The Triwizard Tournament (Eaglesclaw Chronicles, Book #3)

Jade, Alana, and West are back in a third adventure! Now that the Windigo is gone and Jade has discovered her powers, everyone's ready for some new excitement, and Eaglesclaw is ready to deliver. Their school has been selected to compete in the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts, and they're about to pack up and go on a trip abroad. Everything seems perfect, but...West's been acting strange lately, ignoring Jade and picking fights. Jack has been flirting with a girl from Beauxbatons, and Alana's disappeared completely. Jade turns to the Hogwarts students for company, meeting incredible people from many other houses and schools. Will Jade keep her powers under control? Will West stop being so weird? And is Jack going to...break up with her? Find out in this next volume of Eaglesclaw!

Last Updated






Chapter 7

Alana reappeared in Transfiguration the next morning, sliding into her seat next to Jade. "Did I miss anything?" she asked, pulling her gorgeous rose hawk-feather quill out of her bag.

"Not much," Jade said, removing her own wand from her bun, where she had a tendency to store it along with quills and occasionally a licorice wand or two. "I'm the Eaglesclaw school representing champion now, even though I'm four years too young. I could die during the challenges, and I'm supposed to bring our school to glory. How was your day yesterday?"

Her best friend looked shaken. "Wow, Jade. That's intense. Have you seen West?"

"Not today, no. She's been acting stressed and weird. Her hair's weird lately too, it's turned green at the tips." West had been acting touchy lately, ignoring everyone and spending all of her time in the Herbology greenhouse. She would often come back with leaves in her hair and a terrified expression, but would refuse to tell Jade or Alana what was going on.

"I need to talk to her. We're partnered up for something...important."

"What is it? I can always help." Jade flicked her wand around in a series of warm-up figures. After the incident with the Windigo, which she preferred never to discuss, she had purchased a new wand. It was gorgeous, ash wood and phoenix feather, eleven and a half inches. It shot golden sparks whenever she touched it, and now a spray of them hovered around her face and arms.

"We're fine, Jade. You don't have to involve yourself in everything." Alana warmed up her own wand by Transfiguring a lock of Jade's hair into a garter snake and back again. Jade shrieked and instinctively shot a Jellylegs Jinx at Alana, who wobbled and landed in her chair with a thud. She continued Transfiguring locks of Jade's hair, until she resembled a Gorgon.

"ENOUGH!" An angry-looking, bespectacled woman leaped up from behind the desk. "Miss Pevensie, Miss Wincastle, your headmaster will be hearing about this! Change her hair back this instant."

Alana said something entirely rude under her breath and began fixing Jade's hair. Jade utilized the anti-jinx, and Alana's legs returned to normal. She glared, and Jade moved to a different desk.

The rest of class was fairly uneventful, and Jade headed afterwards to the school library. She wanted to do some more research on the history of the Triwizard Tournament. If she was really going to compete in this, she would need to learn all she could to prepare herself.


In the library, Jade had sixteen books stacked in her arms. Histories of Hogwarts, so many histories of the Tournament over the centuries. She could barely see over them, and had taken one step when all of the books clattered to the floor. Groaning, she stooped down and began to pick them up again. Next to the books was a pair of booted feet.

She looked up to see a blond boy with grey eyes and a pointed nose looking down at her. He had on green robes, too, but his were the forest green of Slytherin as opposed to the brilliant emerald of Grizzleheart. He appeared to be a year or so older than her. His arms were crossed, and the corners of his mouth were quirked up in an amused expression. Jade shrugged and stacked the last book onto her teetering pile. She gathered them up in her arms, but hadn't made it another five paces when the books went tumbling again, this time in an organized fashion.

The boy was in front of her again, and the smirk on his face clearly told Jade that he had been responsible for the book acrobatics incident. She heaved a sigh and began to pick up the books again. Just ignore him, she told herself. Ignore him and he'll go away.

When her books hit the floor a third time, she whirled on the boy, curls flying. "Yes?" she said frostily.

He snickered. "What makes you think I want anything?"

Jade rolled her eyes and began to count off reasons on her fingers. "Your facial expression, body language, the way you keep standing thisclose to me, and why else would you shove my books three times?"

"I guess I underestimated you."

"So?" Jade straightened out a page of Hogwarts: A History.

"So what?"

"What do you want?"

The blond boy seemed happy to annoy her. "I wanted to talk to Miss Mystery over here."

Jade began to organize the spilled books, trying to mend a torn page. "And I am mysterious why, exactly?"

He crossed his arms. "Because. You're even younger than Potter, and you've willingly agreed to participate in the tournament. You're an American, and most of us don't know anything about you."

She smiled, a little rudely. "Here are three things to know about me. I'm a Grizzleheart, which means I don't stand for bullying. I'm viciously, recklessly, lovingly loyal, and if you hurt my friends, you'd better watch out, because I'm a lot more powerful than I seem. And the third..."

The boy looked intrigued. "What's the third?"

"I hate arrogant people, especially presumptuous blond GITS!" She picked up her books and stormed out.

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