H.E.A's Articles

I've been in the Hogwarts Monthly News group since... Well, late February of 2024. As well as now being the head, I'm also a marketer, proofreader, journalist and editor. I thought it'd be nice if I gathered all the articles I'd written and stored them in this book, as well as who edited and/or proofread them. So, come on! Flip the page...

Last Updated






Issue 3

Chapter 2

The Library

Hello, all readers! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day today and that you’ll receive a wonderful day tomorrow! We all know that we love the smell of books from the library, and we also love visiting them and reading something every once in a while! (Well, okay. Most people read way more than just ‘one in a while’, but enough of my chitchat!) I’ll be going through some of my favourite books from the library, and you can then go and check them out too!

Slytherin Comraderies (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) by Ashley Ember Hearth:

This book has only gone through one chapter so far, but isn’t it fantastic? So far, it’s all about how "The Golden Trio" met Draco Malfoy on their way back to Hogwarts after the battle. It’s extremely descriptive, attention-catching, and interesting! I love it, and I’m simply waiting for the next chapter to come out. Go to the library and check this book out!

~Triplet Trouble~ by Alaina Potter:

This book’s start is descriptive and makes me wonder about what’s going to happen next. It’s about the Riddle triplets showing up at Hogwarts. It also forms some questions in my mind, such as ‘aren’t the professors at Hogwarts going to be curious about why some random students have landed on their doorstep?’ or ‘why do they need to escape?’ This book is detailed and significantly interesting. And I really want to read the rest! Go to the library and check this book out!

The Battle Against Time by Charlotte Granger:

This book is great, and I love hearing Kailani’s slightly snide remarks. The atmosphere while reading is also sarcastic yet firm. I believe this book is interesting and a little bit explosive, which makes it quite engaging! I also like how there is a rival of Kailani’s, Bella Balone (who smells like baloney, HA!) I really hope the next chapter comes out. Make sure you hop along to the library and read this book!

In truth, there are many amazing books in the library. Of course, I can’t include all of them because you’d already be asleep by the time I reach book number 101. However, you can always go along to the library and dig around—there are many great reads!

That’s all I have to write. Thanks for reading!

Written by Hazel Antler

My Dragon

A small egg...

Doe ran into the cave, and set the egg down on the rock ledge.

It was small, smaller than her, but only just the size of an ostrich’s egg.It was rocking forwards and backwards, but only just slightly. The shell was smooth and white, glinting sky-blue, emerald green and summer-yellow where it hit the light..


Doe’s hands flung to her face. It was hatching.. Already? She thought that she would have had more time.. But it was too late. The egg started violently rocking side to side, before a talon broke through the shell. The eggshell flew off, and onto the rock ledge. A head popped out, blinked slowly, and lunged at Doe.

“AAAAH!” She screamed, terrified. Nevertheless, she caught the dragonet as it lunged towards her, and cradled it in her arms. It blinked, before warbling.

“WRRBBLLEE RWOARBLE RRSS WRRRBLE!” The dragonet poked her nose, and only just then did Doe notice how beautiful it was. The scales were shades of yellow and gold, complete with flowery pink and sky blue on the scale patterns and horns. The dragonet spurted out a tiny flame, before unfurling its antennae. Antennae? Doe hadn’t known that dragons had antennae. She had a feeling this one was a female, though.

However, what was even more weird was that this dragonet unfurled feathery wings, gold with splotches of pink and blue. Bird wings. What?

Doe snuggled the dragonet closer to her, and the dragonet murmured, slowly snoozing off.

“Well, I don’t care if there’s anything wrong with you, little dragonet. You’re mine now, and I’ll take good care of you. I think.. I’ll name you Sylph.”

Doe looked out of the cave at the vast world beyond her.

It was just her now. Her and her little dragonet snoozing away in her arms.. They were alone.. But together.

2 years later..

Doe ran through the forest, sprinting and manoeuvring around trees. Sylph was soaring overhead, watching Doe’s progress. At long last, she soared down to land beside Doe, who had sat on the bare grass and was panting heavily.

