My Diary

written by Ariana Malfoy

So um....I'm taking a big risk doing this here....JK i don't really give 2 flying ducks anymore names are going to be changed and of course a few other things but ya enjoy my crazy ass life. (BTW I am finally publishing this now so this has been in the works for about 2ish years. and will occasionally be updated)

Last Updated






The day i will always remember our Rome and Juliet story starting.... And an Ex following me on INSTAGRAM?!?!

Chapter 5

November 27, 2020

Dear Diary,


MARKIE ASKED ME OUT!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean finally...


~ Ari


December 28, 2020

Were to start

Well on December 23 me and Markie broke up. But we are talking again and i met his brother and cousin.


~ Ari


December 30, 2020

Me and Markie are back together!!! we worked things out


~ Ari


December 31, 2020

Markie Hates me...........butttt JAMES is FOLLOWING ME ON INSTAGRAM?!?!? I MEAN WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?????? I wonder if i could get his number πŸ˜’


~ Ari


The day i will always remember our Rome and Juliet story starting....Now what i mean by this you may be asking. Well if you couldn't already tell this realtionship is toxic well.... ITS TOXIC AS FUCK. PERIOD. Well at the time i didn't know how much of a mistake i was making by saying yes. November 27, was the day of me saying yes to going out with a manipulative, toxic, and emotionally abusive guy. No matter how much i wanted to say we were a perfect couple we were far from that hell we fought every single god damn day. He would throw at me "i'm going to go kill myself" so many times to the point of me being ok with it. On december 23 of 2020 we broke up. I didn't know this was going to be the first of many "breakups" with him.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New years day 1/1/2021

FIANLLY!! IT'S 2021 I hope me and Markie start dating again... I feel like i've lost the person i really cared about the most





Hello Diary :)

Well me and Markie had a big ass fight and i told him to go to hell :(

That was not smart


~ Ari


Reading through that now its so sad seeing how brainwashed this boy had me. I was missing that toxic relationship which is not good in the slightest.

But then the breaking point happeng on 3/6/2021 me and Markie were no longer aloud to talk to each other.

This is then end of info sess before the good shit


~ Ari


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