Snape One Shots & Preferences

written by Morana Noir

Just a bunch of one-shots & preferences of your favourite Severus Snape! I mostly write x reader one-shots and preferences, but there are a few OCs I like to use.

Last Updated






Crows & Snakes

Chapter 4

Snape x Female

Book: Half-Blood Prince ( Lockhart is the DADA teacher )

Recommend songs: She by Harry Styles & I Fall in Love Too Easily by Chet Baker (all songs can be found in my snape playlist in my Spotify account that is linked in my bio)

I slowly pulled myself out of bed remembering the heated argument that my house leader and I had moments before I fell asleep. I groaned when I realized that I had woken up three hours early, like normal when I couldn't get my mind off of something. I was the only one in the dorm room since all the others were full and I always get left out because I have crazy social anxiety. I walked over to my dresser and took out some muggle jeans and a red crop top. Once I made it to my bathroom I started up the shower realizing that it was a good thing to be up before everyone else. Once I finished getting dressed I threw on some simple black makeup my mother got me for my 16th birthday. In my family everyone that goes to Hogwarts is always a Half-Blood, normally you'd think that I get picked on for having half-muggle blood and half-witch blood, but nobody seems to care, in Gryffindor that is, I don't even dare spend lots of time in the dungeons in case that dip shit Malfoy comes near.

Once I had my wand and other things like my yellow scarf I went down to the Gryffindor common room happy to see no one there. Oh yea and that's another thing, my mother was happy to see that I followed the magical trend in our family, being a Gryffindor, my Aunt ended up being placed in Hufflepuff when she was younger which didn't go down too well I've heard from my Mom, but yet she still follows those rules that were made up by many of generations before hers. Once I made sure that nobody was watching me leave the common room an hour early before I was allowed to leave the dorms. I set off to the Black Lake where I would try to enjoy a nice book so long it didn't start raining like the last few times. Leaving the common this early was risky, no students would care if they saw me in the common room this early, but out in the halls, it was every man for himself. I slowly made my way around the halls, trying oh so hard not to run into either Lockhart or McGonagall, her in particular since our argument could end in me having to go home for the rest of the year.

As I was about to turn one corner after listening to hear if someone was in the hallway I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a certain click of fancy shoes start coming down my way. I spun on my heel at the last moment so then they wouldn't see me, but there also was the chance that they could've seen me so I quietly ran down to the nearest broom closet and closed the door. It was a very tight fit, but I had to make it work if I wanted to get out of the halls. I covered my mouth as the footsteps got closer keeping the same speed as before and listened as they moved past me. After a little, I slowly opened the closet door, even though I could still hear their footsteps and almost made it to the corner, but I tripped on my own feet and made a noise I did my best to cover it, but you can't take back any old noises in these hallways. I prayed that it wasn't either Flich or McGonagall who was walking by. I turned around when I heard the clicks stop and was ready for whatever teacher was going to scold me. I instantly noticed the body figure and the clothing draped over their shoulder. It was bloody Lockhart.

"Oh Y/N- Uhh Miss. Y/N, what are you doing out in the halls at this hour?"

Come on Y/N just run for it, he'll never catch up to you

"I was just actually on my way to have an early morning read, but it looks like I've been caught." I prepared myself for what would come next, an autograph signing. Book organizing? Falling into the pits of hell?

Yea he's differently worse than Snape, 10 times worse

"At this hour? Now, why don't you come with me? I can make sure you don't get caught by any other teachers." He smiled as he walked closer to me.

Now's your chance Y/N just go!

"Ummm, to be honest, I'm not that rea-"

"What is going on here, and why are you both out roaming the halls at this hour?" I turned my head around to see a dark-clothed figure.

Yes thank you, Snape, I'll never hate on you ever again

"Well, Y/N and I were just on our way to my office actual-"

"Doesn't seem like she wants to go with you, and why would anyone want to put themselves in a place that they don't like?" That made Lockhart think for a few seconds, but it didn't seem to be enough.

"Y/N just told me that she was ok-" I held my hand up stopping him from hurting himself even more.

"First off, nobody calls me by my first name, second I was going to tell you that I'm quite busy at the moment and I would like to continue with what I was doing," I said with a little sass towards Lockhart. He closed his open mouth and thought for a few seconds until nodding and saying,

"Right, well I'll leave you to it then Miss. Y/N." He spun around on his heel and bolted out of there as I had just yelled at him for lying. I signed and started to make my way out of the school hoping that I would get some reading time in, but before I could go any farther I was stopped by Snape putting his hand on my forearm stopping me from going anywhere.

Come on man I just got loose of the girly bitch

"And where do you think you're going?" Snape said with one eyebrow raised while holding me back.

"I... was just going to head back to the library to return this book, I wanted to get there before the rush ya know." He just gave me a stare that clearly showed that he wasn't buying it.

"Then I was going to apologize to Professor McGonagall for the argument we had yesterday..." I just hoped that he would let me go, but not to my surprise he kept a hold of my arm and I signed in defeat preparing myself for the worst.

"This book doesn't have a school code on it which means that you didn't sign it out so, why don't you come clean Miss. Y/N." I signed again knowing that I had lost big time.

