Love Unexpected: Dramione

After the Wizarding War, Hermione and her friends return to Hogwarts for their final year of their education. Draco returns after being cleared of his previous records, trying to leave his past for once and for all behind him...Can he leave it that easily with so many people trying to drag him back in? Can he overcome the guilt of what he has played a part in?
Hermione and Draco slowly begin to notice the good in each other...Hermione is about to make the mistake of falling for a Slytherin while Draco makes the mistake of falling for a Gryffindor. Breaking the rules that still matter to some but have faded for others. Can these people forgive and forget?
A bond is slowly being formed through trust, love and faith between them. Some people still disapprove of this blossoming friendship/relationship.
With so many obstacles in their way, is this love story really meant for a happy ending? Or is it true that love can conquer anything in the end?..

Last Updated






Chapter Three: Patrol

Chapter 3

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Later that day, Hermione sits next to Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor dinner table. Hermione and Draco didn't speak at all for the remainder of their time in the library. She left the library before him though. "Were you at the library this whole time, Hermione?" says Ronald.

Hermione nods while responding, "yes, I wanted to get a head start on the textbook readings." All three of them begin putting food on their dishes. Ronald sets a chicken breast, some gravy-topped mashed potatoes and carrots on his golden-colored plate. Harry sets steak, creamy mashed potatoes, and green beans on his own plate. Hermione only fills a bowl with warm chicken noodle soup and has a bread roll on the side. "Did you guys enjoy your time on the Quidditch field?"

"Yeah," they both say in union. "I hope they do tryouts soon, if they are having them that is," mumbles Ron around a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouthful!" exclaims Hermione in a disgusted tone. Ron shrugs and disregards Hermione's comment. Hermione waits a moment before continuing, "I have Patrol with Draco after dinner finishes." 

"He better not bother you. You better tell me if he does," says Ronald in a protective tone. Harry nods his head in agreement. Hermione nods in agreement that she will. Though Draco and her have had many issues in the past with each other, she does not believe they will have too many issues now.

She even punched him once. She wonders if he still holds that against her. Either way, it was still a hell of a punch. At that point, he deserved it. Hermione grins at her thoughts. She begins eating her soup. Ronald didn't like the idea of Hermione being around Draco. He knows Hermione can handle herself though. Harry also doesn't particularly like the idea but isn't too concerned about it.

Meanwhile, Draco is at the Slytherin table. He is sitting at the far end where it is mostly empty other than a few students who would also prefer to be alone. Draco, of course, doesn't have to sit alone since he is sure some of the others would welcome him back. But then again, some of the students who were involved with Voldemort probably wouldn't tolerate him. This is because his family and him had left the war area as soon as they could safety do so. They retreated and left them all to fight without him. Draco isn't too concerned about it. He is concerned about patrol after dinner. He is more nervous than anything. Draco isn't sure if Hermione hates him or not. She hasn't acted hostile at all to him yet though. He begins eating a plate of pasta and disregards everyone else in the Great Hall. 

Once everyone has finished their rather delicious food, the remaining disappears. The golden dishes are now back to their sparkly-clean state. McGonagall stands up from her chair at the center of the teachers table, "remember that classes begin tomorrow. Make sure you have received your schedule. Everyone may now head back to their dorms for the night. Head girl and boy make sure to begin your patrol duties an hour after dinner." Students begin to loudly clear out of the Great Hall and head to their dorms. Hermione stands up from her chair and heads to the Gryffindor Common Room. She has an hour of free-time before she must start her duties. She sits on a comfy, red chair in front of the warm, crackling fire. Hermione pulls out her book and turns to the page she left off on. 

McGonagall stops Draco before he leaves the Great hall to speak to him briefly. Afterwards, Draco walks around the castle to pass time, glancing at his silver watch every few minutes. "Where is she?" he wonders. It was almost fifty minutes after dinner ended. Hermione looks up from her book and sees Luna Lovegood laying on the couch, looking up at the ceiling with a dreamy expression. 

