My Enemy, My Lover: Book 1

written by Ariana Malfoy

Mattheo and Lexi, two individuals with fiery personalities and a burning hatred for each other. Their encounters are filled with insults and tension, but as time goes on, an unexpected attraction begins to develop. As their relationship evolves, they must confront their true feelings and decide if the love growing between them is worth the fight

Last Updated






Seven Minutes in Hell....Sorta

Chapter 13


I was quiet, studying his face. There was so much emotion there - sadness, regret, pleading, and something else that I couldn't quite identify. Hope, maybe? I wanted to believe him, I really did. But...Could I trust him? Could I take that risk and put my heart on the line again, only to have it crushed? There was part of me that wanted to run, to walk away and protect myself from getting hurt again. But then I looked deeper into his eyes, and I saw something that made me hesitate. I saw a vulnerability and a rawness there that I had never seen before. It was as if he was laying his heart bare to me, letting me see the true him. The real Mattheo. And that stopped me. It made me hesitate and wonder if maybe - just maybe - there was more to him than the cocky, arrogant bad boy persona he showed everyone else. Maybe he really did care about me, maybe he really did want a chance with me. But the fear and uncertainty were still there, holding me back. How could I be sure that he wouldn't hurt me again? How could I be sure that he was genuine, that this wasn't just some messed up game he was playing with me? I swallowed, trying to find the words to express all the thoughts and feelings swirling around in my head. But before I could say anything, I heard a familiar voice call out to us.

"Oi, lovebirds!" A smirking voice drawled from behind Mattheo, and I looked up to see an amused-looking Draco....Draco Malfoy approached us. Great, of course he showed up right when things were getting intense. Mattheo turned around, looking annoyed at the interruption. "What do you want, Malfoy?" he snapped, his voice tense. Draco chuckled, leaning against the wall next to us. "Well, I just couldn't help but overhear your little heart-to-heart," he said, a wicked gleam in his eye. "Very touching, really. Got me right here." He mimicked placing a hand over his heart dramatically. Mattheo's jaw tightened, his fist clenching at his side. "Piss off, Malfoy," he growled. "This is none of your business."  Draco raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, hey, no need to get all touchy," he said, his smirk widening. "Just couldn't help but notice that little hint of uncertainty in the lovely Lexi's eyes here. Is she having doubts about the oh-so-charming and romantic Mattheo Riddle trying to sweep her off her feet?" 

Mattheo's jaw tightened even further, his irritation growing. "Shut up," he snapped, his voice dangerous. "You don't know anything, Malfoy. And I don't need your smartass comments right now." Draco just chuckled again, completely unfazed by Mattheo's angry tone. "Oh, I think I know plenty," he said, his smirk turning smug. "And I have a feeling there's some things that Lexi here hasn't told you either. Isn't that right, love?"   I tensed up at Draco's words, feeling a pang of panic. How did he know about the things I hadn't told Mattheo yet? I shot Draco a quick, panicked glance, silently pleading with him not to say anything. Draco just smirked back at me, clearly enjoying himself. "Oh, come on, darling," he said, feigning innocence. "You don't think it's fair for Mattheo here to go into this whole courtship thing without knowing all the juicy details, do you?" I knew what he was doing - he was taunting me, trying to provoke Mattheo and make things worse.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Draco, don't-" I started, but I was interrupted by Mattheo's voice, harsh and biting. "What the hell are you talking about, Malfoy?" Draco raised his eyebrows, looking far too pleased with himself. "Oh, nothing...just an interesting little tidbit that I happen to know." He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Did you know that sweet lil Lexi here has been...well, how shall I put it...having a bit of fun on the side." Mattheo's anger flared at Lorenzo's words, and he took a step closer to Draco, his fists clenched at his sides. "Watch your mouth, Malfoy," he growled. "You don't know what you're talking about." Draco held up his hands again, still smirking. "Oh, I think I do, actually," he said casually. "And I'm sure if you ask Lexi, she'll tell you all about it. Won't you, darling?" He looked at me, his eyes challenging. I look at him pleadingly to stop, hoping by staying silent he might take the hint. Except he uses this to his advantage. Draco's smirk widens at my silence, clearly enjoying himself. "Ah, I see she's being shy," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, let me just fill you in then, old friend. Lexi and I have do I put this...spending quite a bit of time together recently. Haven't we, love?"

