written by Ariana Malfoy

A week-long getaway soon turns into a messy love story between Bella and Mattheo. Can they both save what they once had before everything went wrong?

Last Updated






The First Fight

Chapter 2

CHAPTER NOTES: okay so In the future chapters Mattheos chapters will be in italics and other characters are the same but in smaller font, but ya you'll know the character by that

It was the summer before our 6th year. It was late June to be specific, when i got the text. Only been out of school for little less than a month my best friend Daphne texted in the group chat that she wanted to hangout one last time with the boys who had just finished the last year at Hogwarts.  So the next day i find myself in a bikini at the beach with 8 of our friends....(well 9 if you count Astoria...but she's a bitch soo). Anyways Theo, Enzo, Daphne and Blaise were fighting in the water, Draco was building an alaborte sand castle with regulus, mattheo and Tom had climbed up on a rock and was about to jump off, while Astoria was sitting in a beach chair reading a book.


I had just finished tanning and was starting to get cold so, i pulled Mattheo's hoodie over the pink and black bikini i was wearing, and walked towards the water only going as deep as my ankles, crossing my arms as i look at the cloudless sky. Somehow Mattheo walks over silently and soaking wet. From behind he wraps his arms around my waist picking me up and spinning both of us around. "ew no Mattheo stop. your soaking wet" i laugh as i clutch onto his arms.  Theo, Blaise, Enzo and Daphne stop there fight to watch, Daphne lets out a giggle as mattheo says "What, can't show some affection to my girl?" "No!" i laugh as he puts me down gently, "im trying to stay warm and dry right now and your just getting the hoodie wet" I keep laughing struggling to get out of his grip. "Fine." He says as he puts me down, I smile up at him as I push him backwards into the water, Mattheo yelps a bit due to the cold and laughs as he gets back up and starts chasing me "You're gonna get it now".  Theo, Daph, Tom, Regulus, Enzo, Blaise, Draco all come over and laugh while mattheo finally catches me, wrapping his arms around me before he picks me up again and spins us both around.  "Now we're both soaking wet" he chuckles "noooo" I laugh as he places me down once again. Daph and the others are still laughing as mattheo holds my hips and kisses my   forehead while grinning, blushing I roll my eyes but smile, "Aww, are you rolling your eyes at me?" He chuckles and he starts spinning you around slowly and the other boys are still laughing. Looking up i see Astoria fuming, she then walks over and pushes me out of the way. Theo, draco and regulus continue to laugh as they see her glaring daggers.  Now i want this stated, i didnt really care, yes i was starteld by the sudden action but i didnt get mad or upset, Mattheo, however, notices Astoria still glaring at me and "What's your problem Astoria?" Fearing the confrontation that could take place I look at Mattheo trying to reassure him I'm fine, and its no big deal "its fine Matty"

"No its not, why did you push her?" Astoria just scoffs and says "It's because I'm hotter than she is." Which resaves a snicker from Theo, draco and regulus. Shrugging i agree "I mean she not wrong", hoping I sound genuine and not sarcast, because she has a point. Astoria she's stunning compared to me, her light brown eyes and her now darkening brown hair frame her face perfectly. Apon hearing this she just smirks and says "Oh, so you agree that im hotter than you? Thats sad." Draco and regulus keep chuckilng, while i can see out of the corner of my eye that Theo's protectiveness starting to kick in leaving him standing there with his expression almost unreadable. But looking back at mattheo he looks pretty pissed. Everyone can see that he's trying to keep his cool. I go back to trying to reasure him its not a big deal "Mattheo hey its not a big deal" I look at him and give him a reassuring smile in hopes he believes me, but Astoria continues to fule the fire by saying "It's a big deal to him though." At this point Mattheo starts fuming as he sah "Shut up Astoria"  Now what im about to say next ive started to realize is what caused me and to go south pretty quickly.  Starting to sense the growing tension i walk over to Theo and jump onto his back while watching Astoria keep up her little fight with mattheo. resting my chin on Theo's shoulder i see Mattheo's glare at Astoria whos smirking when she says "Stop being protective over her, we all know you two aren't dating. She's probably just a fling." I hear Daph gasp as I look over at her, to see she's covering her mouth in shock "Astoria! Stop it!" she says trying to control her older sister. Astoria just scoffs again ignoring her sister, "She is not just a fling." Mattheo says through gritted teeth, she smirks again "Oh really? You haven't even kissed her. How do we know this isn't one of those 'high school crushes'?" I tense up.... Shit shes saying exactly what i told her and Daphne Theo feels the sudden change and pats my leg to reasure me. I look at Daphne who's standind next to us, she looks at me with a oh shit look as i turn my head to glance at Tom, Enzo, Blaise, Regulus, and Draco who have finally stoped laughing i gusse there unco- "Shut up Astoria. We are going to kiss soon." I look back at Mattheo as his words snap me out of my own thoughts, still a little shocked i respond  with all i can think of "we are?!?" Theo chuckles when I say this which earns him a light slap on the head which makes him laugh more. "Of course we are. I've been waiting to do it at the right moment because I want it to be special for you. I do not, however, want it to be at the beach." Still in shock I nod and hop down from Theo's back and walk to stand infront of my brother as I look at Mattheo. Mattheo sighs and Astoria's smirk fades as she says "You two don't even know what you are." I look at Mattheo seeing that what she said struck a nerve "Stop talking." Hesatently I walk to stand next to mattheo, once I reach his side I look at the sand and mumble "she does have a point....." Mattheo sighs again and says "We are not a fling." 