"What time is it, Luna? I have patrol," Hermione asks politely. Luna looks over to her and glances at her silver watch before sayings its about forty-five minutes after nine. Hermione knows dinner ended at nine so she quickly gets up before putting her book on the oak-wood table. "Thank you!" she says before leaving the common room. She strolls down the halls, patrolling. She will be attempting to avoid Draco. Hermione strolls to the History of Magic wing and checks empty classroom for any out-of-bed students. Draco is walking through the corridors of the Transfiguration wing. He opens doors occasionally to check for students. At this point, no out-of-bed students have been found by either Draco or Hermione. Hermione turns to head down the main staircases and begins heading for the other side of the school. Draco continues through random corridors and is walking down the main staircases. 

Draco's mind drifts and he observes the paintings on the wall as he walks. At this point, many of the people in the painting are asleep or trying to sleep. Many of the people in the paintings visit others but right now they all seem to be in their own. 

All of a sudden, he falls towards the ground as one of his legs fall through a trick-step. He sighs and tries to lift himself out of the trick-step. Draco looks around for someone to help but sees no one. Draco continually tries to pull himself out but is not successful. Hermione walks down the steps further and stops when she sees the top of Draco's head. He has fallen into a trick-step and is trying to free himself. Hermione savors the moment of seeing this before walking up behind him and tapping his shoulder. "Need a lift?" 

Draco turns to her and sighs with relief. "Just help me out of this thing! This position is starting to hurt," he exclaims. Hermione takes a step back and sits down on a step. 

Hermione taps the normal step she is sitting on, "you're so over dramatic, Draco. Hmm...What's the magic word?" She grins, knowing shes being childish. Hermione taps her chip with her forefinger, waiting. 

Draco gives her a irritated look. If looks could kill right now, Hermione would be dead. "Please!" he almost-yells with a very annoyed tone. Hermione sighs and stands up. She puts her hand out for him to grab. Draco slips his hand into her warm, small one. Hermione pulls with all her strength to pull him out which is successful with him also trying to push himself out. They almost fall backwards from the force but Draco holds her steady. "Thank you," he mumbles before slipping his hand slowly from hers. He takes a small step back. Draco pushes his blonde hair back from his face. Hermione nods to his thank you. "So, ready to continue patrol?" He says in a simple, neutral voice. His annoyance with her is still there but the sight of her oddly calms him. Hermione doesn't know what to say other than to nod. She could still feel the warmth from his hand in hers. 

Hermione and Draco begin walking through the corridors. It was silent other than the sound of their shoes hitting the stone floor. The air is heavy with tension. Draco coughs and attempts to break the silence, "so, Granger.." 

Hermione looks to his face. He is biting his lip in a bored manner. Draco's annoyance has drifted away completely. There is at least three feet of empty space between them. "So...congratulations on becoming Head Boy. I didn't expect it," she states quickly. She then realizes that saying she didn't expect it may seem rude and quickly adds, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that in a mean way. I just didn't expect you to return." 

He nods in understanding before replying, "it's fine. I didn't think I would return either but here I am, I suppose. And I know you wouldn't expect me to be head boy also since you know..." His voice drifts off and he doesn't continue. Hermione watches his facial expression and he scrunches his eyebrows while speaking this. Hermione watches as he shakes his head lightly and runs his hand through his smooth, blonde hair. Draco is dressed in his Slytherin colored robes. Hermione walks next to him, wearing her red Gryffindor colored robes. The robes drift behind her as she walks and her arms rub against them.  "Oh, I almost forgot," Draco exclaims before digging into his robe pocket. He pulls out two shiny silver badges. Draco looks at them before handing her one. "Mcgonagall stopped me after dinner to give me these. She gave me yours to give to you because you had already left the hall. Hope you don't mind," Draco explains.

Hermione reads the badge that is engraved with the words 'Head Girl'. She runs her finger over the engraved words before looking up to him. "Thank you, Draco. It's fine," she looks into his ocean-blue eyes before giving him a small smile. Hermione pins the badge to the front of her robes. Draco has pinned his Head Boy badge to the chest of his robes. "He looks handsome tonight..Hmm.." Hermione thinks and shrugs it off. "Let's go down towards the dungeons. I haven't patrolled through there yet, have you?" 

Draco shakes his head in response. They journey through the castle together before going into the dungeons. Hermione walks down the steps too fast and steps on the end of her robes. She gasps as it tugs her down and she tries to grab on to the closest thing to her. That happens to be Draco. 

Stairs don't seem to agree with either of them today.


Thanks for reading! I will update soon. :)

~Dedicated to my best friend, Kat, for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and for always being there when things get cold.~

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