History Of Magic 301 Notes

written by Christy Coles

This book will help you study for your exams in History of Magic 301. The answers are not directly given. This text is a brief overview of the material that is presented in class. I encourage you to read the class lesson too. Please enjoy. I really hope this book helps explain the class better.

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Chapter 3: All Work And No Play

Chapter 3
Part 1: Education and its Necessity

Education has a very different meaning in the magical world as compared to the muggle world. The basic definition of education is to teach and train. It comes from the Latin words Educatum, or Educare, Educere. Educare means to raise or bring up. Educere means to lead forth or come out. Many people argue that these three latin terms are the basic meaning of education. Education's main purpose is to provide knowledge to each individual by teaching them in a way that they will understand their natural abilities.

European Magical Education was formed in the early 18th century. Informal education began around 11th C.E. Education is not just about the school system. It covers a broader category. The earliest form of education was practical education. Students actually applied their knowledge and skills in performing the desired request. It was done through hands-on experience. Education can be defined as a flow of information from one being to another being.

Plato wrote about the knowledge that was taught by an education in a school. The school was called “The Academy. Plato’s writing was called Meno. Plato used Socrates as a roleplay student. Socrates says there is no such thing as Education. There is no such thing as Knowledge. It is all in oneself. We just have to retrieve this knowledge ourselves. He portrayed this with a young boy. He asked the boy a few questions. The body answered them. Socrates concluded that the boy knew the answers. Plato based his knowledge on the “Pythias the Rational.”

Note: There is over a dozen magical school on the European continent. This chapter will be discussing two of them. They are called Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute.

Part 2: Magical Schools:

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

“Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is located in the southern region of France, where the French border meets the Spanish border in the Pyrenees range.” This particular area is covered in mountains. It helps hide the location of the magical school. The only way to find this Academy is knowing someone from the inside. They will guide you through the doors. It is called the “Palace of Beauxbatons.” The name Beauxbatons is translated beautiful sticks or beautiful wands.

The is rumored to originate from two wizards and a witch. They are called Pascal Roux, Clement Durand, and Monique Bernard. These three became friends and grew up together. Pascal and Clement became very close friends. Monique tried to separate them. After being unsuccessful, she decided that she was going to be the best witch in all of France. She wanted to make a wish to own a powerful wand. She wanted a wand made from a Pyrenees Tree. It was very powerful. This tree was on a snowy mountain. It was not accessible by humans. Pascal and Clement tried to get this wand wood for ten years. In the year 1290, they desired to win over Monique's friendship again. It took over four long grueling weeks. When they reached the final destination, they found four Pyrenees Trees in the area. These trees were glowing. They had black leaves. Both men made a wand for Monique on the spot. They decided that whichever one she chose, they would accept the choice. This is what happened. The story ends here. There is no evidence of what actually happens. The school is named after these two wands.

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is about 330,0003 m2 in size. It has male and female students. These students are between the ages of 11 and 19 years of age. When the school first opened, it had 20 students. The students ranged from 12 to 15 years of age. They have been open for over 80 years. This school is one of the two schools that participates in the Triwizard Tournament every five years. It opened in the early 1200’s.
Durmstrang Institute

Durmstrang is the second school that participates in the Triwizard Tournament. The actual location of this interesting school is unknown. It may be near an ocean, due to its transportation abilities. It was opened on 1294. Professor Nerida Vulchanova opened the school himself. The school's main focus is Dark Arts. Durmstrang Institute always rejects muggle borns. When Professor Nerida Vulchanova died, the death was not investigated. Rumors spread that the next headmaster killed him. His name was Professor Harfang Munter. He wanted to focus on Dark Arts.

Part 3: History of Sports


Quidditch is the most played sport in the magical world. The game is played very differently today in comparison to the beginning of its origins. A famous book called Quidditch through the Ages explains these differences. It all began in mid-1000 to 1050s. A group of local villagers played a there version of Quidditch. It was between some friends.

In the beginning, the game used balls and broomsticks. The players scored goals in hoops. These hoops were about 10 feet wide. They used a leather ball. It came known as Quaffle. In about 1150, the game was made better. The game became known as “Stichstock, Aingingein, Creaothceann, Shuntbumps, and Swivenhodge. The name of Quidditch being truly called this game was in 1298. There was hardly much human contact. Beaters and Seekers were slowly introduced as the years went by.

In 2005, the Muggle world began playing Quidditch. It began in the United States in a small state of Vermont. The muggles would carry the broomsticks. They did not fly on them. The rules were the same as the magical world. This sport became popular in 2007. An International Quidditch Association started in 2007. Also in Quidditch World Cup started in 2007.

Triwizard Tournament

This event happens every five years since 1294. It occurs between the three biggest schools in Europe. They are called Hogwarts Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Each school selects a small group to participate. Then one person is chosen from each school by the Goblet of Fire. They have to pass a series of tests. The one who gets the best score will win the tournament.

These tasks are very dangerous. During the years 1689, and 1719 there was six cycles of the tournament. Of the six cycles, fifty percent of the participants died in these short thirty years. After this period, the tournament was put on hold for a brief period of time until 1792. The ministry wanted to ban the tournament from existence, but a high Department of Magical Games and Sports Ministry Official called Thomas Hobert spoke for the benefit of the game. He did this in 1823. He declared that students should not be penalized due to the committee's inability to place protection barriers to prevent students from becoming injured. In 1994, another Triwizard tournament took place. There was a 17-year-old age limit requirement. This competition was discontinued after the death of another student.
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