Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5)

Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly, aiming for another amazing issue of Hogwarts Monthly News... And here it is! Enjoy reading!

Last Updated






A Troubadour's Tales

Chapter 13


A column by SARA ROWAN, consisting of delightfully crafted poems she spun from threads of imagination throughout the month of May.


Magic that winds,

Magic that binds,

Magic of thought

And magic of mind

Magic that laughs

Magic of life

Magic that sighs

Magic of mine.



I see you there

You’re standing alone

The wind whips your hair

And you shiver with cold

I wonder if I

Should go and help

But I hang back

Know that I silently cared.

Staring from afar

Those eyes in the dark,

If you feel alone

Know that I am not far.



I close my eyes,

Set to dream,

Promise and pain,

Come to lean,

On my shoulders

Like old friends

They come and go

Again and again.



Words flow out,

But sound is silent.

Music rings loud,

Yet nothing is present.

I hear naught,

Yet feel so deep.

In heart and soul,

Unsung, I sleep.



She smiles in a way

I don’t like.

In that way a snake does

When they are about to strike.

I’m a little worried

Should I be?

She says no, but then again

She still won’t let me leave.

So I back towards the door

And she advances

Smile on her face

Deathly she dances.



Stir round’ and round,

Till you can’t move anymore

Exhaustion is your burden

Carry it evermore,

Sweet notes of salvation

Ring in your ears

Something salty drips down

You realise it is your tears.

The fire sleeps peacefully

Below the mantel-piece

A teardrop strokes lovingly

Perhaps finally, you may gain peace.


Written by Sara Rowan

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