Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 4)

written by Sienna Lockwood

Hello all readers, This month we’re going to share with you many exciting things, with spring having already started, all the beautiful sights of blossoms growing on your trees. However, this month has also been a month of pranks, as we talk about how fun and hilarious April fool’s day is! Furthermore, we’ll share with you the story of Easter, National Titanic Remembrance Day and of course, my favorite day of the year: National Pet Day. The amazing journalists have also brought to you a narrative called ‘Mud Cake’, Magical Moda, and the Solar Eclipse that happened in April. Best of all, read until the very last chapter to find out which members got the rewards this month.

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The HiH Library

Chapter 3

Hello, hello. Taking a stroll in the HiH Library, are we? Do you mind if I join? I possibly can’t stand a day without reading a book, and it would be even better if I joined you!! I know it’s difficult to choose which book to pick up when there are so many talented authors. I think I’ve got you covered, though. Why don’t I talk you through on some of my favourite books in the Library this April? Of course, I can’t tell you all the best ones. But I’ll pick a few out. 


Looks like Hogwarts has welcomed a new author into the Library- Jean .W.P. Granger who’s brought to us one of the best poems in history (I’m sure it is). Spooky Scary Spiders crawling on your back; I couldn’t think of something worse! Reminds you of the famous, old Ron Weasley, right? Spiders may be scary, but this poem was amazing. It did give me the shivers, but I enjoyed reading it so much. To be honest, I go to the Library to read it nearly every single day. 


Now onto one of our most famous authors in the Library- Kyra W. Granger Potter. Looks like a lot of authors are distant relatives of the Granger family. I absolutely love reading her books, and the Library has grown full of them this April. I always take a little stroll if she’s added one more. It was hard to choose which one I should mention in this issue, but I went with: ‘The Mystery of the Cyanide Maid!’. You can check out the rest of her Mystery books in the Library, ‘cause it’s impossible to stop reading. 


Oooh, not the usual fiction book students would normally pick up and read. It seems that Artemis shared with us some of her knowledge on the Ancient Rune language. Exciting, don’t you think? She gives us a whole alphabet of the Ancient Runes language, and I find it so hard to understand! Check out chapter 2 and 3 if you want to start cracking some codes. It may seem easy, but I warn you, it’s not. Luckily, I worked it out in the end! Sorry, I can’t give you a clue. But if you were accepted into Hogwarts (best magical school ever) then for sure you’ll be able to work it out. 


Don’t stop, because there’s a load of shelves to read from, maybe come back in another century or so if you want me to tell you the first book that was written, starting from the most recent book. A little message that we’ll tell you for every issue:


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Written by Sienna Lockwood

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