First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes

There you go, your brand-new notes for DADA 101! Good luck! <3 (Notes on other subjects are coming out. Owl me if you would like to request a specific subject published sooner.)

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Lesson 2) Bright Lights and A Little Revealer

Chapter 2

  • Casting spells requires concentration, willpower, wand movement, and incantation

  • Concentration/focus is the mental process of channeling magic to achieve a specific effect

  • Willpower is the magical force exerted to make the spell happen

  • Wand movement helps channel magical energy and draw on internal and external energy sources

  • Incantations are important and should be pronounced with appropriate pronunciation and emphasis

  • Wand movement becomes less necessary with more experience and concentration

  • Verdimillious Charm has offensive and illumination versions

  • Offensive version shoots green sparks that explode around the opponent, causing a stinging sensation

  • Wand movement for offensive version is a forward slash, aim carefully to avoid self-inflicted stings

  • Illumination version shoots green light towards the ceiling, revealing objects hidden by Dark magic

  • Wand movement for illumination version is a circular motion over the head

  • Concentration and willpower are required for casting both versions of Verdimillious Charm

  • Revealing Charm is used to reveal hidden writing

  • Tap the target object and say the incantation Aparecium to cast the Revealing Charm

  • Willpower can be used to enhance the clarity of the revealed writing

  • Revealing Charm has two possible outcomes: nothing happens if there is no hidden writing, or hidden writing will temporarily glow purple and reveal itself for about five minutes

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