Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5)

Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly, aiming for another amazing issue of Hogwarts Monthly News... And here it is! Enjoy reading!

Last Updated






Top 10 Memes Of The Month

Chapter 17

“Oooooh, what’s this, huh?”

Yep, I bet that at this very moment, you are thinking these very words, or something along those lines. Well, “Top Ten Memes Of The Month” is a brand new addition to all the chapters we have in our Hogwarts Monthly News issues. This means the funniest, most HILARIOUS memes ever will always be top notch! Under each meme is a general description, and why it’s sooo funny. Ready to shatter some eggs and CRACK UP, everybody? Read on!


Okay, okay, can’t we all relate to this? Surely at one point in time we decided that it’d simply be a GREAT idea to take a trip to the bathroom and start brewing potions. Like, so many of us did hoping it would turn us into something or someone (mermaids, vampires etc). What Hermione does in book two perfectly makes us remember when we were young and mischievous, mixing shampoo with water. Isn’t this funny? LOL!


“Student safety is my top priority,” says the guy who hired a guy with Voldemort sticking out of his head, hired a mad man disguised as Mad Eye Moody, let Fudge-well, you get the point. It’s pretty hard to think of Dumbledore as a school “protector” after everything he’s done, right? Just kidding, Dumbledore, you’re still awesome! But doesn’t this meme perfectly contrast what Dumbledore says and what he does? XD! Like in the Goblet of Fire when he's meant to say "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire Harry?" calmly.


Umbridge is clearly the worst character in Harry Potter, from her deceit and lies to her burning hatred of children. This meme clearly defines what we see her as: a gruesome old bird. I wonder if J.K Rowling made her name on purpose? I certainly hope so! Certainly suits you, Umbridge!


Dumbledore has stood everywhere in the school. Well, that’s true, isn’t it? You can’t deny that Snape’s got a point! This meme clearly depicts how Snape and Harry always argue against each other, and Snape decided to let a speck of humour in! Congrats, Severus! A clever move!


The worst way to offend Voldemort and joke around with death isn’t to attempt to murder him, lie to him, or betray him.It's to mention the legendary...NOSE! Just IMAGINE saying this to him…Snape must be REALLY brave, eh?


“You must not tell lies,” is Umbridge’s iconic line from book five. Now imagine her correcting Voldemort, or rather, Tom, when he says that he’s the most hated character in Harry Potter. She’d say it with that ridiculous little “hem hem” and girly voice, am I right? This meme has me rolling on the floor! Then again, Umbridge is spitting facts this time.


Imagine telling someone in your dormitory to stay away from you when you sleep in the same room, sit on the same table, and are in the same house. WELL, GUESS WHAT? That is exactly what this hilarious meme shows! It’s by far one of the most ironic memes I’ve ever laid my eyes on…could this meme turn into your all-time favourite?


Normally, when you think of geniuses, a bushy-haired girl would probably pop right into your mind, right? Well, say bye to her and say hi to this guy! Ron is pure genius, using his wits to get him out of sticky situations like these. His mother would be proud!


Don’t we all remember that funny incident in the second book when the Weaslys decided to board a car and save Harry? Ron’s mother was so mad, sending a howler to Hogwarts for Ron! This person in Ed Sheeran’s “Lego House” better not be Ron…his mother is going to rage! Another howler? Oh, and great job on another great song, Ed! LOL!


We all reminisce about Oliver Wood’s slightly-what’s the word? Ah yes, slightly unhealthy obsession with Quidditch. So when he mentions it in a time of war and strife, what do you think would happen? This meme is number one for a reason, if only there was a part 2…go to Puddlemere United and congratulate him for…well, I dunno, making me crack up during a time of grief! Oh, and cheers, Voldy didn’t get to finish his laugh.

That’s all the memes we have for now; I’m afraid it has come to an end. But don’t worry, we have some more memes for you next month so tune in next time! And I promise that it’s going to make the neighbours complain from all the laughter from your house. I am your writer signing out, I hope you enjoyed reading!

Written by Hazel Emory Antler

Edited by Sam Diggory

Proofread by Sara Rowan

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