Suggestions for HiH!

written by Sara Rowan

All the suggestions and ideas I have to improve HiH and make it a better place! If you have any suggestions, let me know using the form in Chapter 1 : )

Last Updated






II ~ Common Forums

Chapter 2

Common. Forums.

It seems like this site really runs itself on two things: courses, and inter-student activity. Meaning talking.

So why don't we have more forums if it's a forum-based site?

We have student "walls" on our profile. We have dormitory forums. And we have groups/rps.

But we're missing COMMON FORUMS!

Listen. One of the most integral parts of Hogwarts are its houses. Half the globe knows their names.

Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

Now, why are we not exercising inter-house hospitality? We can't talk to any of our house members, unless we talk on their walls, owl them, be in a dormy with them, or create a group. Each house should have common forums with threads and sub-threads and whatnot.

I'm pretty sure this would increase activity, too. These forums could be accessible via the Great Hall. The structure of the page would look largely as it does today, but the leagues of points would be drop-down menus to save space and the forum for your house would be dictated below that.

We could also just have a general Hogwarts forum regardless of houses which would be below the inter-house forums.

Let me know what you think of this idea and if you have any improvements!

~Toodles, Sara ♡

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