A Light To The Darkness

written by Sophie McD

This is a dramione fan fiction. The golden trio return to Hogwarts to repeat their 7th year because the hunt for horcruxes stopped them from being able to complete their magical education. Many other students from their year have chosen to return as well, including none other than Draco Malfoy an ex-death eater. But will the students forgive him or will they all still hate him? Harry and Ginny are now getting married but will everything work out for them. Ron and Hermione got together at the end of the war but they are not happy together. Hermione has been made head girl but she does not know who the head boy is. How will she react when she finds out that Draco Malfoy is head boy. As in the Draco Malfoy who tormented her through her teenage years, will she be able to forgive him or will it all be a bit too much?

Last Updated






Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Draco woke up to find his arm draped over Hermiones small frame, he smiled and looked down at her face, she was so peaceful and innocent. She looked beautiful, he couldn't understand why he was only just seeing that but he knew that he was right, she was definitely beautiful and the sad thing is that she doesn't even know it.

Suddenly her eyes fluttered open and her big chocolate brown eyes met with his shimmering silver ones. They blushed and looked away, what was happening to him he never blushed or got nervous around girls, but Hermione wasn't just any girl she was different, special.

'We should get up' she said sitting up out of Draco's grasp. They immediately missed the warmth of the other but neither would admit it.

'Why it's only 9?' he asked looking at the clock ' we don't have any classes until 2.'

'Yes but in case you've forgotten, we have a party to plan.' she said matter of factly.

'Oh that, ca't we do that from bed, I don't want to get up' Draco whined.

'No we cannot, now get your lazy ass out of bed.' she said and walked into the bathroom for a shower, Draco laughed and sat up. He walked over to the bathroom and opened the door.

'Not looking just passing through.' H said loudly as he covered the right side of his face so that he couldn't see Hermione.

'It's fine Drake, I was just getting this' she said holding a small bottle.

'And that is?' he said with a questioning look.

'Hangover cure, cause I have a banging sore head.So figured that we should probably take this so that we can think straight, and when we go to McGonagall she won't know anything.'

'You're brilliant' he said as he walked over to where she was standing

'Why the tone of surprise?' she asked smirking at him

'Just surprised I hadn't thought of it' he said taking the bottle from her hands and taking a swig, he felt instantly better.

'Oh very funny.' she said and took the bottle from him and took a swig of it and the banging in her head stopped and she could think straight again. 

'So the party, when are you thinking we should have it?' Draco asked breaking the silence that had filled the air for a few minutes. 

'Well I was thinking and since it's almost October '

'Halloween party!?!' Draco said interrupting

'Yes' she said rolling her eyes at his rudeness, she wasn't surprised though.

'I love it, next thing where?' he asked

'Am I just planning this whole thing or are you going to contribute instead of asking me?' she asked laughing at his assumption.

'Well no I mean obviously I'll be planning the drink and music, can't trust you to do that' He smirked and looked at her

'Well the drink was a given, but what's so bad about my choice in music?' she asked eyebrows slightly furrowed. Draco just laughed and walked into his room. Hermione stood for a moment not sure whether to follow or not, but she eventually did. 

He was standing in front of his wardrobe, shirtless. Hermione stood there for a minute admiring his abs and the definition of his muscles and ..

'Are you done checking me out. Can I put my top on now' he said laughing Hermione felt the heat rise in her cheeks

'I wasn't checking you out' she denied.

'Sure you weren't' he laughed as he pulled his shirt on. 

'Anyway about where to have the party, I was thinking out by the lake on the night of Halloween and everyone has to dress up.' She said changing the subject

'I like it, I think that the party should be for all 7th and 8th years though, not just for the prefects.' Draco said going with her plan.

'Okay so should we go talk to McGonagall now?' Hermione asked. Draco shook his head. 'Why nor?'

'No offence 'Mione but did you look in the mirror, you may not be hungover anymore but you look it. Go get changed, I 'll wait in the common room.' and with that Draco walked out the room. 

Hermione walked through to the bathroom, tied her hair up in a bun, and took a quick shower. She walked into her room and opened her closet, took out her robes and put them on quickly. She went back into the bathroom and put her hair in a french braid and loosened the hair to make it more messy and pulled out a few strands at the front.

She and Draco walked up to McGonagall's office in a comfortable silence. They got to her office and knocked on the door. The doors opened to reveal the headmistress sitting at her desk reading a letter.

'Hello Professor, are you busy?'Hermione asked politely.

'Not at all, how can I help you both?' McGonagall asked as she put the parchment she was reading down and looked at them both.

'Well it's just that we were thinking that it would be nice to have a party for the 7th and 8th years, on Halloween night. That is if it is okay with you?' Hermione said.

'Yes I think that's a great idea considering everything that you have all been through. Where were you thinking of having it since the room of requirement is your common room and the Halloween feast will be taking pace in the great hall?' McGonagall asked.

'We thought it would be nice to have it down by the lake, we could have bonfires and fireworks.' Draco said smiling at the idea of fireworks. 

'I like it, but I think we ought to put up some form of security to ensure younger years don't try to sneak in, because I know there's going to be alcohol and I know you are all of age, but the alcohol will be tempting for the younger students and I can not be responsible for a bunch of drunk first years.'

'Yes we agree professor, which is why I thought we could have a barrier around the area of the party, a sort of age line, like Professor Dumbledore put around the goblet of fire back in our fourth year.' Hermione said, Draco let her d the talking, he knew she knows exactly what the professor will want to hear so he left her to explain and negotiate the terms.

After an half hour long discussion with the headmistress Draco and Hermione had gained authority and planned the basics of the party, they were going to need help with the planning though. Luckily tonight all the Gryffindors were coming back so Hermione was going to go talk to her friends abut it. They knew Ginny would help, she loves parties. Harry would then get dragged into helping too by both Hermione and Ginny. Lavender would want to help with decorations. But the one person that neither Hermione or Draco was sure about was Ron.

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