My Diary

written by Ariana Malfoy

So um....I'm taking a big risk doing this here....JK i don't really give 2 flying ducks anymore names are going to be changed and of course a few other things but ya enjoy my crazy ass life. (BTW I am finally publishing this now so this has been in the works for about 2ish years. and will occasionally be updated)

Last Updated






My Sophomore Era P1 πŸ₯°

Chapter 10

August 29. 2022.

Dear Diary.

Well, I got three more days left of summer break. I can't believe how fast this summer went by. It literally feels like I left the last day of school three days ago. Though I do feel like things have changed my feelings for JJ. Is still there, but not as much as before. I'd say it's a 40% crush on JJ, while the rest of the 60% is going towards my best guy friend. Why me? I need to stop focusing on him. He's always going to be my best friend, nothing more. JJ will be my only crush once. Or maybe somebody else, but it can't be my best guy friend. I refused. I mean, yes, we've known each other for five years now, but still I'm not going into stronger friendship with him for some feelings, my main goal. Get a boyfriend that's not my best guy friend Maybe it's JJ or. BS or. Anyone else who knows? Anyways, I'm gonna get ready for bed




August 30th, 2022.

Well, it's down to two days before sophomore year. Wow...


~ Ari



Well, second day down only. I saw JJ twice today. First in the calf my face turned red like exit sign red like OMG the reason was cause he looked at me. Second, I was with my best guy friend and bestie we were walking to the buses and I saw him again and he saw me too. Maybe it'll happen, lol. Anyways, more tomorrow on what happened.





JJ has a girlfriend😭. It's so unfair.


~ Ari



It really doesn't feel like I came back from summer break.


~ Ari



Dear Diary.

OMG on Friday I saw JJ in the lunch line and I was already smiling and he saw me and I saw him and I smiled at him and he just stared. Anyways, more later.





OK, so today's the memorial of 9/11.

Also. I have two crushes now JJ and John B. Pros and cons on both of them. Pros for JJ is JJ's cute, has weird hair. He's a junior short cross necklace. Tan looks like JJ straight, WAVY hair, blue eyes. Tan clothes plus fans, designer clothes, single TikTok boy hairstyle, football plus lacrosse. Like for like 2 years now snap plus Instagram crazy lol. October birthday. taken? Per John B, Jumpy is cute. He's a senior, though, so I don't have that much time with John B. But. He's tall, always wears sweatshirts, a lot of black clothes. He has curly brown hair. He's just so cute.


~ Ari

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