My Diary (Hazel Emory Antler)

Well.. I don't know why I decided to write this. Maybe it's because I feel like it'd be fun, or maybe posting your diary in the library for all to read is a growing trend or something. Anyhow, I don't mind if you keep on reading!..

Last Updated






30th April 2024

Chapter 1

I don't know what made me start this diary, but something did. Well, okay, I pretty much placed this info in the teaser.

I don't think I'll be able to do this every single day- I might even write once a week!

Sorry, but all the stuff is kind of random, so here goes nothing.

Muggle school was great, it was the first day back after holiday. ANZAC day is the 25th, but we did it today. Since I'm in the leadersip team, I had to speak on stage. Not TOO nervewracking, I didn't have that many lines anyway.

I, of course, randomly walk around Hogwarts, making sure to check my owls and all 17 of my notifications. I really LOVE being publishing secretary for Hogwarts Monthly News- it really is the best job ever for me! Considering there's students reading this, if you're interested in being in a news group, PLEASE just owl me.

The magazine's running smoothly, like always.

I chat around with my friends, of course. I love my dorm, 'House Of Melodies' but I really wish that SOMEONE would try out for the interdorm writing contest already.

Ahhh, I'm running out of ideas of what to write!!!..

Muggle life is full of studying because I've got such an IMPORTANT and SIGNIFICANT exam coming my way, on MAY 9!!! Only 8 days to study.

I just know that I'll be free every single day after the test : D


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