Me thoughts...Me life..

written by Alex G

Umm...Don't read this, this is crap. Just a bunch of my own thoughts? Some stories for my character etc. I may also mention some of my friends like Albus Potter, Rose du Thornycroft, Lucinda Black, Ashley Malfoy etc.

Last Updated






Coming to Hogwarts?

Chapter 2
The train trip felt like forever, between getting from King Cross Station to Hogwarts itself, Alexander Greenwood fell asleep twice, read his DADA textbook twice, and ate several chocolate frogs.
He was sitting in the seat closest to the window, so that meant he could look out the window and stare off into space, unfortunately the peace and quiet was interrupted when someone entered his compartment. He looked up quizzically at the person that just walked. He saw a girl in green dominant wizarding robes walk in. "The train is almost at Hogwarts, I suggest you change into your wizarding robes right now" before she walked out and told the occupants of the other compartments.
When Alexander got off the bus, he took a deep breath, 'ah fresh air at last'.
"Okay first years follow me"
When the first years finally reached the great hall, they couldn't help but gape at their surroundings. The hall was huge! 4 big tables with 4 different banners hanging down from the ceiling, one of a Lion, one of a Badger, one of an eagle and one of a snake.
"Alright when I call your names, please come up for the Sorting"

"Black Alexandra"

"Black, Lucinda"

"Crouch, Dena"


Every time someone joined a house, the whole hall would erupt in applause, but some more enthusiastically than others...He also observed that the Gryffindors looked the most energetic and were by far the loudest group of people he had ever heard in his life, an the largest group, the Hufflepuffs seemed pretty friendly....though their table wasn't nearly as filled. The blue Ravenclaw table had more people looking down in their books rather than looking up and paying attention to the ceremony. While the one fartherst to the right belonging to the Slytherins would occasionally erupt in snickers and applause when a new member joined their house but otherwise were silent, though some had this calculating gaze that somehow made Alexander a bit uncomfortable.

Suddenly a stern voice broke him out from his stupor,"Greenwood, Alexander!"
Even though he kept his cool on the outside, he was in internal turmoil, which house do i want to be in? I hear Gryffindors were a bunch of arrogant toe rags, Hufflepuffs are dunderheads, Ravenclaws were bookworms and Slytherins were calculating and cunning....

He sat down on the stool, and placed both of his clenched fists onto his lap
Suddenly a voice invaded his mind "Let's see here, yes you have courage, you will do what is right no matter what, and you are loyal to your friends, intelligent as you are cunning...You are hard one to place young lad, but no matter the Sorting Hat will sort you out."
"Not in Hufflepuff"
"Why not? You would make a lot of friends there"
"I don't want to go around giving out those scout boys/girls...."
"Very well...hmmm....Either Gryffindor or Slytherin.....I sense intelligence but I also sense courage and ambition...."
Before Alexander could make another remark the Sorting Hat finally announced

The Slytherin Table immediately erupted into applause. For the rest of the ceremony, Alexander drummed his fingers on the table.
Suddenly the entire hall fell into silence when the Professor said "Potter, Albus"
People were whispering to each other "What a Potter?" "A Potter?!"
Alexander tilted his head sideways "What's so special about a Potter...."
The Sorting Hat took awhile, and he said something that made that Potter guy smile 'Hmm...he's an interesting one'
He found also found it amusing when Potter's smile suddenly turned into a frown when he was announced as a Gryffindor.

Before he left the stage, Alex vaguely heard Potter saying something like "This is a mistake", which of course made the Professors frown in confusion.....


Author's Note:
This is kinda like my POV from what Albus wrote on his feed, so I was kinda inspired by him etc.
Also I definitely got the descriptions of the GH and Sorting Hat wrong but I'm imagining this so :P
And I won't be surprised if anyone comments on me grammar XD
Also I do not have any intention on offending any Hufflepuffs or any other houses

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