Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 4)

written by Sienna Lockwood

Hello all readers, This month we’re going to share with you many exciting things, with spring having already started, all the beautiful sights of blossoms growing on your trees. However, this month has also been a month of pranks, as we talk about how fun and hilarious April fool’s day is! Furthermore, we’ll share with you the story of Easter, National Titanic Remembrance Day and of course, my favorite day of the year: National Pet Day. The amazing journalists have also brought to you a narrative called ‘Mud Cake’, Magical Moda, and the Solar Eclipse that happened in April. Best of all, read until the very last chapter to find out which members got the rewards this month.

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Hogwarts House Interview

Chapter 11

Hello all readers! I hope you've had a wonderful day. Now, you might be thinking that this is just a normal chapter on the Hogwarts Houses. Well, not quite! The team has been working on a project lately, one in which various members got to volunteer for and work on. We've interviewed a student from each house and asked them questions about how they feel about their house, what are their hobbies and interests, and so much more! This is to ensure that you, dearest readers, better understand all of the Hogwarts houses! You can take a peek into someone else's life, their thoughts and their feelings! After all, truly understanding each other is important, as it helps us to grow a stronger bond. The first interview will be Gryffindor, followed by Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and lastly, Slytherin. Now let's sit tight and dive right into the first interview!


First up we have Gryffindor. Gryffindor is the house of the courageous, brave and loyal. Many famous people come from this house. For instance the famous chosen one, Harry Potter himself.

For this interview Jenna Potter will be interviewing fellow Gryffindor, Sienna Lockwood. So let's jump right in!


Jenna: Thank you so much for your time. I noticed that you were sorted into Gryffindor. Why do you

think this happened?


Sienna: I think I was sorted in Gryffindor, because even though people might not be able to see my bravery, I am always willing to fight for my beliefs despite people disagreeing with them.


Jenna: That is definitely why you were sorted into Gryffindor. If ever, you were able to choose a different house, which one would it be, and why?

Sienna: Hmm, that one is a bit hard to choose. I have thought about Ravenclaw and Slytherin. However, my first choice would be Slytherin. I admire its cunning and resourceful nature. Furthermore, I find it interesting how people think of them as evil. Overall, this house would suit me.


Jenna: Interesting. What is the life as a student in Gryffindor?


Sienna: It feels amazing being in Gryffindor. Most students admire this house, which makes me feel a bit special. I feel amazing when I know that I've been sorted into this house because of my bravery. Despite all the positive things, sometimes people expect you to always be brave. Sometimes I feel a bit nervous when people expect Gryffindors to do great things.


Jenna: That makes sense, people do have high expectations of us. What are some of your hobbies and interests?


Sienna: I love taking adventures out into the wild, looking at all the different creatures that hide in the shadows. Everyday I try to go out for a long walk in the forest that I have nearby my house. I couldn't miss it!


Jenna: That sounds relaxing! Now, I’m sure you feel proud of your house- what are some traits that you value from your house, and



Sienna: Our bravery is something that I really value from our house. I think that bravery is sometimes a bit hard to possess. And how we never back down for a fight, which I admire very much.


Jenna: Yes, bravery is a great personality trait. Do you ever feel like your house is overlooked/underestimated/unappreciated? If so, could you

please tell us why?

Sienna: Sometimes people say that we're reckless, especially when we take so many risks no matter what might happen in the end. Some people think that it's dangerous to do those sorts of things, but I think this is what makes my house so special.


Jenna: I agree and thank you so much again for taking the time to do this interview with me!


Interviewer: Jenna Potter

Interviewee: Sienna Lockwood


Next up we have Ravenclaw. In this interview Ravenclaw student Dyana interviews Neo Kazansky-Mitchell.


Dyana: Neo, thank you so much for your time. I noticed that you were sorted into Ravenclaw. Why do you think this happened?


Neo: I believe I was sorted into Ravenclaw for my creative mindset. I am not the typical Ravenclaw. I do like to read, write, and etc, but I'm far from the stereotypical Ravenclaw. By the way, I use they/them for pronouns.


