The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #3

written by Lilia Le Fay

A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This third issue of the magazine features a new Serial Story from renown Fanfiction Writer Jamie Roballo and a feature article on the core students of 2015, voted for and presented as The Students of 2015!

Last Updated






Feature Article: The Faces Of 2015

Chapter 2

Faces of 2015-

Having welcomed the new year twelve days ago, it seems
right to honour those students who were at the core of HiH for all or part of
2015. Twelve were chosen by students who voted using a form and this
specialised article will reveal those voted highest and present some the
comments left by voters, as well as small bios on the chosen. For a year theme,
each voted has been given a month.



is one of those brilliantly humorous people, always making people laugh with
amusing jokes and funny anecdotes, also lending his witty writing to this
magazine. He has many close friends here on HiH but also seems to have made
friends with just about every regular site user. A second year Ravenclaw and
prefect, Dean really represents the heart of the HiH community.


‘Dean gets along
with pretty much everyone, posting witty and hilarious comments and posts and
always willing to talk or entertain anyone.’

‘I voted Dean

‘Dean is an amazing friend’

‘He is kind and
helpful to all students on HiH’

‘Dean is always
willing to put a little cheer in the common room, and is extremely friendly!’

'Together Dean and I thwart the world with our ever Mitherhood plans while chanting the ancient Mitherfughe runes. The digital ghosts will be given their lifr’s back. And even if I'm '#sick' he'll stick by me through everything. It just has to be before TWALVE A.M and there are to be NEIN exception. As he reads this I'm sure he's faceguitaring because he realized he still owes me my present’



has been on the site since 2014, but was previously very quiet. However,
returning to use the HiH library and begin writing, she later started this
magazine that soon placed her very much nearer the centre of HiH. She continues
to write many books and keep the magazine running, and is thought to be a very
creative soul.


‘She has spent the year sharing her writing with
everyone, creating many novels and the Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine,
providing the students with many hours of happy reading.’

‘She went through
the effort of making this magazine purely for the entertainment of the HiH
community. That's gold, if you ask me.’

‘She is super creative, fun to chat with, and I love hanging out with her because of her humorous personality.'



quirky and fun Ravenclaw Liaison, Novellus keeps us all entertained and is
always there for students. His posts can both preach and provoke laughter and
he is truly at the core of HiH. Active often, he is universally recognized as a
sensible yet likeable member of staff.


‘Novellus works
really hard and tries to get everybody involved in HiH. He answers all your
questions if you have any and is always friendly.’

‘He's been here
since the start and he's always nice to the newbies. He made me feel at home
when I joined.’

‘Novi is Always
there for you when you need him. He motivates you, encourages you, listens when
you need someone to talk to. He doesn’t judge you or make you feel stupid. He
gives advice when asked and stays quiet otherwise. He's understanding and wise
beyond his years and he is the best Possible friend anyone could ever hope to



is another student greatly involved in HiH, notably urging students to participate
in #ThePlotThickens in the winter and autumn of 2015. She is a great student,
having reached year four, and is a prefect for Alchemy. Karelin
is also the Hufflepuff Liaison and does her job extremely well, being a
welcoming and friendly figure at all times.


Karelin is very kind, helps you whenever you
have a problem and she's a good friend.’

‘She has always been
a helpful Prefect, dedicated to her job and always happy to interact with

‘Karelin is always
welcoming newcomers, and participating in site activities, and generally being
an active and integral part of the HiH community.’

‘During the ongoing
RP Plot, Karelin tried to keep the story going and people interested in what
was going on.’



Jimmy is another quotable poster, amusing us readily
with both his anecdotes and opinions, and has also recently published a notable
book written in a fine and witty style. Jimmy is both kind and considerate, and
never seems to be offended, and will join in with anything. He is a PA for
Alchemy, Disney Lit week and Magical Literature and Head Boy for Divination.


‘He stood up to the Professors for us when no one else could and made his voice heard, he was bold! Jimmy is a true paragon! He inspires others to stand up for what they believe in.’

‘He's pretty
active and has always got something to say.’

kind and friendly to everyone and helps new students feel welcome. As a Head
Boy too, he also puts in a lot of effort 
for the site and helping to run it.’



is an active prefect and student, always posting observational posts and using
a superb writing talent to help this Magazine. She has a close circle of
friends but is always involved in matters of the site and welcomes many people.
A friendly and intelligent Ravenclaw, Misty represents the house with the best
you can get.


‘Misty supports all students and has the ability
not to let anything get her down.’

‘She is a dedicated Prefect, and a super sweet
person to anyone and everyone she meets.’

‘She was the first person on Hogwarts Is Here to
friend me and welcome me and was really awesome and nice and helpful, answering
all my (many) questions patiently and just chatting with me and making me feel
really welcome.’



