Summer of Love

written by Ariana Malfoy

The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. Its really the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. A JJ Maybank Fanfiction (In Progress) (Two People are working on this, hence the writing changes at times)

Last Updated






CHAPTER 3: Breaking In

Chapter 3

Once back at the docks "Who want to do the honors?" Pope askes as he follows behind us on the docks.

"I'll go, give me like two minutes" I say as I walk up to a group of people.

"Hey excuse me. Me and my friends found a boat" I look around and see that nobody's paying attention to me "Hello?!"

"Hey calm down" a gentleman says raising his hand

I walk away from him and walk back over to the pouges. "That went well" I say sarcastically.

"So what's the plan? JJ asks resting his arm on John B's shoulder while leaning against the dock railing.

" I think I know how we're gonna find out who the guy is that owns that boat" John B says.

"Hold on, we don't know whose room that is. It could belong to anyone" Pope says looking at John B

"Im in" JJ grins.

"Come on pope" Kia smiles

"Hey Syd catch" John B says while tossing the motel keys. As I catch them I say

"Lets go losers"

As we walk past pope John B says "Finders fee just saying. And hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice. Come on, bubba." He grins. Pope groans and jogs to catch up to us.


Radio chatter sounded as JJ whistled, "I thought the Château looked bad."

"This place is a shitshow." John B says while looking around. There was trash in the water, a sign laying over on its side and mattresses everywhere, "Motel or meth lab?" Kie says jokingly 

"You be the judge." Pope says while a look of concern starts to form is on his face "probably both... It's a wonder how the buildings still standing in this condition..."

Looking confused JJ says "Doesn't look like the type of place someone with Grady White would stay" JJ looking behind us at the marsh, "No. It looks like the type of place someone with a Grady White would get killed" I crinkle up my nose in a look of disgust.  John B turned the boat into a side channel before pulling up to the bank. "All right. Here we go."

"This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing."  JJ stood up with the rope as the boat hit the bank sliding up,he hops out and pushed the boat back to keep from getting stuck before tying us to the hook in the ground, docking us. "Whoo!""We good?" - "Yeah, we good.""All right. Here goes nothin'."

Once we're tied John B hops out joining JJ, I go to jump out as well but JJ grabs me by the waist and lifts me out placing me gently on the ground.  Right as the three of us are about to leave Pope says "Hey John B. Don't let JJ or Sydney do anything stupid" he points at us.

I scowl and roll my eyes while JJ leans on the edge of the dock and says "oh we will". John B looks back at Pope "I'm not making any promises.

"I'll be on my best behavior Pope" I mock salute and he rolls his eyes "Yeah okay"

"Be careful" Kie says.

"Kie, when are we not careful?" I ask sarcastically. She rolls her eyes "I mean it Sydney" Then she turns to John B "And you John B."

"Where's my pep talk?" JJ asks.

Pope rests his arms on the boat railing, "We all know if we told you to be careful, you would do the exact opposite"

I look at John B then to Kie, then back to John B then to Kie again. I grin and nudge JJ, nodding in their direction, and grin up at him. A mischievous grin spreads across JJ's face. As we start to head up to the motel John B turns around and smiles as he walks away. "JJ, Syd, let's go"

As we walk through the open-air breezeways, checking the room numbers. Moving on. I noticed some shingles scattered and a few windows broken. Ice machine leaking.

"Just be so careful John B. Be sooooo careful," JJ runs his hand down John B's shoulder

"Oh my god" John B says while brushing JJ off.

"Dude, what the heck was that about" JJ says grinning.

"JJ, stop tormenting him" I say trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Thank you Sydney" John B says looking back at us.

"Butttt, you did just look at each other all smiley" I say innocently.

Mimicking Kie, JJ says "She did sound like, Be SO careful John B, just give me that John D already. Like when are you gonna swoop on that man?"

"Dude, I would never. And besides you know the rule. No Pogue on Pogue making" John B looks at JJ.

"And your gonna follow that rule? Its stupid" I say walking behind. Turing around he says "It'snot stupid, its logical"


"I have to agree with Sydney, it's a stupid rule"

"You two need help and not like a little bit of help, but a lot of help"

"Chill JB, it's not like I'm gonna break the rule considering I have a boyfriend" I laugh

"Yeah Rafe...who is a kook douchebag" He says rolling his eyes

"Don't start"

"We're joking Sydney" JJ smiles at me. Suddenly John B stops and says "This is it" as he holds his finger up and points at the room number. JJ looks at John B, and then knocks. No one comes to the door. He knocks again.

"hOuSeKeEpInG"Shall we try it?" John B slips the key in.

I nod my head and say "Yeah, go ahead. No power, no security cameras, no ones gonna know" as JJ turns and gives a surveillance camera the finger.

We enter a dark room with the shades pulled. John B closed the door. JJ Adjusts the curtains. I look around the room and see that the bed is made up, A duffel on the floor, and a second duffel next to the other bed. JJ finds a jacket while digging around "No name on the jacket"

"Definitely over 50's he's got new balances," John B says looking at afew other things under the bed. I dig through the one duffle bag and find nothing "Nothing in this bag"

On a desk, JJ finds a NAUTICAL MAP with coordinates in pencil. "Guys come here" me and John B walk over to JJ. "Do you think this is where they were fishing?John B looks at it, and tilts his head "Maybe".