“Great job!” Sylph said carefully in Human, as she was still becoming fluent in it. “Your agility was great, although you did nearly bump into a couple of trees.”

“Thank you.” Doe growled in Dragon, pleased. Not only was her agility becoming better, but she was also getting better at speaking Dragon.

Not too far away, a scream tore through the forest.

Sylph flinched, tension running through her scales. Her antennae flickered, sensing something not too far away.

 “Wh-what was that?” She stammered, her heart pounding.

“Let's go see!” Doe was already climbing onto Sylph’s back, holding on to her horns as she crouched on her shoulder.

“What? You’ve never rode me before. What are you doing?” Sylph’s face contorted into confusion.

“Well, isn’t it time we try?” Doe insisted, holding on more tight than ever. Sylph hesitated, before unfurling her beautiful, soft wings and leaping into flight.

A strange occurrence..

“Ok, what is that?”

Doe had just gotten off Sylph after a successful flight, her legs wobbly. In front of her was a gigantic structure, made purely of wood and stone. Which was strange- Doe had been in this part of the forest just a day earlier, and there had been nothing except a couple of hares.

“This thing is weird and extremely creepy. Can’t we go?”

Sylph was pleading with some sort of pitiful and dumb expression, but Doe didn’t fall for it. She opened the door of the structure with a ‘creak’ and stepped inside, beckoning Sylph to do the same. Sylph gulped, before following her.

 The curtains of the structure were ripped, the blankets on beds were torn while the bed cloth itself was stained with something red.

“Umm.. Sylph? I think you might have been right.”

Doe and Sylph had been backing towards the door when Doe’s back thudded against it- it was closed, which was unexpected considering Sylph had left the door open just a moment ago.

Suddenly, a woman-like figure emerged out of the dark, her pale face wrinkly and her hood obscuring only her forehead.

Doe’s eyes widened. She may not have gone to wizarding school, having been dumped by her village out into the open world for being a squib, but she knew what this- or who this- creature was.

A banshee.

The banshee was about to open her mouth, when Sylph and Doe both instinctively placed their hands over their ears, Sylphs having been taught the dangers of some beasts like the banshee by Doe.

The banshee started screaming, however Doe and Sylph were almost completely deaf to it. That is, they could hear some sort of muffled noise, but not enough to kill them. How had the screaming from the forest before not murdered them? It must have been a child banshee, little ones were not capable of murder just yet. So this one was a different one.

Doe suddenly remembered something. On the day Sylph had hatched, she had breathed out a tiny burst of flame… If Sylph could just do it now.. But how was she supposed to tell Sylph? Their ears were blocked, and the banshee was still shrieking without mercy.

Wait.. Weren’t dragons supposed to let out a spurt of flame whenever they sneezed? Doe had eye contact with Sylph, and made a sneezing gesture. Sylph looked confused but also squirming with laughter, even in a situation like this. Nevertheless, she forced herself to sneeze a couple of times when..

A burst of flame came out. Sylph only had her confused face on for a moment before she finally understood. She took a deep breath, before blasting a jet of flame right into the banshee’s face.

Doe and Sylph squeezed their eyes tight, not wanting to witness anything gruesome. At last, they unblocked their ears, and realised that the only remaining trace of the banshee was its cloak- the body itself had disappeared.

Doe and Sylph barely had time to say anything- they just squeezed each other in a restless hug.

“Doe,” Sylph said fiercely. “We are never ever ever ever stepping into a creepy house again. No, do you hear me?!”

“Yes.” Doe said. “Nope. Not trying that again.”

And they set off out of the house, into the forest, awaiting for more danger and peril to arise...


Written by Hazel Antler and proof-read by Billie Whateley




Astrology is a term for the study of movements of different celestial bodies in the universe and how they impact our everyday lives and our environment. Some people might think that astrology is just full of myths; nothing real or true. However, if you have paid close attention, you may have realised that loads of things align with astrology and your own horoscope. That’s why I’m writing an article containing information about the 12 zodiac signs in astrology.