"Then what are you two?" Astoria says rolling her eyes.  "i-i......friends with benefits?" I say sceptically, immediately I regret I said anything as I feel Mattheo stiffen next to me "Friends with benefits? We are not friends with benefits. We are..." Letting out a sharp and cold laugh Astoria looks back and forth before saying "You two still can't decide, huh?” I sigh "you have a point" I feel mattheo suddenly grab my hand and start to run soothing circles with his thumb "We are..." "A fling? A booty call?" she cuts him off.  "aw Astoria when you say it that way it almost sounds like you're calling me a slut" I groan, i can tell mattheo about to snap but isn't he's keeping it in. "If the shoe fits." she retrorts, out of the corner of my eye I see Theo take a step forward before Daphne grabs his arm to try to calm him down. My eyes snapping back to Astoria I say the first thing that comes to mind "ok" Smirking she says "Face it, you're basically a hoe." I look at the sand as i feel mattheo's hand tighten around mine and i look at his other and see hes clenching his fist "Stop talking." She just glares at mattheo and says in a nasty tone "Make me." "oh. oh shit" I hear Draco say while she and mattheo stare at each other angrily. Eventually he's takes the bait "Is that a challenge?" I look up to see a smirk appear on her face "Maybe it is." I dont say anything I just look back down at the ground starting to get even more uncomfortable, "ooo I can feel the sexual tension" I joke under my breath, not expecting Tom and Blaise and Regulus to hear it. Regulus and Blaise suddenly laugh while mattheo grip on my hand is starting to hurt from how hard he's gripping it.  "You know what this needs? Some romantic music to really add to the tension." Theo blurts out, i wince at his remark and feel bad, Theo only jokes when hes supper uncomfortable. I look over my shoulder to see him take out his phone and turns on the music to some cheesy romantic song. "hahaha" I say very uncomfortably "um...I'm just gonna go...." I manage to pry my hand out of Mattheos vice grip and try to walk off, before I can even make it 3 steps Astoria reaches out and grabs my arm and says with a sickinly playfully tone "Ooh where are you going? You don't want to see this?" I swallow hard as the tension between the three of us could suffocate anyone "not really no" I mumble. Keeping a firm grip on my wrist she doesn't let me go as she smirks "Come on, you can't miss this. It's fun." "Let her go." Mattheo snarls,  shifting my position I avoid any eye contact getting increasingly more uncomfortable with the whole situation. Still keeping a firm grip on my wrist she doesn't let go as a dark chuckles escapes her lips "I think I'll keep her here" I look up to see Mattheo's face is completely red at this point and he says through gritted teeth "Let her go Astoria" At this point she  let's go of me and walks over to Mattheo and kisses him on the lips taking advantage of his out of control emotions.  Mattheo goes completely quiet shocked by the sudden kiss. The other boys are all speechless also. Theo, regulus and draco, tom,blaise and enzo are all just staring with their mouths open while Daphnes wide eyed expression is so funny I would laugh if I wasn't so uncomfortable. "um....can I go now?"  I say rubbing my arm and looking down at the sand. "Yeah, you can go..." I look up too see Mattheo is still in shock I nod as I feel my heart clench, I look up quickly to see that Astoria is just smiling "I think I just claimed him." I nod and purse my lips "good to know.... ya um...I'm gonna go now....have fun y'all" I pick up my bag and run up to the beach to house. 


