by adding finely ground limestone, and highly alkaline soil can become more acidic through the addition of ground sulfur. When you receive your rose shrub it will look like a pile of sticks, but that is because it is in a dormant state. Once it is planted and receives enough nutrients it will be able to grow. In wizarding society dragon dung should be used (which helps the rose to interact with magic later) but muggles supplement nutrients by covering the base of rose shrubs with organic matter. Dragon hide gloves ought be worn to protect yourselves from rose thorns. Rose plants need lots of water, but do not drown them! Let the water sink in before adding more. During hot seasons, soak the roots twice a week. When watering do not do a little water often, but a lot of water occasionally. This is so when you water the deeper roots are reached. Also, make sure the water can drain.

Rose oil is very costly. Due to the expensiveness of the oil, many people corrupt the oil (water it down, adulterate it) to a mix of lesser quality. Only use pure rose oil for medicinal purposes. Another warning to you — while rose oil is non toxic, healers or potioneers ought to be consulted about usages and dosage.

In the first century Anno Domini, 32 medicinal uses were recorded by a muggle called Pliny the Elder. A Herbologist from the same time named Ponticus listed 36 uses, although four more uses have been discovered since then. First of all, it is important to note that rose oil is distilled from the petals. This oil is used in the aforementioned process of aromatherapy. Also, roses have been used to add flavor to other medicines. The medicinal uses follow.

1. Eye diseases/ (as a tea) and to treat cataracts (from skin of the roots)

2. Burns

3. influenza

4. Stomach problems / as a digestive stimulant

5. Diarrhea

6. Chronic finger sores

7. Snow blindness (with an eyewash using petals, stem bark, and skin of the roots)

8. Astringent/ for skin lotions

9. Sore throats

10. Treats rabid dog bites

11. To stop nosebleeds

12. To ease muscular pain/ antispasmodic

13. Antidepressant /ease depression and anxiety

14. Used in love potions

15. Can decrease kidney stones

16. Menstrual regulator (may be mixed with motherwort for cases of heavy flow too)

17. Helps with kidneys

18. Cleansing properties

19. Anti-inflammatory

20. Source of vitamin C

21. Seeds are diuretic

22. Seeds are a laxative

23. Potions with dried petals treat headaches

24. Soaking a cloth in cool rose water may be applied to the forehead to help treat headaches

25. Scent in potions may relieve colic (muggles may use Rosehip tincture)

26. Eases a cough

27. May be used to treat dry skin

28. May be used in a potion to relieve itching for women

29. Combining Rose water with witch hazel makes a potion to help clear up skin with pimples/acne

30. Adding rose oil to bath water helps ease grief, and sometimes insomnia as well

31. Rose tea helps relieve stress

32. Has been used to prevent scurvy by consumption

33. Eases colds

34. Eases fevers

35. Decreases swelling of puffy skin by compressing with rose water

36. Scent in some potions may induce sleep

37. Can help regulate blood thickness

38. Rose oil is known to be antiviral

39. Rose oil is known to be antibacterial

40. Rose oil and rose water are known to be Antiseptic

All kinds of roses have unique scents, which contributes to it's diversity in medicine. Some kinds of roses interact better with magic than others, with the English Rose being the most welcome to magical influence.


Species: Rose

Partial to Full Sun

1-3, 3-8, 8-20 feet

Flower: green, blue, pink, red, orange, white

Foliage: Chartreuse/Gold

Features: Spring, Summer, and Fall Flower; helps slow erosion of slopes; fragrant; low maintenance
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