The Misses Marauder- A Collaborative Story

Two girls are headed back to Hogwarts. There's Jamie Pevensie, a sweet and friendly Hufflepuff who's just a little too good at standing up for her friends. There's Lyanna Le Fay, her best friend in the world, a Slytherin who's altogether too serious- unless Jamie's around. No one expects Jamie to become Draco Malfoy's sworn enemy on her first day of second year. No one expects the girls and their friends, Hannah and Rose, to discover a magical map called the Marauder's Map. And certainly no one expects them to use it to try and save the school!

Last Updated






Chapter Two- Lyanna

Chapter 3

Chapter Two – Lyanna

My voice sounds concerned as I watch her from beside the bed in the Hogwarts
Hospital Wing. I wasn’t used to the tone – usually I kept my voice hard or
cold, though Jamie was an exception. We’d been friends for a year now but were
definitely best friends. Somehow we clicked. That’s why I let the feelings flow
though at that moment and kept my voice steady as I addressed her. Luckily,
except for Madam Pomfrey, who’s bustling about somewhere, we ‘re alone as she
sat up in bed doggedly and blinked in a confused manner. The rest of them are
at the great hall.

blinks doggedly and looks around the dark, empty Hospital Wing, then back at me,
talking in a puzzled tone and surprisingly tired voice.

– what happened?”

try not to feel awkward as I answer her, my voice echoing through the empty
room and only silence to welcome my words. “There was a Dementor, Jamie…you got
knocked out.”

Her voice trails off as she gazes around confusedly. “I feel really weird…”

worry. That’ll soon pass. Have some chocolate.” A voice beside the bed makes me
jump and I look round to see the man from the train – Professor R.J.Lupin,
Hermione had said he was called. I quickly lower my eyes again as I find his
have flickered sideways to look at me. I turn my head to focus on Jamie once
more, who’s looking pale and, once again, puzzled – probably because of the
stranger’s weird offering. She looks at the chocolate he holds out, then
retreats slightly in her hospital bed.

– not to be rude but – who are you?” She asks, not with suspicion, only

was exactly what I was going to ask.” I snap, turning to look at the man, who’s
tatty and worn clothes don’t make me think Member of Staff.

Don’t be rude!” Jade, being the good friend she is, calls me to order and I
bite my lip, as if to stem my flow of temper.

man, however, simply smiles and answers pleasantly and holds out a hand. “I
should have introduced myself. My name is Remus Lupin and I am your knew Defence
Against the Dark Arts teacher.”

myself and Jamie exchange glances with a quick jerk of our heads. We’re both
thinking the same thing…Oh shit, what did
I just say to a teacher
? But I quickly recover, unlock the gaze and turn
back to him.

“I –
I’m very sorry, Professor Lupin.” I say bashfully. “I – erm – didn’t mean to
insult you.”

laughs lightly. “It’s fine, I understand where you were coming from, Miss-“

pauses and looks at me and I quickly fill him in. “Le Fay.”

puts forward his hand and I shake it awkwardly. I can see, in the corner of my
eye, Jamie holding back a laugh. Professor Lupin, however, goes to further odds
to set me at ease.

Fay…Not Morgana Le Fay, by any chance?” He chuckles in a friendly manner and
crack a smile and I return it with a shine one.

am a descendant of Morgana Le Fay, yes.” I answer. “My first name is Lyanna.”

to meet you, Miss Lyanna.” He then turns to Jamie, producing the chocolate once
more as I look on and send her a warning signal so that she stops smiling at my
reactions. “Now, unfortunate victim who I am yet to know the name of, eat this.
You’ll feel better.”

smiles at him in her easy way and took the chocolate, friendly as she tells
him; “Thanks, Professor. I’m Miss Pevensie, by the way.”

smiles back. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Pevensie. However-“ His look turns
more serious “-however that incident with the Dementor was not. It was very
noble saving your friend Mr. Potter there, but it is not advisable to attack a Dementor in that fashion.”

looks a little embarrassed, but she doesn’t just sit their ashamed like I
would, she questions him politely. “But Professor, how does one defeat a Dementor?”

sighs and looks her in the eye. “I’m afraid, Miss Pevensie, that-“

Pevensie? Miss Le Fay?” McGonagall strides into the hospital wing, her voice
carrying as she clacks along the hard floor and briskly approaches. “If Miss
Pevensie has recovered, can you please proceed to the Great Hall – the sorting
has finished and the feast is about to begin.” She sees Professor Lupin and
smiles. “Ah, Professor Lupin. Would you judge Miss Pevensie to be alright.”

nods. “Yes, she’s alright now. Chocolate always does the trick.” He winks at
Jamie and then stands up. “Now, did someone say feast?”

grins and I smile slightly, her leaping out of bed as soon as Professor Lupin
and McGonagall have started to walk towards the exit, talking in friendly
tones. As Jamie got excited, however, I watch them talk, staring at them unintentionally
as Jamie pulls on her robes. They seem very familiar with each other. Trying to
work out what sort of familiarity it is between the two, I’m suddenly
interrupted by Jamie shaking my by the shoulder.

on Lya!” She says excitedly. “Time for the feast!”

a smile, I pick up my cloak and follow her out at a slower pace. However, our
difference in speed doesn’t work and I’m soon yelling after her.

