First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for DADA 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

Last Updated






Lesson 5) Gnomes and Doxies

Chapter 5

  • Gnomes are small brown creatures that resemble potatoes

  • They are pests that live in gnome holes near wizarding homes

  • Two methods to remove gnomes: Jarvey method (unleashing a Jarvey to hunt gnomes) and spin and toss method (spinning and throwing gnomes out of the yard)

  • Spin and toss method is preferred for being less messy and more humane

  • When gathering gnomes, they may bite and cause potential infection

  • Gnome bites can lead to swelling, inflammation, fever, fatigue, tenderness, and limpness

  • If a gnome bite becomes infected, seek medical attention to avoid complications

  • Doxies are small flying creatures with blue skin, extra set of arms and legs, and shiny beetle-like wings

  • Their razor-sharp teeth can easily puncture human skin and inject venom

  • Doxy bites can lead to infection and allergic reactions

  • Symptoms of an allergic reaction include redness, pain, swelling of lips/tongue/throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and wheezing

  • Doxies create nests behind drapes and lay up to 500 eggs at a time

  • Doxycide, a black liquid with a strong odor, can paralyze Doxies when sprayed on them

  • Doxies affected by Doxycide must be removed from the home within a few hours

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