The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #7

written by Lilia Le Fay

A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This issue features an interesting article on the information on american magic recently released on pottermore, a different kind of introduction and even more!

Last Updated






The Book Rave

Chapter 20


This is a little bit of fun as a put-together of comment as our humorous writer Evelyn Swan-Mills navigates some of the books in the HiH library. No clue what she’s on about? Don’t worry, you’ll still be laughing.


A Triwizard Tournament

(Written by Lilia Le Fay)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  • 2nd Year

I hath returned from the darkness for another extremely long comment/review/whatever this is.

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I do like how other people have jumped on the bandwagon too xD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes, I've got it :D

Grace Waterson  (2nd Year) Feel the wrath of the Evelyn book rant

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Ahem

Grace Waterson  (2nd Year) You are a trend setter, Ev

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Anyway let's begin

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The Dimension Game DUN DUN DUN

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) It sounds better with the DUN

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Praise the DUN

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oooooh book one? This means there will be more?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) YES

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Malfoy in the first sentence you're doing it right

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) DRACOOOOOO

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) He's hiding someone

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oooooooh

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I wouldn't mind being hidden by Draconian ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) DRACONIAN?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) What are you doing autocorrect?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) OMG

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Your father is a waste of oxygen and cookies it's not your fault

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Protective Draco is my favourite Draco

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I would love to torture Lucius

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Why is this so sad?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Evelyn needs happy

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) VLAD OMG

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Visitor ruining everything

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I need to know what's wrong with her and her name

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Definitely her name

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) How else do I come up with ship names

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) INHUMAN YES

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I love this story already

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) VLAD AND LILY

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'll think of a ship name

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes the answer will come in the sign of Evelyn riding in on a ship

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) That's how you'll know you a ship

Lilia Le Fay  (2nd Year) Sorry to break your rave but the writing gets much worse as I edited the 1st few chapters :/

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Why do you have to give me hard names to work with?

Lilia Le Fay  (2nd Year) XD sorry :P

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Meh, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) UGH

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) What about Elfard? Wizard and Elf?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) YES ELFARD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I don't even care

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The sass of Harry's daughter

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Harry with all the questions

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Two Lilly's? This is going to be so confusing

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) But Lilly the P Lilly is my favourite

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Pfffft Southern France

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Albus don't you dare go getting captivated with the Elf

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) STAY AWAY

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Triwizard Tournament totally didn't see that one coming ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) All aboard Herbert

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Even trains deserve names so I'm going to call him Herbert

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) FRED WEASLEY

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Now my heart is broken all over again

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yeah Rob you think everyone's hot please leave

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I will fight you Rob

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Girl power

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh no not Percy judging

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Save us all the pain

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Rob is annoying me greatly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hmmmmm Lilly and Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Evelyn no likey

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) VLAD YES

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) And suddenly my bad mood is gone

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm still imagining Vlad as a vampire though

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Please don't be in Gryffindor

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Any house but there

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Rob just reminds me of Ron for some reason

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) NEW SPECIMEN?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Omg I will destroy your life

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Awful answer

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I dislike all of them

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'd be best friends with Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Please stop opening your mouth Rob

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) GRYFFINDOR SERIOUSLY

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Dang it

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I knew this would happen

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You're so mean ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Professor Longbottom????

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) That better be Neville and not one of his 28 sons

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes Vlad, yes

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The world has definitely ended

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Ugh Gryffindor

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm disgusted

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes I noticed the two Lilly confusion last chapter

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Keep up LP ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) MCGONAGALL

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She's my not-so-secret favourite person

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I can't even believe they brought the tournament back again

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) How many times has it gone horribly wrong?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I thought you had more sense McGonagall

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Two students competing oooooh

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This should be interesting

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh no I have a feeling it's going to be Albus and Lily or something

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Or Albus and Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) McGonagall always wants to win xD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She's definitely the most competitive

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Lily P nah

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'll just call you LP because I'm lazy

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Lilly is Lilly and you're LP

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Watching the boys sleep omg

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Could she have not watched the girls instead?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) It would still be creepy but slightly less so

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) YES THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Who cares if she has a lion gang?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She still only talks about herself to Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There is hope for us yet

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) ELFARD WILL SAIL

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Tell the girl Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Don't you dare break my heart

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) If they end up similar to how Snape and Lilly were I will never forgive you

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I knew Lilly would plan on entering

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hagrid and Madame Maxine omg

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) ENGAGED

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This has made me so happy

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm so glad Hagrid got a happy ending

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Awwww a bear hug <3

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oooooooooh Victor Krum headmaster

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) What are Beauxbatons doing at the Gryffindor table?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Can you not?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You could at least smile Percy

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oooooooooh Katie Bell

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm predicting a twist

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Somehow Albus, Vlad, and Lilly will be chosen

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) But then again my predictions are mostly all proven wrong

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes, yes, hurry up McGonagall

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I want to know who the Hogwarts champions will be

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) ALBUS AND LILLY

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Dang it

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) That was my first suggestion

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You can't help but love McGonagall though

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She's so cute <3

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) NOPE

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad you better get your act together and tell Lilly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I will not lose my Elfard ship because of you

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I WILL WIN

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad saves the day

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Take that Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hahahahahahaha yes

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Run over to Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Dang it, the rift between them only lasted a week

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hagrid still not being able to keep a secret, some things never change :D

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) He didn't even try

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Be quiet Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There's also a third side to the story which states Evelyn is always right

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Or #BlameBob

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Whichever one you prefer

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Please do spend more time with Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Evelyn does not mind one bit

