Love Unexpected: Dramione

After the Wizarding War, Hermione and her friends return to Hogwarts for their final year of their education. Draco returns after being cleared of his previous records, trying to leave his past for once and for all behind him...Can he leave it that easily with so many people trying to drag him back in? Can he overcome the guilt of what he has played a part in?
Hermione and Draco slowly begin to notice the good in each other...Hermione is about to make the mistake of falling for a Slytherin while Draco makes the mistake of falling for a Gryffindor. Breaking the rules that still matter to some but have faded for others. Can these people forgive and forget?
A bond is slowly being formed through trust, love and faith between them. Some people still disapprove of this blossoming friendship/relationship.
With so many obstacles in their way, is this love story really meant for a happy ending? Or is it true that love can conquer anything in the end?..

Last Updated






Chapter Two: Head Girl & Boy

Chapter 2

Enjoy the chapter! Give me some feedback :) 

Non-censored versions of all censored chapters will be on my Wattpad account (FandomNerd463). If you want the link to the book, owl me. 


When the sorting ceremony ends and all the first years are seated, Professor Mcgonagall stands up from her chair at the head table. "Welcome back to Hogwarts! I would like to remind everyone that the forest is forbidden to all students. Classes will begin the day after tomorrow. You will be receiving your schedules in the morning. I will be here during that time to hand them out. The new head girl and boy will be announced tomorrow morning at breakfast also and so will the new prefects," Mcgonagall's calm voice states over the small whispers in the Great Hall. A couple of the professors at the head table shift in their seats and a few students cough. There is a moment of silence all the sudden. "I know many of you were not sure about returning to Hogwarts this year because of the terrible war that took place just a few months ago. I know many of you are struggling. We all lost someone whether a classmate, a friend or a loved one. I ask for everyone to give support to each other...Be caring. Be compassionate. And give strength to your fellow classmates. Lean on each other," she says in a serious, compassionate tone while looking over the students. She waits a moment before starting again, "let the feast begin". She waves her hand swiftly in front of her and the food appears. The goblets fill with pumpkin juice as the golden plates fill with a variety of food from turkey to liver pudding. Though there is sadness and a tinge of tension in the air, people begin to eat. 

When the plates finally clear, everyone stands up from their seats. The wave of conversation isn't as loud as it usually would be after a feast. The loudest of everyone is the first years. The large mass of students separate and head to the appropriate common rooms. Most people tiredly head up to their dorms but Hermione stays down in the common room. She sits in front of the calm fire, reading. 

Draco is in his dorm room, laying on his bed. He stares up at the blank stone ceiling. Today during the feast, he got a few dirty looks. He got them especially when Mcgonagall's speak was given. He is sure it is because people are associating him with the death's of everyone. Which he did play a part in. He could've died fighting for what was right. "I'm a coward," he thinks to himself and sighs. He runs his hand through his silky smooth hair before rolling to his side and closing his eyes. He spends most of the night trying to shove all of his troubled thoughts out of his mind.

Hermione goes up to her doom after spending a hour in front of the fire with her head in a book. When she reaches her doom, she gets ready for bed. She slips under her warm covers and closes her eyes. The events of the last few months try to slip back into her mind but she forces them away until she finally drifts off into restful sleep. 

Hermione wakes up early that morning. She gets dressed in her Gryffindor robes before heading down to breakfast. When arriving at the Great Hall, Professor Mcgonagall begins waving her over. "Hello, Hermione. I came to notify you that you have been appointed Head girl. Congratulations. I apologize that you weren't notified over the Summer but because of the recent events we were busy with reconstruction," says Mcgonagall.

Hermione nods enthusiastically, "Its fine! Thank you, Professor!" Hermione smiles widely at Mcgonagall. Hermione gets the sudden urge to jump in joy and hug Mcgonagall but she contains herself.

