Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

Last Updated






First Things First

Chapter 3

So if you recieved your Hogwarts acceptance letter,the first thing on your mind may be(and if is not,should be) where to get all the things mentioned in the second page of the letter,that first year students are mentioned to require.The answer to that,in Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts was,and still is,Diagon Alley.

No not Diagonally,Diagon Alley.

If you are a pureblood witch or wizard,it is easily accessible to you and your parents via The Leaky Cauldron,a wizarding inn.If you are a muggle-born witch or wizard,it is still accessible to you.And it is accessible to your parents(only) as well,as a special permission.However,you may have some difficulty finding it.It is not accessible to any other muggles,though.It is a high street located in London,and an economic hub of witches and wizards,in order to enter which,you must locate The Leaky Cauldron pub between a bookshop and a music shop(Magical buildings are often located hidden between two muggle buildings,magically fitted into the space between them and apparently invisible to muggles.).If you recieved your Hogwarts acceptance letter,you will be able to find it with some willpower and belief.The Leaky Cauldron pub or wizarding inn conceals the entrance to the Diagon Alley,and through the back of the pub,you will find a brick wall,and if you tap the brick in the wall that is three up and two across three times,you will find yourself in Diagon Alley,the place you need to be.

Now let's break down the second page of your Hogwarts acceptance letter and help you buy your things at Diagon Alley,and explore the place.

You need to start with the wizarding bank Gringotts,located around the North Side of Diagon Alley,closest to The Leaky Cauldron.Gringotts is owned and run by goblins,and has vaults protected by various levels of security using portkey(a form of magical transportation) keys,ancient magic,various charms and dragons.Here,you can exchange your muggle money for wizarding world money which are Galleons,Sickles and Knuts from the highest value to the lowest.Galleons are made of gold,Sickles are silver and Knuts are bronze.There are 17 Sickles in a Galleon,and 29 Knuts in a Sickle.You will need this wizarding world money to shop anywhere in the wizarding world,including Diagon Alley.The Gringotts bank circulates the muggle money they recieve from you back to the muggle world.

Once you have your money,you can start shopping.Let's start with the first part of the list,the uniform(You can also do the Potage's cauldron shop first instead,after visiting the bank,because it's the first shop from The Leaky Caudron in Diagon Alley.).For this,you need to visit the Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occassions,which is also located in North Side,Diagon Alley.You may be surprised by a couple of magical things like magically self-operating measuring tapes and scissors,prancing around your body trying to measure you or merrily cutting away fabric at the shop's table,but you will be overall pleased with their service.You can buy everything on your entire uniform list here.And you can also buy travelling cloaks in the likes of the ones witches and wizards use,or invisibility cloaks(you can get one of them and they may just get handy in breaking the curfew or making mischief around Hogwarts,but always remember your Hogwarts professors are smarter than you).In case you don't know what invisibility cloaks are,they are cloaks made from the hair of a demiguise(a magical creature) which allows the wearer to be invisible,such cloaks can also be made by enchanting an ordinary travelling cloak with some hexes and charms.Most invisibility cloaks except The Invisibility Cloak owned as inheritance by Harry Potter wear and tear over time and acquire holes,and lose their invisibility.

Your next stop at Diagon Alley should be the Flourish and Blotts bookshop in North Side,Diagon Alley,to buy parchments,quills and inkpots for use at Hogwarts,and you can also check out some of the textbooks to keep for reference or extra reading or other books from the wizarding world.

Now let's move on to the list of other equipment on the second page of your Hogwarts acceptance letter.

Let's start with the first item on the list,a wand.(You can also buy this last as the shop for wands is the only shop among the ones you absolutely need to visit,that is located in South Side,Diagon Alley.).A wand is a magical object,nowadays most commonly in the form of a stick,that acts as the medium through which a witch or wizard channels his/her magical energy(more on that in your classes at Hogwarts).Of course,you will need to visit the famous oldest and best wand makers in business,the Ollivanders.The Ollivanders are located in Diagon Alley,South Side and are a family business.Mr.Ollivander or whoever his successor is now,will guide you through the process of buying a wand.Remember,the wand chooses the wizard,but you will have to pay for it to buy it.A wand has many features such as the wand wood(wands can be made of various woods from different magical or non magical trees),flexibility of the wand(springy,unyielding,sturdy,swishy,surprisingly swishy,quite bendy,fairly bendy,supple or pliant and so on),the wand core(which can be either one of unicorn hair,phoenix feather or dragon heartstrings,the only three materials used by the Ollivanders for wand cores),and the wand length(which is determined by many factors).Dont worry,after your wand chooses you,you can read up on why and what the particular wand choosing you says about you,later,more on wands and such information will be available in plentiful to you at the Hogwarts library,in the Hogwarts classes(which I suggest as they are the most reliable),and even on muggle websites about Harry Potter.

