Summer of Love

written by Ariana Malfoy

The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. Its really the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. A JJ Maybank Fanfiction (In Progress) (Two People are working on this, hence the writing changes at times)

Last Updated






CHAPTER 6: Lets Party Bitch

Chapter 6


"What the fuck is she doing?" Kie says to John B while looking at Sarah climbing a large red buoy with a broken chain embedded in the sand.

I march over to them and say "What is she doing here??".

Around 8:30 is when thing's started going down hill..

"Hey, K, Hey Syd" Sarah says looking at us

"Hey." Kie say very flatly, while I just nod at Sarah.

"Haven't seen you guys at the regatta lately."

"Not really a regatta girl these days. You know that." I just roll my eyes and walk away from them as they keep the awkward conversation going. JJ spots me and comes over carrying a beer I look at him and smile. "Yo syd, I got this one for you thirsty?"

"Yeah I'll take it, thanks J"

JJ spotting John B walking by, "what're you doing?" JJ smiled holding up the second and third cup with three fingers, "yo, what's up? I got this for you."

"Want it?" I laughed as he held his hand out as JJ shook the cup tauntingly, "for me? Yeah, I'll take a sip.

"Oh hey look its sarah. Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah! Would you like this drink of mine?" JJ says starting to walk over to Kie and sarah.

"oh god" I mumble under my breath. "JJ, you're drunk, come on" I say following him

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" I watched her decline,

"No thanks," Sarah says as Topper walks over to us.

"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ says looking at her.

"No. We were just leaving." She spoke but was quiet as Topper held his hand out overly nicely, "Hey, you know what? I'll take it. Thank you, man. I appreciate it." He says reaching for the beer. I cringed in my skin, as his eyes flitted over us, landing on me a little longer than the others before looking back at JJ.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. "If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't so too bad. You can have it, Sarah. Not Topper" JJ says pulling the cup away, taunting him.

I looked between them and my face felt sour, "oh, pretty please." Topper says with mock sweetness and i roll my eyes god he can be such a dick at times i think to my self.

"You know what I'll take it if Sydney wants me to," He says looking at me and smirking. JJ still had a smile on his face until the Topper reached out smacking the cup making it spill everywhere and getting on JJ and me. I glare at him and say "Screw you Topper".

"Look who's talking, the shit brother," JJ says

"I'm the shit brother?" Topper starts getting defensive "Maybe she's the shit slutty sister" JJ looks shocked then lifts his fits to punch Topper but I jump in between them and push him. r Toppers hand hit me in the mouth instead, "the fuck, did you just hit me?" John B pulled JJ away as Kiara looked at my mouth, my tongue had blood on it.

Pushing her hands away I looked at my asshole of a brother and spit a little blood on the sand, "What the fuck?" Wiping my lip I took a step forward as Topper taunted JJ and John B, Pope was pushing JJ away still when I punched Topper. Socking him in the face. "WHAT THE FUCK SYDNEY?" Topper screams grabbing his jaw. It got kind of quiet as he clutched his face standing to look at me.


John B comes jogging up "Hey, Hey, Syd calm down"

"We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope grabbed my arm and I pulled off,

"fuck that' shit, he hit me first." I snarl

"Dirty Pouges" Topper yells at me as he steps towards John B gets in front of me and topper shoves John B towards the water.

Topper decided to come up and punch him before kicking him in the water as Sarah tried to get his attention, "babe, babe, babe, babe..." Kiara had my arm in her hand as everything happened so I couldn't move away, "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" He kicked him again and I was stunned.

"Guys chill!" Kie shouts

"The fuck is wrong with you entitled prick?" Topper looked over to us like he was proud, his eyes stuck on my face as everyone chanted. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I watched John B get up and tackle Topper, "give it to him!" JJ yelled.

"John B, let it go!" Kiara stood next to me as well, "stop, you guys!" They stood up and Topper was put in a headlock,

"Topper! Stop!" Sarah was yelling. "Come on, John B!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Let go man!" Pope trys to deescalate the situation.


"JOHN B!" I yell again

"COME ON TOPPER!" John B yells as Topper punches him so hard that John B goes down near the tidal pool. Topper drags John B to the water then holds his head under.

"Oh my god" I look at the two of them in shock. I then turn and look and see Sarah yelling

"Topper! Topper stop!"

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" It escalated in a matter of minutes, the next thing I knew Topper flipped him, "John B!""

Topper, stop! No!" He had pushed John B's head underwater and was holding him there, drowning him, "guys?"

"I know."

"TOPPER LET GO OF HIM YOU ASSHOLE" I run over to them yelling. Pope looking extremely worried "He's drowning him!"

"No really? I hadn't noticed" I snapped. I see JJ get to both of them quicker and I see Topper freeze as JJ holds his gun to the back of Topper's head, "yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski." I watch as my brother terrified holds his hands up and backs up slowly.

Everyone ran from the beach and I ran up to them helping John B out of the water, he was coughing and finding it hard to breathe.

"JJ!" Sarah yells "Stop JJ!" I look at Sarah and she turns on me "Do something!! He's your brother!!" I glare at her and then look back at JJ "JJ, put the gun down!"

"Did you say something, princess" JJ was pissed and freaked out

"Put the gun down now JJ before you get arrested!"

"We're good. We're good." Toppers hands lifted up, palms facing the air, open, "put the gun down!"

"Sydney, Kiara, can you check your psycho friend please!" Sarah shouts at me and Kie. I glare at her again as JJ raises the gun to the sky and yells.

"Okay everyone listen up! GET THE FUCK OFF OUR SIDE OF THE ISLAND!" JJ fires shots into the air and everyone dipped.

"JJ YOU IDIOT!" I yell at him

"Why would you do that?!" Pope shouts at him.

"I was saving his life okay" JJ comes back

"It wasn't worth it!" Kie shouts at JJ as well. I turn and see John B sit up and touch fingertips "Ow!" Just as soon as he had said it  John B blacked out falling back into the water. I run over to him dropping to my knees as  I pulled his head out, "stop fighting and get over here! Come on John B..."

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