"I was just heading out to the Black Lake to read it all," I said, waving my book around. He gave me a bit of a stunned face like he thought that I was heading off somewhere to bother someone, but once it was there it was gone.

"I'm taking you to my office, Miss. Y/N." I groaned out loud to make it clear that I wasn't up for the torture I would have to go through.

"I can go get Lockhart for you." He said letting go of my arm finally. I quickly brought my hands up and said,

"No no no, I'd rather be in the cold dead dungeons than be with that... Whatever you want to call him, plus I kind of owe you one after you saved me from ultimate death." After I had been dramatic I looked over to my right and saw the side of Snape's mouth twitch upwards, it wasn't a smile, but I took it as one.

I've found an angel in demon clothes

Once we had made it to Snape's classroom I stopped about halfway in because I had no idea why he wanted to bring me down there when he could've just brought me back to the Gryffindor common room, but I had to listen to Snape or else. That's it, or else, I have no idea what he would do if I just went off in the other direction or if I started arguing with him, he would probably just yell at me more and give me dirty looks. I stood there waiting to hear what he had to say and realized that he probably had to clean the classroom before class and was going to make me do it instead. He turned around and sat in his chair on the opposite side of his desk and brought his hands up to his face like he was waiting patiently for me to do something. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and then he finally said,

"Are you going to talk or what Miss. Y/N?" I wasn't expecting him to expect me to talk first, but I guess at this point a little chat couldn't hurt.

"I just thought that you were going to punish me or something for being out in the halls at this hour, not expect me to start a conversation." His expression didn't change at all, but he pulled up a chair next to his desk with his magic and waved his hand to it asking me to sit down, and I did. Once I was seated on the side of his desk I felt even more confused with what was going on. We sat in silence for a bit until he spoke up.

"Do you not like to talk, Miss. Y/N?" He asked, unfolding his hands from in front of his face. I looked over at him and said,

"No, I enjoy talking. I'm just confused as to why you brought me down here," I said, trying not to act scared since I have major social anxiety and it was starting to kick in. Snape didn't scare me at all, it was talking to him that scared me the most. He raised an eyebrow and continued to talk.

"Well I can see that, did you think I was going to take you back to your common room after I found you in the halls chit-chatting with Lockhart? I don't understand why young girls like him so much." He said quieter near the end hoping that I wouldn't hear him yet I had a feeling he wanted me to hear him say it.

"Well, I can assure you that I do not like Lockhart whatsoever, he just doesn't stop babbling." I realized that maybe Snape and I could bond on hating Lockhart and continue to talk about him.

"Dude doesn't show any kind of knowledge, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore brought him here just to bother us." I always thought that Dumbledore brought him to teach at Hogwarts because he was just so unknowledgeable that it would be entertaining for him when people like Snape and I realized it. I looked over at Snape out of the corner of my eye and I could see him agreeing with me. I wanted to go on, but I knew that I would be the one babbling and I didn't need anyone to tell me that, especially Snape.

"Well if Dumbledore feels the need to torture us, he sure knows how," Snape said looking at me, I brought one said of my lips up in a grin in agreeance with his statement and hoped that I would make this conversation awkward because I had no idea what to talk about now. Snape opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but then quickly closed it thinking over his words and saying,

"What book were you planning on reading by the Black Lake? Surely you must know that it's not safe to be outside at night." He said questioning me and I responded with,

"Just a bit of mystery, plus I do know the dangers of being outside. I'm not daft, and I've also done it many times before." I looked over at Snape who seemed intrigued by what I had told him and said,

"Well, it looks like you're one of the few students that can take care of themselves." I couldn't believe it. A complaint from Severus Snape, it was like my world had just turned from an oatmeal raisin cookie to one of those fudge-filled ones. I smiled at him gently and thanked him. He nodded his head as a welcome sign and I couldn't get the smile off my face. Snape was being nice to a student, not just any student, but one that has pulled a few pranks on him too. I brought the book into the light ray that was shining through the room and started to tell him about the little details of the storyline so far. Once we had finished that conversation it was time for me to get back to the Gryffindor dorms because I wouldn't want anyone seeing me come out of the bats' classroom at this hour. I got up out of the chair and said,

"I should probably be going before McGonagall calls for me back at the dorm and I'm not there." I laughed lightly and Snape asked,

"Didn't you say you argued with her yesterday..." I rolled my eyes at that and said,

"Yea, but you know her, one wrong sentence and you go home without finishing your courses," I said hoping that he got the hint that I might be sent home right after I left his room. He stood up quickly and walked over to me and said,

"I can make sure she doesn't send you home Miss. Y/N. I'm sure it wasn't that bad." I shrugged my shoulders and said back,

"I'd rather not repeat the words I said to her to anyone." He walked just a bit closer to me and responded by saying,

"Well looks like you're on your own then," He opened the door and continued talking.

"But I will see if there is a way for you to stay, Y/N." And just like that my world got even better. Yes nobody ever calls me by my first name, but hearing Snape call me by my first name was amazing. I smiled at him and walked out of his class saying,

"Again, I'd rather not have that as my official nickname." And with that, I waved goodbye to him as I walked down the dungeon hallway with Snape in my eye, waving back softly.


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