A flicker of disbelief and anger crossed Mattheo's face, but he tried to keep it controlled. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous. Draco smirked, clearly enjoying stirring the pot even more. "Oh, didn't you know?" he said, feigning innocence. "Lexi and I, we've shall I put it...exploring each other a few times." Mattheo's face darkened, his eyes narrowing at Draco. "You're lying," he said, his voice harsh. "I don't believe you." But I could hear the hint of doubt creeping into his words. Draco just shrugged, his smirk still firmly in place. "Oh, I swear it's the truth. We've had quite the fun time together, haven't we, love?" He looked at me, his eyes daring me to contradict him. I could feel my heart beating faster, my mind racing as I tried to figure out what to say. Should I deny it? Should I admit it? Either way, I knew Mattheo was going to react badly to the truth. I swallowed, my throat feeling dry as I tried to find my voice.

But before I could say anything, Mattheo spoke up again. "Is that true, Lexi?" His voice was cold, and when I looked into his eyes I saw a mix of disbelief, anger, and hurt. I wanted to deny it, to tell him that Draco was lying, but I couldn't find the words. Draco, sensing victory, kept going. "Oh, come now, don't look so surprised, Mattheo," he said, his tone mocking. "You really think a girl as hot as Lexi here would put all her eggs in one basket? I mean, I know you're pretty damn full of yourself, but even you can't be that deluded." Mattheo's jaw clenched, his eyes flaring with anger. "Shut up, Malfoy," he said through gritted teeth. "This isn't any of your business." Draco just chuckled, completely unfazed by Mattheo's anger. "Oh, but it is my business now, isn't it? After all, I've been enjoying the same privileges you're trying to claim."

Draco's smirk widened, as if he could hardly contain himself. "In fact, I'm planning on enjoying those privileges again tonight," he said, his voice low. "There's a little party happening in the Room of Requirement, and I expect Lexi will be there." Mattheo's eyes flickered to mine, searching for a denial or an explanation. But all he saw was my own guilt and shame reflected back at him. He looked back at Draco, his mouth set in a hard line. "Oh, and wouldn't you know, there's a little activity planned for the night," he continued, glancing at me. "Seven minutes in heaven. I'm hoping to have the privilege of spending time with Lexi alone in there." Mattheo's jaw tightened even further, as if he was trying to physically restrain himself from launching at Draco. I could feel the anger and hurt rolling off of him in waves, and it made my stomach twist with guilt.  "Oh, and you're welcome to join the party too, Riddle," he said, feigning politeness. "But I can't promise that you'll get a turn with your little lovebird here."

Mattheo clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "I don't need your damn permission to be at a party, Malfoy," he said, his voice filled with rage. "And I'll be there, whether you like it or not." Draco chuckled, "Oh, I have no doubt you'll be there, mate," he said. "But just remember, there are no guarantees on who gets a turn in heaven with little Miss Lexi here." Mattheo's eyes flashed dangerously, his jaw working as he struggled to restrain himself. I could tell he was seconds away from launching himself at Draco and beating the hell out of him. Draco, sensing the tension reaching its limit, decided to end his little game for now. He shot me a final smirk, then turned and sauntered off, leaving Mattheo and me alone in the hallway.

