HiH Clubs Magazine (May-June 2024)

written by Ivy Swiftlight

Last Updated






IV - Links To All Mentioned Clubs

Chapter 4

Swifties Dorm Room (#74528) - Dorm: Swifties Dorm | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

The Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine Office (Formerly "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office") UPDATE - Want to be a journalist/columnist for the Hogwarts Seasonal Magazine? Owl us today. - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/73923/

Dating Roleplay - Dating roleplay | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

Ravenclaw Quidditch B - Ravenclaw Quidditch B | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

Swifties - Swifties | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

The Kitchen Club - The Kitchen Club | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

The Cooking Club - The Cooking Club | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

Cooking Class - Cooking Class | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

Magical Cooking Study Group - Magical Cookery Study Group | HiH (hogwartsishere.com)

Study Group Slytherins - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/314

1st Year Study Group - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/378

Tutor Group - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/329

Study Group - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/439

Quidditch League - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/361

Quidditch Lovers - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/4777

Hogwarts Athletics - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/7367

Volleyball Team - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/26053

A place to hang out for all houses - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/74455

Hogwarts Monthly News - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/74324

Charms Classroom - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/74305

Hogwarts Daily - https://hogwartsishere.com/groups/74281

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