"The Head Boy is Draco Malfoy. You will be working closely with him through out the year so please learn to get along with him," Mcgonagall gives her a small smile. Professor Mcgonagall knows they don't work well together but she hopes maybe this will bring Hermione and her friends closer to Draco. Maybe it would give them more perspective of the situation he is in. Perhaps if they do become friends, the rest of their houses will follow in their paths and maybe this hostility between their houses will decrease. Also, Hermione deserves the position and so does Malfoy. Hermione has been the top of almost all of her classes since she arrived at Hogwarts and Malfoy in the last couple years has been top of his classes also though second from top in his classes with Hermione. Hermione's smile drops for a second before she puts it back on. "Here is your schedule and you will be expected to patrol the halls later tonight a hour after dinner for students out of bed and to monitor the prefects of their jobs" Mcgonagall hands Hermione her schedule. "Have a good day and congratulations again," Mcgonagall says before walking away. Her emerald colored robes flow lightly behind her as she walks to give other students their schedules. 

"Thank you," Hermione says quickly before Mcgonagall is out of ear shot. She sees Mcgonagall nod while walking. Well she gets to be head girl but has to work with Draco. She didn't know how to feel about this. Either he has changed his ways and they will be able to be friends (or at least tolerate each other) or they will be arguing constantly and utterly hate each other. Let's hope its the first option. Hermione shakes her head and looks down at her schedule. Her first class is Potions, tomorrow (Monday) at nine o'clock in the morning with Professor Slughorn. This class is with the Slytherins. Hermione slides her schedule into her uniform pocket while walking to seat at the Gryffindor table. 

She sits down and begins putting some hot eggs and buttered toast on her plate. She begins eating when she notices Draco walking in. She watches as Mcgonagall walks over to him and started speaking. Draco smiles and nods. He flashes his eyes over to Hermione and his smile drops just like her's did. Mcgonagall gives him a paper, presumably his schedule and walks away. Draco looks back at Hermione while she stares. Draco smirks at her and walks over. He puts his hands on the table next her left side. Hermione focuses on her food while asking, "what do you want, Draco?"

"Is that any way to speak to someone you will be working with for the rest of the year?" He replies with a grin on his face. Hermione looks up at him. 

"Go away," is all Hermione replies back to him before focusing back on her food and taking a sip out of her goblet full of orange juice. Draco puts one of his hands on each of her sides now.

Draco moves his mouth next to her ear before saying, "see you tonight for patrol, Granger". Hermione feels his hot breath on her neck and shivers. He turns around and walks away to his table. Hermione watches him as he sits down. Draco looks at her from the Slytherin table and winks at her. She rolled her eyes at him, trying to be annoyed or disgusted. Harry and Ron walk into the Great Hall and sit by her. Harry is dressed in uniform with his Harry scruffy as usual. Ron is also wearing his uniform with his ginger hair somewhat neat. They both still have a sleepy eye look. Ron begins lazily putting food on his plate. 

"Morning," Ron and Harry say in union. Ron immediately starts eating breakfast while Harry turns to her. "So did you get put as Head Girl?" Hermione quickly nods in response with a smile. "You don't seem as excited about it as I thought you would be. I thought you would be jumping in joy," Harry states.

"Oh, I am! I have patrol tonight though...with Draco," Hermione responds. Harry drops his buttered toast that he was just about to take a bite of and looks up at her.

Harry immediately asks, "what?" He raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. 

Ron even stops eating his breakfast, "what do you mean by that, Hermione?" 

Hermione shrugs, "he got put as Head Boy so I'm stuck doing patrol with him. I'm going to try and just go to another section of the school than him though." Ron and Harry look at each other before smirking. "What are you two smirking at?" questions Hermione. 

Harry responds while still having a disbelieving, amused smirk on his face, "Draco? As Head Boy? No way. It's not possible." 

"Well he is. Professor Mcgonagall told me so and I watch her tell him," responds Hermione rather calmly. Hermione isn't thrilled about having to work with him but if they manage to get along, maybe it won't be so bad. She continues while standing up from her seat, "I'm gonna go to the library. Catch up with you guys later?" 