The silence between us was suffocating, broken only by Mattheo's heavy breathing. I could feel the anger and pain radiating off of him like a physical force. I wanted to say something, to explain myself, but I couldn't find the words. I just stood there, waiting for him to speak. When he did finally speak, his voice was low and controlled, but I could still hear the hurt and anger hidden beneath it. "Seven minutes in heaven, huh?" he said, his eyes never leaving mine. I flinched at the coldness in his voice, feeling even more guilty and ashamed. " wasn't my idea, Mattheo," I said quietly, my voice shaking slightly. "Draco just-" He cut me off with a scoff, shaking his head. "And you let him do it, didn't you? You let him touch you, kiss you, while you were supposed to be trying with me. Was any of it even real, or was it all just a game to you?"

I could feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, my heart ache with the pain I was causing him. "No, Mattheo, it wasn't like that," I said, my voice pleading. "I...I care about you, I really do. But things got complicated, and I-" He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. "Complicated? You had your tongue down another guy's throat, but it was just 'complicated'? Give me a break." I bit my lip, my tears threatening to spill over. "It wasn't like that, Mattheo," I repeated, my voice cracking. "I care about you, I do. But I...I was confused, and Draco was just...there, and-" He cut me off again, his eyes filled with anger and hurt. "Save it, Lex," he said, his voice cold. "I don't want to hear your excuses. You made your choice, and it wasn't me. You're free to do whatever you want, right? You're free to kiss whoever you want, spend time with whoever you want."

His words felt like a punch to the stomach, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. They streamed down my face, my heart breaking as I watched the pain I'd caused him. "It's not like that, Mattheo," I said again, my voice barely above a whisper. "Please, you have to believe me. I...I care about you so much, but I just-" He stepped closer to me, his eyes full of anger and hurt. "But you don't care about me enough, do you?" he said, his voice dangerous. "You care enough to let me kiss you, touch you, but not enough to be faithful. Is that it?" I shook my head, my tears falling freely now. "No, it's not like that," I repeated, my voice pleading. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just...I was confused, and Draco was there, and-" He let out a bitter laugh again, his eyes cold. "And he was available, right? I wasn't, so you went with him instead. It's just that simple, huh?" I look at him trying to get him to believe me. To believe it didn't happen the way Draco was saying it happend, "Please Mattheo you don't understand, he used-" He cuts me off again, his voice cutting like a knife. "No, I understand perfectly," he says, his eyes dark and cold. "You made your choice, Lexi. But if you're still confused or if you're still looking for someone to mess around with after tonight, just leave me out of it." I flinch at his harsh words, feeling my heart break even further. "Mattheo, please," I beg, my voice cracking. "Please, just let me explain." Mattheo's face hardens even more, the pain in his eyes turning into anger. Without another word, he turns and walks away from me, leaving me alone in the hallway, tears streaming down my face.

