My Diary

written by Ariana Malfoy

So um....I'm taking a big risk doing this here....JK i don't really give 2 flying ducks anymore names are going to be changed and of course a few other things but ya enjoy my crazy ass life. (BTW I am finally publishing this now so this has been in the works for about 2ish years. and will occasionally be updated)

Last Updated






Advice i have from My Freshman ERA 🀩

Chapter 7

WOOOHOOO FRESHMAN YEAR!!!! Freshman year for me personally was not the best experience, but it wasnt the worst either. Only reason i'm saying this is i went through so much emotionally. I was so depressed for many different reasons some being i lost some friends due to fights, Markie canme back into my life again. But there were great moments too i met some more people that are my really close firends. I celebrated my Quinceanera, Homecoming. my very first prep rally, i met the cutes boy that i soon realized i never would be able to speak to because i'm to much of a chicken lol which then leads to a fair share of embarrassing stories that still happen now as a sophmore. (Luckily he's a junior so hes graduating next year ;))

But it was also the year i learned so much and that stuff that i learned i will share with you before we get into the DRAMA of my Freshman Era.

1. Try to get enough sleep. This is so important to remember that your well rested.

2. Manage your time wisely, especially with extracurricular activities, balance schoolwork with the rest of your life. Don't do too many extracurricular activities just to look good for colleges. I have a friend who is currently a freshman this year and is overwhelmd due to the fact she's doing dance every night, track, band, and doing other things for sports. I understand some people may like the feeling of burning out but i do suggest that you do pace yourself

3. Don't change who you are to impress others, even if it benefits you somehow. Ok i'll take this in 2 parts. Part 1 Don't change who you are to impress others this is extremely important. If it makes you happy, it’s okay (and actually the best choice) to do the stereotypical “uncool” thing. “Fitting in” is never going to bring you the memories and happiness that doing that thing, the one that some people classify as weird, will. You may not belive me on this but it's true. I've been told by multiple grown ups that near the end of your sophomore year headed into your Junior year is when you really dont give a rats ass about what people think of you. You just want to be known for you and your unique style. I 100% have realized it's not worth trying to please everyone and that it's ok not to look like everyone else. For years my height has always bothered me (i'm only 4'9) but then it finally hit me one day and i was like well shit i could get away with getting food off the kids menu for a few extra yearsπŸ˜‚. But when it comes to benefitting you, you want to make sure you stick to your morals.

6. Have a go-to music playlist for late-night study sessions or any occasion. This isn't a must but i will make your school day much more fun

7. Don't cram for an exam the night before. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH. You will Midterms and Finals these are BIG testes that should not be taken for granted.

8. Stay organized, even if you're not the best at it. Again this is vital that you do it if you think you'll lose things make sure you have binders for each subject and that you have a planner. There are lots of deadlines, and you can feel overwhelmed at times. Try your best to turn things in on time.

9. You will make mistakes that could have been prevented. You’re going to have regrets about more significant things than merely poor outfit choices. It’s okay, and it’s a part of life that will help you grow. Trust me I'm only a sophomore and i've already had my fair share of mistakes i so wish i could take back. Instead of

10. Get to know who your counselor is. It's just a good idea to.

11. Keep your old friends close, but make a lot of new friends. High school is the time to branch out. Your friendships will 100% shift and change. Even your friend group will change throughout high school. That is okay. It might not be easy, but it is and will be okay. You don’t have to find your lifelong, they’re going to be in my wedding type of friends at your high school, or in your high school years at all. If you do that's great! But it is rare. Same thing for when it comes to dating. Your first high school relationship you may think is gonna be the person your gonna spend the rest of your life with but that is not the case. That is extremely to marry your high school sweet heart. For me though i have been unofficially my best guy friend for 2 years now. We've been best friends for 5 years and we have plans to live together after high school. For me thats my oh i think i found my soul mate moment but who knows it could change.

12. Utilize your Orientation Day to the best of your ability.

13. Don't be afraid to ask for help from anyone. No matter what! Just ASK!!

14. Don't slack off just because it's freshman year. OK this is a BIG one. I did this my freshman year and i am regretting it. My GPA is suffering and this is leaving me not many options for colleges.

15. You are more important than your friends. Ok this may sound harsh, but its true. You are. Yes they are your friends and what happens with them matters, but your mental health does too. It should not suffer because the friend you have chosen, weither there being negative all the time or just have personal problems that bring you down.

16.It’s normal for your interests to change over the years. What you can’t imagine not doing your freshman year might be what you (happily) quit your junior year.

17. Not everyone is going to like you (that does not mean that you’re unlikeable). Yes this is one 100% true Not everyone is going to be nice to you, and that is perfectly okay. This goes back to what i was saying about don't try to impress everyone. One thing that always works for me is just "kill em' with kindness" and by this i mean just treat them nicely even if they don't treat you nicley. or you could go the typical bitch way which i do most of the time and just be like "ok? and? ur irrelevant to me so shut ur damn mouth sweetie 😁

18. It’s normal to feel lonely- you’d be surprised about who else feels the same way. You may also go through things you never expected yourself to experience in these years. This does not make you a failure, or weird, or wrong, or anything else.

Hope this helps, If need anything just ask : )



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