My voice echoes down the now empty corridor as she turns a corner. “JAMIE SLOW

head pokes back round the corner, eyes mischievous and curly hair a bush.
“What? Why are you going so slow?”

quicken my pace and reach her wearing what I hope is a mature look. “Because,“ I
begin, “You’ve just been concussed by a Dementor-“

“So what?
I feel fine now.” She cuts in with a grin.

I continue. “You are a second year and I am now in the third. We’re too mature
for running.”

raises an eyebrow. “You bet? What about if I told you there’s one last slice of
Apple Pie in the Great Hall.”

mouth waters as Apple Pie is mentioned. My favorite. But I am determined,
absolutely determined to keep up the maturity. “How do you know?” I laugh. “The
great hall’s-“

one last piece of apple pie waiting for us! Race you!” And before I know it,
Jamie’s off again.

away my dignity, I follow; ignoring my heeled shoes and following her at the
fastest run possible. That’s the thing about Jamie – she triggers the inner fun
within me. I’ve always been too serious and that’s why Jamie accepts but
influences. Her infectious energy never fails to set me at ease.

race down the corridor and reach the stairs, gaining on her as I clear the
steps two at a time, running downwards. I’m taller than her with longer legs
and tend to be faster, but she’s still pretty quick, and I have to exert more
energy to try and gain on her. I’m near enough when we’re back in the corridors
and heading for the great hall though, and open my mouth to call teasingly as
we come to another corner, confident no one can hear me.

bet you won’t get there before me!” I shout with mock sternness. “Mark my words
– oof!”

the corner at full pelt, I appear to have collided with something squashy that
smells of cloying male deodorant. Pulling back with horror, I realize it’s one
of Draco’s ‘chums’ – though which one I can’t tell. Crabbe and Goyle always
appear the same to me - strong, stupid oafs who strongly resemble mountain

one simply looks surprised to see me, but suddenly a sneering voice calls to me
and he smiles as I turn and see the man himself. Draco, dressed in black and
sporting neatly gelled hair once more, appears to have recovered from the
incident on the train. But his slimy tones hint at anger beneath and I know
there’s trouble coming.

evening, blood-traitor.”

turn to him with as much scorn as I can muster and give a patronizing laugh.
“Blood traitor? You’re calling me, a pureblood Slytherin from a family
ultimately more honorable than yours – a blood-traitor? Get a grip, Malfoy.”

are we getting feisty? Going to hit me with another jinx, are we?” Is his
sneering answer, one I find myself rising to.

I think you look much better with bats fleeing your nose.” I answer sourly.
“Perhaps you should make it a fashion statement?”

talk to me about fashion statements, Le Fay.” He spits maliciously. “It doesn’t
make a mark when you yourself dress like a slut.”

got me. I’m silent, looking at him with intense anger and not daring to speak.
Otherwise I’d likely kill him for sure.

be honest, my low self-esteem makes me doubt if his insult isn’t untrue. I’ve
never had much confidence with my appearance – I don’t follow fashion and
instead choose neat, tight clothes. But today I’m in a miniskirt – black and
exposing, with my legs clothed only in thin tights. I’m wearing make up as
well, black eyeliner and dark eye shadow, highlights on my high and prominent
cheekbones, fair skin blushed with slight rouge. My vest top and green and
black cloak do nothing for me either to contradict his statement, and my doubt
begins to increase as I stand there in silence, genuinely ashamed.

laugh, just before he opens his mouth to speak, rings in my ears. But I don’t
hear what Draco has to say because the next minute he’s suffering from a strong
tongue-tying jinx and starts to splutter. I turn to the right to identify the
source and there’s Jamie, wand pointed at Crabbe and Goyle wearing an
altogether fierce look.

were you going to say, Draco?” She asks with that all-important Hufflepuff sass
she’s picked up from somewhere. Or she’s a natural. “Oh – sorry – I can’t hear
you. There’s seems to be something wrong with your tongue.”

face is savage as he tries to speak. Then a catch his obscenity as he glares at
her with fury and her face becomes even more grim. But she still keeps up the
sass. “Got a crush, have we Draco?” It’s so enjoyable to see the horror in his
face that I regain my previous confidence. Jamie takes a step towards him then.
Close to his face. “Just because she looks nice doesn’t mean you have to insult
her, okay?”

withdraws as he continues to spit with anger and I come forward then. I don’t
say anything, though admiring he effects of the spell and the fact that Crabbe
and Goyle are dumbstruck. The only word I speak as I turn to follow my friend
down the corridor is ‘perfuntorus’ – pointing my wand at Draco and blessing him
with oozing boils. And of course, there’s the whisper in Jamie’s ear as I hug

"The sass."

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