My Diary

written by Ariana Malfoy

So um....I'm taking a big risk doing this here....JK i don't really give 2 flying ducks anymore names are going to be changed and of course a few other things but ya enjoy my crazy ass life. (BTW I am finally publishing this now so this has been in the works for about 2ish years. and will occasionally be updated)

Last Updated






My Sophomore Era P6 😎

Chapter 15

Feb 24,2023

Ok so i need to do an update its been too long.

So to start off well say its 2nd semester of Sophomore year. My classes i've got are good.

I got lunch wave 1 agian . But JJ is in it -_- , 4 semesters in a row -_- I think he's stalking me XD

Speaking of JJ our classes are pretty much in the same area like.... MEANT TO BE???? No it's great i love it! i can walk past his class without it being weird XD!!! ok yess i'm obsessed with JJ still but...T asked me out...on Valentines Day talk about Dejavu.



March 10th 2023,

So me and T arent talking anyore um its been with him i dont thik were friends anymore it's his 18th birthday today it was akward. I really do care about T but i care too much about someone else....

April 2nd, Update

LOTS of things have happend

1) John B- I've seen him a coiple times since 1st semester

2) JJ :) by bestie, my crush, my soulmate, my guy who doesn't even know who i am :(

theres been multiple times i've embaressed myself in front of him.

- I was in the hall i wanted to do a cartwheel as soon as i was about to do it JJ walks past i crouched down and said i feel like i'm gonn get sick now

- I was running in the hall and was flaping m wings saying "I'm a bird" he looked at me like i was mental ( i was also pretty high too)

- i was screaming TSwizzle lyrics and he looked at me like i was insane Oh well 🀷🏽‍♀️

3) Me and Lizzard are friends again... OMG I"M So greatful were friends again. I've had so much fun with her. Shes not uptight like bestie was I can be craz around her like i belted my heart out to TSwift and we laughed the whole time. Also my best guy friend turned 16


April 7th, 2023

So i've been wondering I'm not sure i really do like JJ anymore. Like i havent had butterflies around him in a while.

~ Ari

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