I slowly make my way back to my dorm, my head feeling fuzzy and my heart feeling like it's been ripped out of my chest. As I reach my door, I take a deep, shuddering breath, trying to pull myself together. But tears are still streaming down my face, and I feel a wave of hopelessness wash over me. I walk into my dorm room, closing the door behind me and leaning against it. I feel exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I just want to curl up in a ball and forget about everything that's happened. But I know I can't. The party tonight, with Mattheo and's like a ticking time bomb.  I force myself to move, walking over to my closet and pulling out a dress. It's a pretty red dress that hugs my figure and makes me feel confident. But now it just feels like a cruel mockery of my situation. As I put on the dress, I can't help but feel a pang of guilt and shame. This dress is so beautiful, so sexy, but all I can think about is how it's probably going to just rile up Mattheo even more, how it's just going to make him even madder at me. I look in the mirror, taking in my reflection. I look stunning, but I also look like a mess. My eyes are puffy from crying, and my skin is paler than usual. I feel like a walking contradiction, like the pretty dress I'm wearing doesn't match the chaos inside me. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I fix my makeup, trying to cover up the signs of my tears. But no matter how much I try to hide it, I still feel like there's a knot in my stomach, like there's a weight on my chest, like there's a feeling of dread hanging over me like a dark cloud. Finally, I'm ready. I'm dressed, my makeup's done, and my hair's styled. But as I look at myself in the mirror again, I can't help but feel like a fraud. This party, this dress, it all feels so fake. Everything feels fake. I look at the clock 6pm. Shit. The party doesnt start until 9. "Now what?" I groan, I have hours to kill before the party. The thought of sitting in my dorm room, alone with my thoughts, is almost unbearable. I need something to take my mind off everything, even if just for a little while. I sit on my bed, trying to think of something to do. I flip through a book, but I can't focus on it. I try to listen to music, but my mind keeps drifting back to Mattheo. I try watching a movie, but I can't concentrate on it. It's like the minutes are passing by painfully slowly, each one filled with thoughts of Mattheo and what waits for me at the party. I check the time again. It's only 6:30. It feels like hours have passed, but it's only been half an hour. I lay back on my bed, frustrated and restless. Maybe I should just sleep? But sleep seems elusive, my mind too active to let me rest. I lie in bed for what feels like forever, the minutes ticking by slowly. I can't stop thinking about Mattheo, and it's driving me crazy. I check the time again. It's 7:30. Only two more hours to go. I get up, pacing around my room like a caged animal, trying to burn off some of my nervous energy. As I pace, my eyes fall on my dresser, where a bottle of fire whiskey sits. I stare at it for a moment, debating with myself. I know I shouldn't, but the lure of the alcohol is tempting. It could numb the pain, help me forget my worries, if only for a little while. I grab the fire whiskey and pour myself a generous helping. I take a sip and feel the familiar burning sensation as the liquid slides down my throat. It tastes sharp and bitter, but it does what it's supposed to. It distracts me, numbs my senses, makes me feel a little detached from my troubles. I take another sip, the alcohol giving me a little bit of courage. As I drink more, the room starts to spin a little. My head feels lighter, my thoughts becoming a little hazy. I'm not drunk, not really, but I'm definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol. I feel a little less on edge, a little less worried about the party and seeing Mattheo again. I look at the clock again. 8:30. Only one more hour to go. I take another sip of the whiskey, the warm, familiar burn in my throat a small comfort. The alcohol has taken the edge off my nerves, but now I'm feeling a little reckless, a little bolder. Maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe it's just my natural stubbornness, but I start to feel a little defiant. I don't want to just sit around and wait. I want to do something. Something stupid, maybe, but something that will make me feel alive. Something that will make me feel in control. I look at the closet, an idea forming in my mind. I'm wearing a pretty dress, my hair and makeup are done, and the alcohol is making me feel a little uninhibited. Maybe it's time to make an entrance. Maybe it's time to show Mattheo what he's missing. I go over to the closet and rummage through it, looking for something that will really grab his attention. As I browse, my fingers skim over different fabrics and styles. My eyes land on a dark green dress that's been sitting in the back of my closet. It's a tight, slinky dress that shows off my curves and hugs my body perfectly. I pull it out, holding it up to myself in the mirror. So i slip off the red dress and pull on the green one. The dark green fabric feels cool and smooth against my skin, and I can immediately tell that this dress has the power to make an impression. It's sexy and seductive, but still elegant and classy. I step into it, pulling it up over my curves and adjusting it until it fits like a second skin. I look at myself in the mirror, and I feel a surge of confidence. I finish the last of the fire whiskey, feeling the alcohol coursing through my veins. My vision is a bit blurry, and my head feels floaty, but I feel more sure of myself than I did before. I pat down my hair and check my makeup in the mirror, making sure everything's perfect. I take one last look at myself, and I like what I see. I look hot, confident, and ready. I glance at the clock again. It's 8:50. The party starts in 10 minutes. I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. I know I'm probably not the only girl that's going to try to get Mattheo's attention tonight, and I know I need to make a statement. A small smirk forms on my lips as I step into my heels, feeling unstoppable in my tight green dress. I cast one last look at myself in the mirror, taking in the way the dress shows off my curves, the way my hair looks tousled but sexy, the way my makeup is smokey and seductive. I look like a walking temptation, and I know it. I walk out of my dorm room, ready to make my entrance and show Mattheo what he's missing.