Before all that, let me get something straight. Your English zodiac sign might say that you are a Gemini, but you might have a bit of a different personality. However, you will also have to pay attention to your rashi. Your rashi is one of the signs in Vedic Astrology, and it is considered to be more accurate. Your rashi is also called ‘your moon sign.’ However, there is also your sun sign and rising sign- let me explain all that.


Moon Sign: This is your rashi. This is your emotional self, which rules your feelings and emotions, which shapes how you think of yourself. For example, I think of myself as kind, hardworking, caring, practical and full of willpower. According to the traits, my moon sign’s Taurus.


Sun Sign: This determines your ego, and your basic approach to life. It also identifies your general nature. For example, if my approach to life is that I’m funny, smart, lively and passionate, then my sun sign’s a Sagittarius, according to the traits.


Rising Sign: This is your first impression on others and how you react to different situations. Your rising sign is purely external. For example, if my first impression on people is that I’m bubbly, quick-witted, and curious, then my rising sign’s probably a Gemini.


Now that you understand astrology a little bit better, let me dig into the traits of each zodiac sign and their dates and features. Starting with Aries.




(March 21- April 19)


Symbol: Ram.


Traits: Bold, energetic, charismatic, ambitious and fun.


Colour: Red.


Element: Fire.


Planet Ruler: Mars.




(April 20- May 20)


Symbol: Bull.


Traits: Reliable, patient, stubborn, practical and responsible.


Colour: Green.


Element: Earth.


Planet Ruler: Venus.




(May 21- June 20)


Symbol: Twins.


Traits: Curious, great communicators, social, great learners and clever.


Colour: Yellow.


Element: Air.


Planet Ruler: Mercury.




(June 21- July 22)


Symbol: Crab.


Traits: Imaginative, loyal, sympathetic, tenacious and persuasive.


Colour: Sky-blue or white.


Element: Water.


Planet Ruler: Moon.




(July 23- August 22)


Symbol: Lion.


Traits: Warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous, proud and passionate.


Colour: Gold.


Element: Fire.


Planet Ruler: Sun.




(August 23- September 22)


Symbol: A Female.


Traits: Analytical, hardworking, practical, sharp and humble.


Colour: Beige.


Element: Earth.


Planet Ruler: Mercury.




(September 23- October 22)


Symbol: Scales.


Traits: Fair, social, cooperative, empathetic and harmonious.


Colour: Pink.


Element: Air.


Planet Ruler: Venus.




(October 23- November 21)


Symbol: Scorpion.


Traits: Resourceful, powerful, stubborn, intuitive and ambitious.


Colour: Black or maroon.


Element: Water.


Planet Ruler: Pluto and Mars.




(November 22- December 21)


Symbol: Bow and arrow.


Traits: Humorous, lively, passionate, great sportsmanship and smart.


Colour: Purple.


Element: Fire.


Planet Ruler: Jupiter.




(December 22- January 19)


Symbol: Sea-goat.


Traits: Responsible, disciplined, good self-control, ambitious and determined.


Colour: Brown or blue.


Element: Earth.


Planet Ruler: Saturn.




(January 20- February 18)


Symbol: Water-bearer.


Traits: Intelligent, eccentric, original, independent and creative.


Colour: Light-blue or silver.


Element: Air.


Planet Ruler: Uranus and Saturn.




(February 19- March 20)


Symbol: Fish.


Traits: Gentle, wise, compassionate, artistic and imaginative.


Colour: Lilac or sea-green.


Element: Water.


Planet Ruler: Neptune and Jupiter.


So there you go! Those are the 12 zodiac signs, and there’s even facts on your moon, sun and rising sign! Have you figured out what your signs are? If so, you can always look at horoscopes or even just share the new information with your friends.


Thanks for reading!


Written by Hazel Antler and proof-read by Connor Callahan



I helped in writing Holi, but I didn't exactly write it myself, so I didn't include it here.

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