Dyana: Thank you for letting me know about your pronouns. Mine are she/her. If ever, you were able to choose a different house, which one would it be, and why?


Neo: I'd probably be in Slytherin as I feel like I have ambition like a Slytherin but I honestly think I'm better in Ravenclaw,

Dyana: Interesting! What is life as a student in Ravenclaw?


Neo: I'd say it's really interesting as we all are a studious group who blend as a group but I’ve got more of a lone wolf personality. Most people from other houses think we're stuck up, but personally, I don't believe we are. Sure, there could be a couple of us that are, but not all of us are stuck up. Sorry if I'm not making sense.


Dyana: No, that's all right! I completely understand as another Ravenclaw. What are some of your hobbies and interests?


Neo: I enjoy just hanging in the Ravenclaw common room, usually minding to myself. I don't really have many friends but that's okay by me.


Dyana: What do you do in the common room?


Neo: I mostly read or keep to myself.

Dyana: I’m sure you feel proud of your house- what are some traits that you value from your house, and why?


Neo: I value creativity because it makes us all unique and different from most. Intellect is also another good trait in my opinion, because we all learn at different rates, not just Ravenclaws but other houses. In my belief, that is.


Dyana: That's an interesting way to think! Do you ever feel like your house is overlooked/underestimated/unappreciated? If so, could you please tell us why?


Neo: I believe Ravenclaw is both very underappreciated and overlooked. Most people don't think much of us as we all seem to be know-it-alls and stuck- ups, but I personally don't believe all that.


Dyana: Well, what do you believe?


Neo: I believe that we Ravenclaws can be unique and individual just like the other houses and be one of a kind. I believe we can have more than just the typical house traits.


Dyana: That's a very interesting opinion! I'm glad you don't think in a biased way. Thank you for spending your time being interviewed. I very much enjoyed listening to you. Have a nice day!


Interviewer: Dyana

Interviewee: Neo Kazansky-Mitchell


Next is the Hufflepuff house. Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, this house has since held many values including being kind and hardworking. A Hufflepuff Michael Isserles interviewed another Hufflepuff and Charms PA Britini.


Michael Isserles: I once more thank you for giving some of your valuable time for this interview. To begin, what is life like being a Hufflepuff?


Britini: Well, we have the pleasure of enjoying the delightful aromas of whatever the house elves are whipping up in the kitchen every morning! How can you compete with that? Our house also has a healthy dose of quirky wit and unexpected talents, so each day tends to be unique at the very least.


Michael Isserles: As a fellow Hufflepuff, I can agree with these points. As much as you may love Hufflepuff, may I ask what house you think you would have been sorted into if not this one?


Britini: I consider Ravenclaw to be my secondary house, actually. After the Sorting Hat first suggested Hufflepuff, it pointed out my inquisitive and artistic tendencies, which align with Ravenclaw as well. Ultimately, it was Hufflepuff that I felt a deeper connection with; however, I am all about the Huffleclaw energy!


Michael Isserles: That is one interesting story. Now, what are some of your interests and hobbies?


Britini: It might sound quite cliche for a Hufflepuff to love plants, but I do find gardening to be peaceful and rewarding. I also thoroughly enjoy being outdoors. Last weekend, my husband and I had a lovely little camping trip nearby and took our paddle boards out on the river. It was such a refreshing time!


Michael Isserles: That seems very enjoyable! It would certainly be a nice break from grading and reading. But back into the halls of Hogwarts. Each house has a certain set of values that dictate what house we get into. What traits of Hufflepuff do you value most?


Britini: Loyalty is what I value most, as it also demonstrates trust and commitment. These are truly invaluable traits in any kind of relationship, as I'm sure you'll find if you haven't already.


Michael Isserles: I too feel that loyalty is one of the most prominent traits of a Hufflepuff. To finish the interview, do you feel that Hufflepuff is appreciated enough as a house?


Britini: I think one of the beneficial qualities about most Hufflepuffs is that we don't typically feel that strong need to be shown appreciation from others. While it's a very nice bonus for someone to express their gratitude, we Hufflepuffs tend to maintain an awful lot of appreciation for both ourselves and others which, in my opinion, helps the world go round.


