My Charms Journal (Year One)

written by Emma Nightingale

In our Charms class, everyone is keeping a journal that documents their experience practicing the Charms discussed in class. As I am not too fond of physical notebooks, this book is my version of the assignment in question. The journal will be a rather classical one, with my thoughts and observations included. The contents will be copy-pasted for my assignments, so don't you dare steal them! The Cover is a modified version of Augustus Thomas' "The Witching Hour".

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"Flight" Charms

Chapter 7

While lighting your wand and manipulating the light's colour is pretty cool, we will now be learning how to make objects fly! That's really fantastic, I wanted to be able to do this ever since I heard of Trevor the Toad soaring to the air all those years ago. And next to being cool, it is also pretty handy as well, no more lifting the school trunk on the Hogwarts Express - here I come!

It is very interesting to see how the ideas of how to make objects fly changed and how many different possibilities exist to actually make things fly. It's a pity that those charms cannot be applied to oneself, as flying without a broomstick, like a bird, sounds just great. I would love to try it! When being in the air, it is simply amazing how clear everything seems to be, and how free I am feeling. There is no outside influence, just myself. Too bad that this cannot be achieved through the use of "Flight" Charms. There are four different kinds of flight charms that we discussed in the classroom, though we practiced only one of them, the most versatile one I would say.

The Levitation Charm

  • Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (‘wing-GAR-dee-um lehvee-O-sa’)
  • Wand Movement: Swish and flick, then moving with the object as if pulling it by a string
  • Focus: The target object
  • Willpower: Moderate to very high, depending on the weight and distance of the object.
  • Concentration: Moderate. Concentration should be maintained on the target object.

In comparison to the previous spells we practiced, the Levitation Charm seem to be rather complex. The incantation consists of two words, both of them have to be timed exactly with the wand movement to achieve the correct result. There are many possibilities to go wrong. Unfortunately. However, I already practiced the movements and their combination with the incantation, though not with my wand to not have a spell accident. Being lucky, I got it to work relatively fast. Though it is not that easy to actually move the object precisely, I definitely underestimated that effect. It sounds quite easy, to move an object as if it were pulled by a string. But it is not. Thankfully, we were practicing with nothing but feathers. Because pandemonium was ensured. The feathers were moving haphazardly, falling down in the middle of their way. Thankfully it was not only me who had problems maintaining their concentration, especially as the class went on. Before using this on my trunk, I will definitely need to practice more. Luckily we were all allowed to take our feathers, as to practice the spell more intensively.

Considering that the Levitation Charm is quite similar to the other "flight" charms, practicing them might lead to a further comprehension of the concepts behind it. Additionally, they sound interesting. This is why instead of goofing about, I went to my dorm early and started to reread the information on the other charms. Surely it should be possible to make them work, as at least the Rocket Charm and the Hover Charm do not need much concentration and not too much willpower. Pulling out the feather from my school book as well as my copy of Quintessential Magic, I set myself to work.

The Hover Charm

  • Incantation: Levioso (pronounced ‘Lev-ee-O-so’)
  • Wand Movement: Inward Spiral then Up
  • Focus: None
  • Willpower: Moderate; determines how heavy an object can be lifted
  • Concentration: None

Firstly, the Hover Charm. To be honest, there is no real applicable context that I can think of from the top of my head. I mean to say, it is handy to make objects hover for sure, but to actually do something with them, you will certainly need a hand. But you have to be holding your wand as well as the object... maybe it is a spell to encourage teamwork. At least there is no other sense in it that I may see. Except... no, moving furniture should not work, you do not want to stick it to the ceiling. At least I don't want to.

The feather actually lifts from the ground quite easily. Though it is hard to say whether this is due to the magic I tried to perform or whether it just sticks to my finger. It does not weigh anything, this could easily happen! So I have to find another object to practice on to see whether I managed to get the spell to work or whether it's a lucky coincidence.The nearest object being my Charms textbook, I start the incantation to make it hover and I am astounded how much happens. Namely nothing at all. It didn't even twitch! Slightly frustrated, I reread the instructions. It should work, I did it correctly. Then more willpower is necessary: Fly, fly, fly! Levioso!

At least, the book twitches a bit, making it obvious that I did not fail completely. Apparently I need to work on my willpower, but at least this is something to look at. Trying a piece of parchment, it works without any quiver. The parchment just rises as I move my wand. Brilliant! Now onto the book again. I'll burn you to cinders if you do not fly! Well, after I learned the appropriate charm at least, but I won't forget! Taking a big, calming breath I remember that it might help to focus on my core. At least it will calm me down a bit. Finding my core seems to be easier now than it was in class. Maybe because it's not the first time that I go looking for it. Directing a part of my magic into my wand, I try the charm again. Levioso! And the book lifts, though a little shaky. I definitely need to keep practicing, I do not want to lift my trunk when going home next time! But unto the next charm for now, the Rocket Charm. Sounds dangerous somehow.

The Rocket Charm

  • Incantation: Alarte Ascendare (‘A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray’)
  • Wand Movement: Quick Swish at the End
  • Focus: The target object
  • Willpower: High; determines how high the object will ascend before falling
  • Concentration: None

Let me correct myself, it does not only sound dangerous, I would say it is freaking dangerous! There is no information in here how to make the object lift or fall gently! I mean to say, it's great if I am able to sweep the floor underneath a cupboard, only for it to smash through the ground when falling down! Extraordinary! What on earth... maybe applying it to a water balloon. And letting it smash from as high as possible. Good thing that Peeves is not able to do magic!

Well, onto the feather again. Whoops, that was not supposed to happen. It was supposed to fly just to the level of my eyes, and not almost a meter above my head! But at least it did fly. I'll just work on focussing my willpower more precisely. Maybe if I take something heavier - but there is no information on whether it would be harder due to its increased weight. Hmm, I'll keep experimenting. At least this charm seems to work without any great difficulties. So that's only the Floating Charm left.

The Floating Charm

  • Incantation: Fluito (‘flew-EE-toe’)
  • Wand Movement: Jab and Upward Flick
  • Focus: The target object
  • Willpower: High to very high, depending on the weight and distance of the object.
  • Concentration: Moderate. Concentration should be maintained on the target object.

Yes, that is exactly the charm I'll need to clean my room and to finally get that letter back that fell behind the cupboard. It actually is the only of these three charms that seems to be useful. Unbelievable. And it also deals with concentration, so it's bound to help with levitation. And about making people fly, wouldn't it be cool to charm a pillow and keep floating on it? That would certainly look quite interestingly. I'll have to try as soon as I am able to cast this charm proficiently! Fluito! It works, it works, the feather is flying... crashing. Too bad, I was distracted. Again.

Trying the charm again and again, I was finally able to make even my Charms book float for two minutes without any accidents! What a success! However, sitting on a cushion that I set floating still does not sound too safe - I think I would rather ask before trying it. No need to risk something in the second week of term! It's time though to look whether the feather will obey my commands better now. Wingardium Leviosa!

And it did help. Instead of moving haphazardly, I'm now able to direct the little feathery beast. It is jumping merrily through the air, hopping up and down, chasing its shadow on the wall. Tomorrow, I'll continue practicing with a pillow or a book. And dear school trunk, I'll get you in the end! I promise!

Excerpts about the Charms are taken from Quintessential Magic: An Introduction to Charms (2nd Ed.), Chapter 12.

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