First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for DADA 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

Last Updated






Lesson 8) Fire crabs

Chapter 8

  • Fire crabs have grey-green skin and live in jeweled shells

  • They are dangerous and can shoot fire from their bottoms

  • Safety precautions when dealing with fire crabs include wearing fitted clothing, having a wand in hand, wearing dragon-hide gloves, and not standing behind a fire crab

  • Fire crabs are endangered due to the desire for their shells by both magical and Muggle people

  • The shells are used as cauldrons by magical people, as they retain heat and help potions brew faster

  • Defending against a fire crab can be done with water spells or the Knockback Jinx

  • Harming a fire crab is illegal and can result in severe consequences from the Ministry of Magic

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