As I walk down the hall, I catch a few glances and hear a few whispers. I know my dress is turning heads, and I can feel the power it gives me. I straighten my shoulders and hold my head high, feeling unstoppable as I make my way toward the common room, where the party is already starting to get rowdy. I enter the common room, and the noise and activity immediately engulf me. Students are laughing and talking, drinking and dancing, some couples sneaking away to find a quiet corner. I scan the room, looking for Mattheo, but I don't see him. A pang of disappointment hits me, but I quickly push it aside. He'll be here. He has to be. Draco spots me across the room and saunters over, a cocky smirk on his face. He looks me up and down, taking in my appearance. "Damn, Lex," he says, his eyes lingering on my curves. "You look downright sinful tonight."  I smile, feeling a little bit more confident thanks to the alcohol. I give him a sly look. "You like what you see?" I ask, running a hand down the side of my dress.

"You know, I've been thinking about that game we talked about before," he says, his voice low and suggestive. He leans in closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. I know what he's talking about, and I'm curious to see how this is going to play out. I take a step closer, our bodies almost touching now. "Mattheo here?"  Draco grins and scans the room, his eyes searching for a familiar figure. He spots him standing across the room, surrounded by a group of his friends. "Yeah, he's over there," he says, nodding in Mattheo's direction. "Looks like he's trying to drown himself in fire whiskey." My heart skips a beat as I hear Lorenzo's words, a mix of anticipation and dread swirling in my stomach. Mattheo's here, and he's already drinking, which means he's either trying to numb his feelings or is planning to make some stupid decisions tonight. Maybe both. I follow Lorenzo's eyes, taking in the sight of Mattheo standing with his friends. Even from across the room, I can see the tension in his body, the storm brewing in his eyes. He's clearly struggling to keep his emotions in check, and I can tell he's looking for a way to let off some steam. I watch as Mattheo takes another swig of fire whiskey, his eyes scanning the room and quickly falling on me. Our eyes meet for a brief moment, and I catch a flash of something dark and intense in his gaze, but then he looks away, resuming his conversation with his friends. I look at Lorenzo and shrug "You know what. Fuck it, lets do a game of Seven Minutes in Heavn". Draco's grin widens, excitement and lust flashing in his eyes. He leans in close, his breath hot against my ear. "You sure about that, Lex? No going back once we start."

A shiver runs down my spine, both from his words and his proximity. This is a bad idea, I know it. But the alcohol is making me reckless, and I'm tired of being on the sidelines, watching Mattheo from afar. I want to feel something, anything, and if that means playing this game with Draco, then so be it.  I nod, a reckless determination settling in my eyes. "I'm sure," I say, my voice steady and firm. "Let's do it." Draco grins again, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He takes my hand and leads me through the crowd, his touch sending jolts of electricity through my body. I glance back once more and see Mattheo watching us, his eyes dark and intense. We reach a quiet corner of the room, away from the noise and the crowd. Draco turns to me, his eyes burning with desire. He pins me against the wall, his body pressed against mine. My heart is racing as he cups my face in his hand, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. The heat of his body against mine is intoxicating, and the desire in his eyes makes me feel dizzy. I tilt my head back, letting him brush his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck. Draco growls softly as his lips trail down my neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. My breath catches in my throat, my body arching into his touch. He lifts his head and looks into my eyes, his gaze intense and hungry. But even as I become lost in the moment, images of Mattheo flash through my mind. The dark gleam in his eyes, the way he looks at me when he thinks I can't see him, the memory of his touch on my skin. Guilt and confusion wash over me, and I hesitate, pulling back slightly as I realize that this is not what I truly want. I push against Draco's chest, trying to make space between us. But I'm to drunk. Fuck i can hardly think straight all i can manage is a whimper.