Ravenclaw Liaison, it’s no surprise Isobel was elected by students to take the
position. She is a just, fair and intelligent student as well as a friendly and
coordinated prefect, helping those with the courses she covers. When dealing
with student conflicts, she evaluates carefully and her answer will always be


‘Ms. Rhodesse was
very welcoming and helpful when I joined and I have seen her continue to be
welcoming and helpful to new students.’

works so hard, always stays on top, and is a great friend!’

'She is polite, cordial, and altogether wonderful."



Due to
various reasons, Annabeth had bee inactive for seven months, but boy are we
glad to have her back! A sensitive and friendly Gryff, Annabeth has many close
friends that she charms with simple honesty and loyalty.


has always stayed strong and made me smile.’

‘I have been her
best friend for over a year now. She is amazing and she's so supportive of
everyone. Even though she got Cancer she fought it and came back to everyone.
We all love her!



A devote
and intelligent Ravenclaw, Timothy is the model student, urging those competing
in the house cup to go further and acting as a loyal prefect to several
subjects. His urging and interesting posts make all of us feel motivated.


‘Timothy is always
keeping us updated on the House Cup competition, which inspires us all to keep

‘He's always
updating me encouraging everyone on the leader board and to do assignments. He
has been doing this since 2014. Must people don't recognize the fact that he
does this and they don't appreciate it. He does it every day and I think we
should show him that people do care and that's he's not doing it for nothing!’



Although Helen hasn’t been on HiH as long as some of the other students voted, she has already made an impression with her humorous and contrite posts and positive friendliness towards everyone. She is already deeply involved with the site and never fails to post something interesting for us. Her quirky and imaginative thoughts and easy socialization keep us all positive.


‘Helen never fails to make me feel good when I’m talking to her, and introduces interesting and funny ideas to conversations.’

‘She is kind, generous, and always respects me and has never said a mean word ever.’

‘Helen is nice and supporting and you can have the craziest conversations with her.’



A quiet,
just and polite Slytherin, Mikaela deserves to be recognized for her hard work
and studying as well as her overall friendliness. She is an artistic person
whose posts inform us readily and keep us interested.


She has had her struggles but has made
it to the top through hard work, dedication, and motivation. I think that
Mikaela deserves to be honored and recognized, as not only an active student,
but also a strong leader, a powerful, active member of the community and a
passionate Slytherin.’

is polite and generous and makes for a good associate and is a brilliant role
model to follow.’



James is
another amusing student, posting humorous and observational posts. He is very
involved with everything and also a devote student. He also encourages people
to socialize, engaging himself deep within the social part of HiH. This
Slytherin head boy is and should be recognized as awesome.


‘James is always
encouraging us to socialize in the great hall and posting interactive posts. I
thank him greatly for this as I have made more friends through his endeavors.’

‘James is not only
amusing and kind to everyone on the site, but he's a great student! He works
hard and really knows how to cheer everyone up.’

Honor our
twelve students of 2015 with care and congratulate them on their places! As you
may have guessed, the order in which they are presented is the number of votes
they received (Dean McCormick receiving the most votes). Below are some
honorable mentions of students who did not reach the twelve presented.

Honorable Mentions:


  ‘Grace is a great helper and a very friendly


is a loving, caring friend who always knows what to do in hard times.’


posting the "Question of the day" in the common room and that's
always a good way to discover people's opinions.’


'Tom is my soulmate bestie. We've been here through thick and thin for each other. He once tried to teach me French. That did not work out well, despite my background being French. I once tried to get him to play Roblox with me and 10  minutes later he gave up. But we've also had our fair share of  real drama. I was being cyber-bullied online and guess who was there. Tom was. We had this other friend but she made other friends so ditched us. Tom and I share little friends with each other, which is good because then why'd we be best friends? We're kinda anti-social. I hate most people and Tom usually creeps them out. I love you Tom <3 I think we've bounced back from hate. Only a few people will know who wrote this but what matters is Tom knows. Oh and we both like Ramen noodles ;)


a great friend and she'd be willing to help me out with anything from Astronomy
to troubled friends, and I'm grateful for that.


is always in the Slytherin Common Room to welcome new students and make them
feel welcome. She really helped me and made me feel welcome when I was new,
which I much appreciated.’


 ‘She always stays herself and is a beautiful

Even though these lively students did not make the top 12 they're still as special. Lots of students didn't take a place in anything maybe because you're not well-known or no one thought to vote of you. It doesn't matter at all! This was supposed to a positive experience filled with enjoyment, so turn that frowny face upside down.

When a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back instead look forward to your next objective.

-George C. Marshall

-Article written by Lilia Le Fay

-Article Edited by Tali Mere

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