I shake my head "I don't think so, nobody ever fishes there that's off the continental shelf. Big swell"

John B nods and then notices another suitcase. He opens it. "Anything interesting?" I ask.

"No Just some clothes and sneakers. No ID." I walk away losing interest and go to JJ

"Ooo what you find?"

"Something you wouldn't let me steal"

"Yeah cause we're not stealing shit" John B says as he finds a folded scrap of paper with a string of numbers. He turns it over. Tosses it on the desk. John B then opens the closet and sees an IN-ROOM SAFE. He just stands there looking at it

John B kneels in the closet, punching numbers into the safe's keyboard. In sequence. "Find anything Syd?" JJ asks

"not yet, Hey John B, how many digits is that code your trying to do?


"Punching shit in at random. That'll work" JJ says while grinning. I roll my eyes and turn to John B "I found a code with five digits here" "What is it?


"6-1-6-6-6" He repeates what I tell him. Amazingly, the light turns green and the door swings open to reveal a fat stack of cash. John B just stares in shock.

"Omg" I say standing behind him. A slow smile starts to spread across his face as he says is shock and excitement

"Holy shit"


Back at the boat Pope and Kie are just talking. "Biggest pet peeve" Pope asks

"People who fake mental illness to get Instagram likes"

"Does that work?"

"It must. They keep doing it. Half these bitches don't even know what bipolar means. Oh and giving one percent to the earth is my other one"

"whats wrong with that?"

"We only have one earth pope, we should be giving it 100% bare minimum"

"What about you?" Kie says looking at him

"Worst peeve? I'd have to go with - Shit cops." Pope says as he sees a Sheriff's Deputy cruiser pull into the lot. Two uniformed deputies get out, male and female, and they enter the office.

"call them"

"I can't towers are down

"If I lose my merit scholarship I'm going to kill somebody" Pope and Kie run to the side of the motel. Pope sees a small group of pebbles "stand back" he picks up a handful, raises his arm and throws. The pebbles fall to the pavement not even close to the 2nd floor.

"Didn't you ever play baseball?"

"I was on the math team"

"Great not an athlete. A mathlete!" Kiara says sarcastically while grabbing a handful of pebbles.


"Uh JJ" I turn around.

"Hm?" he replies not really paying attention.

"JJ. You need to see this" John B cuts me off before I can finish. JJ comes into the doorway and a look of shock and excitement cross his face. JJ reaches for the money.

"Don't touch it JJ" I warn, JJ ignores me and reaches for the money, then realizes there's something else back there. His eyes go wide and he slowly pulls out a gun. I look in shock. "JJ put it back". He again ignores me and holds the gun and stares.

"JJ We shouldn't be messing with any of this" I warn. He cuts me off and poses with the gun "Take a pic". I look at him dumbfounded. "WHAT?!?"

"Cupcake just take a pic of me

"Yeah, let's just create our own incriminating evidence JJ, real smart".

"Oh relax Sydney, your starting to sound like pope" JJ begins to respond, but pebbles clatter against the window and John B goes to the window and sees Pope and Kiara below. John B tilts his head, then realizes "Shit cops are coming"


"Should we peel" Kie ask turning to pope.

"You never leave a Pogue behind."


The deputies enter the room, and everything is back in place. The three of us stand on a narrow ledge on either side of the window. What are you doing?!?! Pope mouthes at us.

"Oh my god" Kie says looking worried. John B puts his finger up to his mouth, JJ is grinning, and I'm pressed u against the side of the building praying not to fall. I mouth to John B

"What are they doing?". John B looks through the window and sees Shoupe removing an envelope, he then pulls out a photograph then slides it back. Then takes a stack of money and looks at Plumb.

Shoupe: I said it. Did I not say it? Everybody has to dip their beak"

JJ looks at me and mouths "What the fuck....what the fuck are they doing" JJ nearly loses his balance and the gun falls from his waistband. "JJ" I mouth, john b makes a grimacing face as it lands on the roof of the dumpster.

Shoupe and Plumb react to the noise and shoupe walks to the window and looks out. "Alright lets go nobody there". John B lets out a sigh of relief.


Once the three of us are back on the boat, and a little while away from the motel JJ says to Pope and Kie "You could have warned us earlier

"We would have except Pope was on the math team" Kie says rolling her eyes. John B raises his eyebrow and looks at Pope" You were on the math team?"

"Of course he was on the math team, he held me with my math homework all the time" I grin and look at pope.

"Appreciate it Sydney. Anyways did you find anything?"

 "Did we find anything? No, I don't think so." as he holds his shirt up and shows the gun and money looking very pleased with himself, "oh, yeah, we did."JJ says grinning. While both Pope and I look at JJ in disbelief.

"What the hell? Dude, what?" Both Kiara and Pope were seemingly enraged, or at least Pope was pissed off, Kiara was in shock and disbelief that he was holding an offending weapon so casually, 

"why take that from a crime scene?" I raise my voice at him.

"Better than cops having it." I closed my eyes and rub my temples "you serious? What the hell JJ"

"Oh fuck. I'm going to lose my merit scholarship". I look over and see John B laughing, "Its not funny John B" and John B stops laughing. I look back at JJ and with a worried voice say "Your going to get arrested if your caught with that JJ"

"hey, hey, hey. Sh, sh, sh. sh, sh."  JJ says shushing me while the gun is held up against my lips,  I smack his hand away. "Don't shush me."

"Admit it, you love me," JJ says, grinning

"No, I hate you,"

"Whatever you say cupcake"


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