Theo is about to head after her but Daphne stops him whispering "Let Mattheo go after her" which earns her a nod. Theo and Daphe look at Enzo, Tom, Blaise, Draco and Regulus as they disperse and start packing up all the beach equipment not saying a word. The air is thick with tension still, Theo remeber thinking to himself that this trip was going great until Astoria showed up. Turning his head back over to his best friend he sees mattheo is still just standig there with his mouth open. Shaking his head Theo thinks that mattheo needs to snap out of this state and that he needs to go talk to his sister. Without realizing it he tenses up which cause Daphne to run soothing circles around his palm trying to calm him the slightest bit. Immediately as she starts this theo feels his shoulders relaxe as he looks down at the blonde girl standing next to him. He smiles at her as he sees her sunkissed skin has brought out the light freckles that dance across her cheeks, knowing that they only come out if shes been exposed to too much sun. Smiling he thinks to himself how the 'fuck did I get so damn lucky' finally snapping out of his thoughts he takes his eyes off of Daphnr and sees Mattheo finally come too as he shakes his head to clear it and he starts running after Bella. Theo let's out a small laugh as he sees this which earns a questioning look from Daphne where he just smile and leads her back to the house as well.


After i stormed into my room i let out a frustrated scream before i started punching my pillow. God she makes me so fucking mad. What the fuck is her problem. I give my pillow one last punch before I take a deep breath and stand back up. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of sweatpants, a blue cropped t-shirt, new pair of underwear and bra. I take Mattheo's wet sweatshirt off and peal off my damp bathing suit top before deciding that I could care less about a bra right now. So I grab a baggy band t-shirt instead and pull it over my damp hair. After changing into my clean underwear and sweatpants I flop onto my bed, and start feeling sorry for myself. As soon a connect my phone to my speaker I hear a nock on my door, groaning I try to ignore them, in hopes they'll go away, "Bella? Bella?! Can i come in?" i hear Mattheo's panicked voice. Mentally cursing to myself I answer "sure" I crawl into my bed and hit play on my phone again. and Mattheo hesitantly walks in and closes the door behind him. He's still panting a little as he says "Are you alright?" I look at him sith a blank expression before nodding my head "ya I'm fine"  i say looking away from him. Feeling the bed sink as he sits down, Mattheo gently pushes my chin so im forced to look at him "You're not fine. I know you aren't fine. Don't lie to me." As I look into his brown eyes I feel something in my chest tighten "I'm fine. honest" I gently turn my head waya from him. Mattheo lets out a frustrated sigh "Don't tell me you're fine when I know you aren't. I know you better than anyone. Stop being so stubborn." I wince it's true he knows me better than anyone....well besides Daphne and Theo...

"she's right you know" I say still not looking at him. I feel the air around us suddenly change after I say that. "She's right? You're really just gonna agree with her?" he says surprised. I nod still not looking at him "she is right though.... we don't even know what we are" I hear him let out a frustrated sigh which I assume as also him hating that part of what I'm saying is true, "Fine. She's right about that part. We don't know what we are but then again when do we ever know anything with you? You are so damn hard to read...never answering my text, never telling me how you really feel about me...I never even know if we are just friends or more than that. Can we just talk about this?" I freeze as he says this, 

'so he thinks this is my fault? What the fuck! He's the one who never opens up' I shake my head "no just forget about it" 'Fine if you think I'm difficult,  then I'll act it'. Mattheo crosses his arms "No. I'm not just gonna forget about it. We need to talk about all of this now." Not wanting to move past the fact he thinks im difficult i stay stubborn and look at him "what's there to talk about?" I see him look at me with utter shock, which turns to frustration "What's there to talk about? What the hell are we? That's what we need to talk about."

 "oh....." Is all i say, i know Mattheo wants me to say something but i don't. "It would be really nice to know what I mean to you. Am I just some random guy you flirt with? Or do you actually have some genuine feelings for me?" Caught off guard by the sudden bluntness of the question all I manage to get out is "I-i...." before my brain stops functioning, I hear him let out a frustrated sigh "Of course you don't have an answer. I am honestly just so sick of trying to figure out what you're thinking. You never respond when I text you and when you do you never answer my questions. I'm always the one that has to start these conversations." I just sit there not looking at him, I still feel so overwhelmed from what happened not even less than 30 minutes ago.  And I guess my frustration resurfaced with me realizing it, and before I can think it through I say what I will always regret, "you should go back to Astoria" The silence that followed after it was almost smothering I knew what I just said had closed off a small part of what me and Mattheo have. I look at him and see him looking utterly shocked before he harshly says "What's that supposed to mean?" 

'What does it mean?'  I think 'Do I really think its true?' "it means.....its means...I don't... I don't want you here" i hear myself say. "You don't want me here? Is that what you mean? Is that what you just said?" 'Ohmygosh i did just say that... shit! shit! shit!' "yes" I whisper. I hear him take a deep breath "You know what? Fine, I'll go." I look up at him suddenly feeling my stomach drop as He walks to the door and opens it before turning around and looking at me "I hope you feel good after saying that." I flinch at what he says before slaming the door behind him really hard. "You are a fucking bitch. I'm so sick of your games." I just stare at the door that he left out of, and I feel my breathing pick up as tears start falling down my cheeks.

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