Story of Us

written by Ariana Malfoy

During the end of summer break, Allie asked in a group chat with the Slytherin boys if they wanted to go to the beach. A week-long getaway so turns into a messy love story between her and Mattheo. Can they both save what they once had before everything went wrong? (CONTENT WARNING: NSFW, Swearing) A Mattheo Riddle fanfiction

Last Updated






Who even invited Pansy?

Chapter 1

Summer. The most peaceful and enjoyable time of the year....or so I thought. My story starts the summer before my 6th year. It was the 3 weeks before term started up again, so to celebrate the last 3 weeks of summer I sent a text to my friends asking if they wanted to spend the last 3 weeks at my summer house in Newquay. Without a doubt the answer was a yes. By the 2nd week of us being there things were going great until they weren't.


Theo and Enzo were fighting in the water, Draco was building a sand castle with Regulus, and mattheo had climbed up on a rock and was about to jump off, while Tom was sitting on a beach chair reading a book.

As the sun started to set, the tempter started to cool down, so I pull Mattheo's hoodie over my bikini and i walk over towards the water. I walk in so only my ankles are in the water and I cross my arms and look at the sun setting.

Theo notices and is trying to stop his fight with Enzo. Draco and regulus stop building the sandcastle and look as well. So does Pansy and Tom. Mattheo walks over to me soaking wet and from behind he wraps his arms around my waist picking me up and getting the hoodie damp "ew no Mattheo stop. you're soaking wet" I laugh struggling to break free.

Theo, Draco, regulus and enzo chuckle a little and mattheo says "What, can't show some affection to my girl?"

"No because im trying to stay warm and dry right now and your just getting the hoodie wet" I laugh still trying to wiggle my way out of his arms.

"Fine. be that way then" he say's while gently placing me back down on the ground. I smile and I push him backward into the water, Mattheo yelps a bit due to the cold and laughs as he chases me "Oh you're so gonna get it now".  Theo, Draco,and regulus all come over and laugh while mattheo lifts me up and wraps his arms around my waist again and throws me into the water "Now we're both soaking wet" he grins as I stand up "noooo" I laugh as I try to dry the hoodie out the best I can. Mattheo walks over to me and holds me by my hips and kisses my forehead while grinning. I just roll my eyes but smile.

"Aww, are you rolling your eyes at me?" He chuckles and he starts spinning me around slowly and the other boys are still laughing

Pansy glares at me and walks over to me and pushes me out of the way.

Theo, draco and regulus continue to laugh as they see Pansy glare and push me out of the way.  

"What's your problem pansy?" Mattheo says looking at her with a slight scowl, I look at Mattheo and smile "hey its fi-" "No its not, why did you push her?" Mattheo cuts me off.  Pansy scoffs and says "It's because I'm hotter than she is."

Theo, draco and regulus snicker a little while looking at me. I shrug and look at mattheo "I mean she's not wrong" Pansy smirks and says "Oh, so you agree? You think I'm hotter than you? Thats sad." Draco and regulus and Theo let out an awkward chuckle, while mattheo looks like he's getting angrier and angrier.

I look at Mattheo again seeing that he's trying to keep his cool  "hey its not a big deal". Pansy continues to smirk and she says "It's a big deal to him though." Mattheo starts fuming and he says "Shut up pansy." Theo, regluas and draco continue to awkwardly chuckle. Getting uncomfortable myself I walk over to Theo (he's my best friend since diapers. we act like siblings half the time) and jump onto his back while I watch Pansy and Mattheo fight.

Mattheo glares at pansy as she smirks and she says "Stop being protective over her, we all know you two aren't dating. She's probably just a fling."

"She is not just a fling."

Pansy smirks again and says "Oh really? You haven't even kissed her. How do we know this isn't one of those 'high school crushes'?"

Theo chuckles a little and mattheo says "Shut up pansy. We are going to kiss soon."

I look at him shocked as I yell "we are?!?" I see Theo wince at my shout forgetting I was on his back "Oops sorry theo"

Mattheo just looks at me and says "Of course we are. I've been waiting to do it at the right moment because I want it to be special for you. I do not, however, want it to be at the beach." I nod and hop down from Theo's back, Mattheo sighs and pansy's smirk fades as she says "You two don't even know what you are." Through gritted teeth mattheo says "Stop talking pansy". I look at both of them then at pansy and say "you know, she does have a point.....Mattheo" Mattheo sighs again and says "We are not a fling."

Pansy rolls her eyes looks at me and places a hand on her hip "Then what are you two?" Being caught off guard by her sudden question I answer with the only thing I could think of to explain what we are "i-i......friends with benefits?" I say skeptically Mattheo's jaw drops as he hears my resoponse "Friends with benefits? We are not friends with benefits. We are..." Pansy starts smirking which turns into laughter as she says "You two still can't decide, huh?” I sigh and look at Pansy  "you have a point"

mattheo trying to make this less awkward starts to say  "We are..." before he gets cut off by Pansy saying "You are what? A fling? A booty call?"

I look at pansy and wince "aw pansy when you say it that way it almost sounds like you're calling me a slut"

When Mattheo hears me say this he looks like he's about to snap but doesn't

"If the shoe fits." Pansy smirks back at me crossing her arms.  "Face it, you're basically a hoe."

 mattheo clenches his fists and says "Stop talking."

Pansy glares at mattheo and says in a nasty tone "Make me."

"oh. oh shit" I say backing away towards Theo again.

Theo, regulus and draco still are chuckling awkwardly once again while pansy and mattheo stare at each other angrily. Mattheo eventually says "Is that a challenge?" Pansy smirks  "Maybe it is." Being very uncomfortable I joke "ooo I can feel the sexual tension"

Theo laughs awkwardly along and says  "You know what this needs? Some romantic music to really add to the tension." He takes out his phone and turns on the music to some cheesy romantic song.

"hahaha!! good one theo" I say very uncomfortably "um...I'm just gonna go...." I turn to try to walk off but Pansy grabs me before i can walk away and says with a mock playfulness "Ooh where are you going? You don't want to see this?"

"not really no"

Pansy just keeps a firm grip on my wrist and doesn't let me go as she smirks and says "Come on, you can't miss this. It's fun." Mattheo starts getting even more heated as he says "Let her go." Pansy keeps a firm grip on my wrist and doesn't let me go as she chuckles and says "I think I'll keep her here". By now Mattheo's face is completely red at this point and he says through gritted teeth "Let her go Pansy." Pansy at this point gives in and let's go of my wrist. She then walks over to Mattheo and kisses him on the lips, Mattheo goes completely quiet because of the shock by the sudden kiss. The other boys are all speechless also. Theo, regulus and draco are all just staring with their mouths open while mattheo is completely frozen.

"um....can I go now?" I say rubbing my arm extremely uncomfortable now

Mattheo is still shocked and completely silent until he finally realizes that you are talking to him and he says "Yeah, you can go..."

Theo, regulus and draco are all still staring and pansy is just smiling and saying "I think I just claimed him."

I nod "good to know.... ya um...I'm gonna go now....have fun y'all" I pick up my bag and run up the beach.  After i leave while mattheo is still just standing there with his mouth open. Mattheo finally shakes his head to clear it and he starts running up to the beach house as well.


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