Draco's, too far gone in his desire, doesn't realize my internal struggle. He interprets my whimper as a sound of pleasure and takes it as encouragement, pressing his body harder against mine, his hands roaming freely over my curves. His lips find mine again, and he kisses me hungrily, passionately. The alcohol has dulled my senses, though, and I find it hard to form a coherent thought, let alone push him away. But then, as if summoned by my inner turmoil, a familiar voice cuts through the haze of my brain. It's Mattheo's voice, cold and steady, laced with a hint of irritation. My eyes fly open as I hear his voice, and I feel a wave of emotions wash over me. Relief, guilt, desire, confusion. I try to turn my head in the direction of his voice, but Draco's grip on me is firm, his lips still exploring my neck. I whimper again i need my brain to snap out of the fogginess, Draco grins against my skin, thinking my whimper is a sound of pleasure. But then Mattheo's voice cuts through again, louder and more impatient this time.

"Draco"  It's a single word, but the tone is hard and commanding. A shiver runs down my spine as I hear the cold power in Mattheo's voice. It's a tone I've only heard a few times, and it always sends a mix of fear, attraction, and arousal rushing through me. Draco finally breaks our embrace and turns to face Mattheo, annoyance flashing across his face. But Mattheo's gaze is fixed on me, his eyes dark and intense as they roam over my body, taking in my disheveled state and the evidence of what was about to happen. A muscle ticks in his jaw as he sees my flushed cheeks, my messy hair, my dress bunched up around my hips. The anger in his eyes makes my stomach clench, but there's something else there too, something primal and possessive. It makes my heart race and my thighs clench.  He takes a step closer, and I can almost feel the crackle of electricity between us. His eyes never leaving mine, he speaks to Draco, his voice cold and steady. "Step away from her. Now." Draco huffs, clearly disgruntled, but he knows not to mess with Mattheo....Even earlier, he knew it but he did it because Mattheo was sober....but a drunk Mattheo thats a diffrent story. With a glare at me and a muttered curse, he steps away, leaving me alone facing Mattheo. I feel suddenly exposed and vulnerable under his intense gaze, my skin prickling with awareness.  

Mattheo's gaze darkens as he watches me stumble slightly, a look of irritation and concern flashing across his face. He reaches out, gripping my waist to steady me, his touch sending a jolt of heat through me. I frown and start to walk off, I don't want to party anymore. I just want to go back to my dorm.  Mattheo doesn't let go of my waist, though. His grip tightens, preventing me from leaving. "Where do you think you're going?" he says, his voice low and demanding. His eyes rake over my disheveled appearance, his gaze lingering on my exposed neck A shiver goes down my spine as I feel his eyes on my skin, the possessiveness in his tone sending a flutter of arousal through me. I try to shrug off his grip, my drunken mind trying to keep some semblance of control. "Your mad at me still pretty boy" i slur "I want to go to my dorm" Mattheo's lips thin at my drunken remark, his eyes narrowing. But he doesn't release me, his grip only tightening further. "You're drunk," he says, his voice stern. "You're going to hurt yourself if I let you go." 

"Well it'd be two for two then. I hurt you, i get hurt myself" Pain flashes in Mattheo's eyes at my words. But it's quickly replaced by anger. "That's not funny," he snaps. "And you're not going anywhere." I try to squirm out of his grip again, but he's got me locked in his strong arms, my body pressed tight against his. My head is spinning, the alcohol and the proximity to Mattheo making me feel dizzy and disorientated. I try to speak, but my words come out as a drunken babble. "I want to go back to my dorm" Mattheo glares down at me, his jaw clenching. He's clearly frustrated and angry, but there's something else in his eyes too, something protective and possessive. "You're not going anywhere until you sober up," he snaps, his voice low and firm. "You're staying with me." 

"Okay, then lead the way" Mattheo's eyes flash with surprise at my sudden agreement, but he quickly regains his composure. He keeps his grip on me, his hand moving to my lower back as he guides me toward the exit of the common room. We move through the crowd, Mattheo keeping me close, his body a solid wall against mine. I hear whispers and giggles from some of the students as we pass, their eyes darting between Mattheo and me, clearly sensing the tension between us. 

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