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Albus needs to remove himself

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Is there anyone who isn't in love or crushing on Lilly at this point?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Freaking Gryffindorks

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) They used a golden cup portkey

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) SERIOUSLY?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Did you have to use that?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) No don't Jinx them

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) And yes jinxed

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) And she just revealed herself in front of the whole school

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Well, several schools

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) At least she did it in style

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh only Albus saw her face change then?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) But why is nobody questioning her inhuman speed?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) VLAD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Go see to your girl

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm so completely done with Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad had been her friend a lot longer than you have

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Of course he'd come and visit her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes she threw her arms around Vlad and shouted his name

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) ELFARD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Upcoming Yule Ball omg

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I totally forgot about the Yule Ball wow

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Elfard please

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes dance lessons with McGonagall

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'd love McGonagall to teach me the waltz

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) NO ALL THE NO

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Albus and Lilly are not meant to be

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) What is this?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Get out Fred

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I will bang your head against a wall repeatedly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad better get in there first

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) #TeamVlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) If you're team Albus we can't be friends

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Stop encouraging him

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Don't you dare ask her to the ball

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm going to hide under my bed and not come out until this nightmare is over

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Where is Vlad when you need him?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) WAIT

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She's already going with someone

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Omg I'm going to throw a party

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Elfard is happening

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hehehehehehehe

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Lily don't make me hate you too

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She likes having two guys on her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Excuse you?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Molly Weasley still with the Christmas jumpers xD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Wait, what did Vlad get her?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Argh, what is Molly doing in the fireplace?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I find it really weird to call her Molly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes, that's her name but I still prefer Mrs.Weasley

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Time for the Yule Ball

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm so ready

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Bring on Elfard

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) HE KISSED HER ON THE CHEEK

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad finally showing some game

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) They're so cute

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Stop taking everything out on your date Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You chose to go with her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Who cares if she can barely speak English?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) NO NO NO

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This is starting to resemble the James, Snape, Lilly triangle

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This cannot be allowed to happen

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Evelyn will not allow it

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I hate triangles

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Midnight omg

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Run cinderella, run

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Aha and you also mentioned Cinderella

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Great minds think alike ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There is only room for one prince in this story

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Great song choice <3

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes their relation becomes detached once more

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This is what I like to see

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) But not the silence between Elfard :(

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'll just retreat back into the darkness then

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The room of Rivendell omg

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Professor Baty winking at students xD

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I like how there's a permanent theme in the tasks

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Why are the teachers all dropping hints?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) CHEATERS

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Please let them be singing clams

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) They could sing "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) OMG YOU DID NOT

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Hahahahahahaha

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Om Pah Pah

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This is the best thing ever

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm more embarrassed that I recognised the song

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Argh an eye

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh no, to the mer village

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I would also like to know what's behind the doors

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh just a network of large pipes

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I wanted something more exciting like a water camel or something

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) How dare you have fun Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You should lock mermaids

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Lick*

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I've been told that works

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) More music from Oliver incoming

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I still think he should have just licked them

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) How is his watch working underwater?

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes come into the darkness we have cookies

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Though Albus will not be getting any

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Pfft no one listens to you Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oooooooooh the Chamber of Secrets

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Ha he can't even speak Parseltongue

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) MYRTLE

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Her lack of moaning is actually quite disturbing

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm still confused as to how is watch is still working underwater

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Enjoy that thud Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh they're actually first back

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yay they're now in second place

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) So I see it is still a maze for the last task cool

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh now she's thinking about Vlad again

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Poor Vlad

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) It's about time

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) He loved Lilly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There are real tears over here

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I need cookies

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) 5 months of silence

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) YES A KISS

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I've been waiting so long for this moment

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) ELFARD IS REAL

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There's nothing you can do about it Albus

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I will protect this ship with my life

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad is the best choice for her5

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I don't know what you're talking about Albus everything is awesome

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) This love triangle thing is really annoying though

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Can she not just tell Albus now because she clearly knows

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Yes that's right, SHE kissed him

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Just be friends with her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Oh no he's definitely going to follow her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Those blasted Potter genes are out in full force

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I doubt she knows all of your secrets

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Great now he knows meh

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Only Vlad can comfort her now

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Nope she can't leave

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Actually I'd allow her to leave if she took Vlad with her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) There's nothing wrong with her she's just different

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You did not just do that Lilly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Vlad is my favourite

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) And say goodbye

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I FORBID THIS

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) And into the maze they go

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Awww but a father Christmas elf going to Hogwarts would be awesome

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Looking good for 67 ;)

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) No she did not just leave like that

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) BRING HER BACK

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Ah, she's still here

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) You nearly caused me to have a heart attack

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) She's not HIS precious Lilly

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I'm not actually that bothered about Albus being tortured or possibly killed

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I know I'm an awful person

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Meh, Lilly will save him anyway

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) NO

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I am so completely done

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) He's gone with her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Plus he kissed her

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I hate everything and everyone

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The end sucks

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Omg you're so mean

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE ELFARD SHIP

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) FIGHT ME

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) They leave for 5 years

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) Sooooo

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) The story as a whole hmmmmm

Evelyn Swan-Mills  (2nd Year) I liked the concept of the story and the fact that Lilly was an elf. Also, I'm already in love with your writing but the love triangle did irritate me greatly. However, I guess that's just personal preference as some people do enjoy that sort of thing. I'm also assuming there'll be another book at some point? Due to the title and the epilogue. I guess I'd read that even though I detest Albus with a passion. I'll still be there for my ship.

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