Michael Isserles: That is a very impressive answer. And with that, this interview must come to a close. Thank you so much for your time!


Interviewer: Michael Isserles

Interviewee: Britini


Last, but not the least, is Slytherin. A house full of ambition and cunning, Hazel Emory Antler has interviewed a Slytherin, Marcus Cerri.


Hazel Emory Antler: Thank you so much for your time, Marcus. I noticed that you were sorted into Slytherin. Why do you think this happened?


Marcus Cerri: I’ve been sorted in Slytherin because into myself I’ve always been ambitious and I knew that I’d have been sorted there due to my family’s past…


Hazel Emory Antler: Ah, that's quite interesting. If ever, you were able to choose a different house, which one would it be, and why?


Marcus Cerri: If It would have happened I’d have chosen Ravenclaw because I’ve always been fascinated by wise people…


Hazel Emory Antler: That's nice to hear! What is life as a student in Slytherin?


Marcus Cerri: Life as a Slytherin student in my personal opinion can be both normal as other houses' students but also difficult because people could think, looking at you: “Oh! Look! This is a Slytherin… Then he’s evil!” You know what I mean, right? People could have prejudices on you.


Hazel Emory Antler: Oh yes, Marcus. Loads of us have heard this stereotype before. But that's the point of these interviews, right? To get rid of myths and better understand all the houses. Anyways...What are some of your hobbies and interests?


Marcus Cerri: In my interests we can find a great passion for the past of our world, and for ancient runes, and about hobbies I like to study outdoors and train myself at Quidditch.


Hazel Emory Antler: I'm sure that's all exciting! I would love to study outdoors, imagine feeling the breeze against your face while reading your favourite textbooks! I'm sure you feel proud of your house- what are some traits that you value from your house, and why?


Marcus Cerri: Ah, pride in one's house is indeed a cherished sentiment, especially for us Slytherins. What sets us apart are our cunning, ambition, and resourcefulness. These traits are invaluable in achieving our goals and navigating the intricacies of the wizarding world. Ambition drives us to reach for greatness, while cunning helps us strategise and adapt to any situation. And our resourcefulness ensures that we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Together, these qualities make us formidable and ensure that we leave our mark on history.


Hazel Emory Antler: Woah, that sounds great! Let me move on to my final question...Do you ever feel like your house is overlooked/underestimated/unappreciated? If so, could you please tell us why?

Marcus Cerri: It's not uncommon for Slytherin house to be misunderstood or underestimated by those who may not fully grasp the depth of our qualities. Often, our ambition is misconstrued as ruthlessness, and our cunning mistaken for deceit. But in truth, these traits are simply tools we use to navigate the challenges we face and achieve our aspirations. Our house values success, and sometimes that can be misconstrued as self-serving or manipulative. However, it's important to recognise that Slytherins also value loyalty and camaraderie among our own. We may not always seek the spotlight, but we quietly work towards our goals with determination and resolve.


Hazel Emory Antler: Yes, I agree with you. Well, that's the end! Thank you for spending your time being interviewed. I hope you have a wonderful day!


Interviewer: Hazel Emory Antler

Interviewee: Marcus Cerri


That’s all the interviews ticked off and done; we hope you have enjoyed them as much as we did. Learning about all the different houses is so fun, and you get to fill your brain up with knowledge. How exciting is that! I hope you have learned so much that you want to learn even more. Now all Slytherins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws will know so much more about the other houses, and understand what it feels like to be in there too. I know for sure that I’ve learnt something new, and maybe with this, all houses that maybe once used to be enemies, could be united once again. Thank you for reading these amazing interviews, and if you would like some more, we might be able to squeeze in a few more interviews over the months. So remember to check out all the latest issues of ‘Hogwarts Monthly News’.


Introduction was written by Hazel Emory Antler and proof-read by Sara Rowan.


Conclusion was written by Sienna Lockwood and proof-read by 


Ellie Potter.


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