The next thing we need is a pewter cauldron,standard size 2,to be found for sale in Potage's Cauldron Shop on the North Side,Diagon Alley.It is the first shop from The Leaky Cauldron and which is why I may suggest you to buy your cauldron first,but it's upto you.Once you get your cauldron,and get to know what is a standard size,by asking Madam Potage's successor in there,you can move to your next stop.

Which is the Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment,situated on the North Side of Diagon Alley,where you can buy your glass or crystal phials,telescope and brass scales.Any other equipment you need in potions or Herbology class or any other classes or anything else you need during your first year course will be provided to you at Hogwarts,and then you can take them and keep them with you,or leave them in class,as instructed.

Our next stop should be the Magical Menagerie if you choose to take a cat or a toad as pet to Hogwarts,or the Eyelops Owl Emporium,should you choose to take an owl instead.Both of these shops are located in North Side,Diagon Alley,and are full of varieties of wizarding world pets and many different species of owls respectively.Personally,I would suggest an owl,because owls come in handy at sending and recieving letters in the wizarding world,due to the owl post being the most common means of postal service in the wizarding world,and you will need to write a lot of letters while in Hogwarts,because in the wizarding world there is no muggle internet or other means of quick communication and you will have to rely a lot on owls and letters.Though Hogwarts has an owlery,situated in the castle's west tower,and you can borrow the school owls housed there to send letters,it is always more convenient and easier to have a pet of your own to do the job.You can also skip taking any pets altogether,as they are not compulsory.

As is mentioned in the letter,you are not allowed to carry your own broomstick(wizards use broomsticks for flying as a form of magical transportation,flying on broomsticks is taught to students at Hogwarts) to Hogwarts in your first year,which is why there is no reason to visit The Broom Shop,situated near The Ollivanders,as of yet.

Once you are done with the shopping,you may like to explore Diagon Alley at your leisure.But I must immediately warn you against the Knockturn Alley,which leads off Diagon Alley,as Knockturn Alley is a hub of the Dark Arts,and trust me,you dont want to get involved with that stuff,now or later.You will know better when you attend your Defense Against the Dark Arts classes at Hogwarts.You may hear about the Borgin and Burkes shop,or see it if you end up taking a wrong turn,which may help you identify that you are in Knockturn Alley.The Borgin and Burkes shop is highly unrecommendable to be anywhere around from my side,as though it is an antique shop situated in the Knockturn Alley,it is closely associated with the Dark Arts.You may find someone in there shopping,but trust me,you will find out that they dont have the best interests in mind.Having said that,you can explore to your leisure as long as you stay on the safer part of Diagon Alley(which means without taking a turn towards Knockturn Alley) and you will find a lot of interesting shops to visit and explore here.

For starting with,you can go to Florean Fortescue's Icecream Parlour where you can buy different delicious flavours of icecream to eat and then you can visit the Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes,a wizarding joke shop set up by the Weasley brothers,where I can leave you to the hands of George Weasley and his successors to help you buy various wizarding prank treats and other magical prank items,but beware of their pranks though.You can follow it up by visiting the Gambol and James Joke shop,which have slightly run out of business for many years now,ever since the Weasley brothers set up their joke shop in Diagon Alley.You can next visit but wont need to buy anything as of yet from the Slug & Jiggers apothecary,which sells potion ingredients.If you are a witch,you can also check out the Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions shop,which sells pre-brewed potions for witches to get rid of warts or worse.There's a shop called the Quality Quidditch Supplies also in Diagon Alley,where you will in your later years,find things to buy for playing Quidditch(the most famous wizarding world sport) at Hogwarts.Please note that you don't get to play Quidditch(Quidditch is played mounted on broomsticks) in first year,as you don't even get to fly your own brooms(you only fly school supplied brooms under supervision in first year at Hogwarts) in first year at Hogwarts,so there's no point in buying anything from this shop yet.You will also find a shop called Scribbulus writing instruments in Diagon Alley,and here you can buy ink,quills and parchment,and other stationary items like journals,if you haven't bought them yet from Flourish and Blotts.There are other shops like Globus Mundi(a wizarding travel agency),Broomstix and Amanuensis Quills(a quill shop  selling quills,as you may have already guessed) also in Diagon Alley,which you can check out for exploration and also many other shops I may not be aware of.

Our shopping done,you may want to relax a bit,as we move into the next chapter,as your days in Hogwarts will be tiring(I have been through this and can say from experience.).


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