"Yeah, we will be going to the Quidditch field soon if you happen to need us," Ron informs her while taking a bite of sausage. Harry and Ron then turn to each other to discuss Quidditch. Hermione begins going up the enchanted staircases which keep changing on her. She eventually makes it to the library. Since classes haven't even started yet, the library is empty except for the librarian and a couple of students who are reading. She scrolls through the books till she finds an extra copy of Defense Against The Dark Arts: Volume Seven since she left her copy in her dorm on accident. She goes to a small table at the corner towards the back of the library, furthest from the other students and begins to read.

Draco is in his common room, reading Charms: Volume seven. Most people would assume that Draco wasn't really involved with his schoolwork because of everything. But that's one thing he tries to keep up with to the best of his ability.  He is really quite proud of his grades. The common room is stranded since everyone is wondering around the castle or outside. It's the last day before classes so most people are enjoying it. 

All of the sudden, Pansy Parkinson walks into the common room. Draco has been close friends with her ever since they were sorted into the same house, Slytherin. They hook up as friends every once in awhile but nothing more comes out of it. Though Pansy hints at wanting more sometimes. Draco just never had strong feelings for her. It never felt right. They still talk but not as much as they used to which was a result of the war. Draco didn't really want to socialize with anyone. Most of the people he used to socialize with had something to do with the Dark Arts, Voldemort or were just negative in some kind of way. He wants to leave all of that behind him now and to do that completely he must leave those negative influences behind. Most of them don't care about him really anyways. They were just using him for their own benefit. Pansy was involved with the Dark Arts, though not as much as Draco used to be. Pansy was probably using him too and sometimes talked down to him like he was a idiot. Goyle and Crabbe didn't really care. Goyle didn't return to Hogwarts and hasn't spoken to Draco since the Wizarding War. Draco gets upset about Crabbe's death sometimes but Draco knows Crabbe wasn't his true friend. If he was alive, Draco wouldn't be talking to him anyways. He was involved with Voldemort which automatically makes him a part of his past that he wants to forget. "Hello?" shouts Pansy who's hand is waving over Draco's face. He doesn't even notice her talking until she starts snapping her fingers next to his ear. 

Draco looks at her, "what do you want?" She shrugs and sits by him on the couch. She looks at him. He notices quickly that she is staring and asks, "what?"

"You haven't talked to me lately," Pansy says. He shrugs and stands up. "Where are you going?" she demands while standing up with him. "You haven't spoken to me in months. I've been your friend for seven years and you can't even say hi to me? What the hell?" she says, her tone becoming angrier. 

"I have nothing to say," he says while staring past her shoulder. Pansy steps up to him and moves his face to look at her but he continues to look at the wall behind her.

"Look at me now, Draco. What the bloody hell is wrong with you? You used to speak to me everyday and now all the sudden nothing. Has this something to do with the war?" she questions. He shrugs again and tries to walk past her to the common room door. She grabs his arm to stop him from leaving. "It does, doesn't it? Your previous records were dropped. What's the big deal, Draco?"

He pulls his arm from her grasp and responds, "I don't want to talk about it, Pansy." He walks to the door and goes to grab the handle but he is pushed against the door instead. Pansy suddenly is kissing him and he freezes in shock. Her lips feel wrong against his, dirty even. He usually felt wrong with her but he usually just ignored it. Right now though, he didn't want to be around anyone and he definitely didn't want her snogging him. He grabs her arms and pushes her away from him. "Get off me, Pansy. Jeez." He opens the door and slams it behind him. Why can't people just leave him alone? He didn't want to deal with or be anywhere near Pansy. Draco is sure she is still involved with the Dark Arts still and obviously doesn't care about the people who died since she is easily able to act like its nothing. He just doesn't want to think about anything right now. 

He walks around the school to calm down before going into the library. Upon entering the library, he notices Hermione sitting in the back, reading. He leisurely scrolls through the rows of books. He grabs the book, Hogwarts: A History, and sits a couple of tables down from her. She doesn't notice him at all. She seems to be completely absorbed into her book. He smirks and watches her. Hermione smoothly pushes a piece of wavy hair behind her ear but it just falls back down. She has a look of deep concentration on her face while her dark brown eyes go back and forth on the page. She swiftly flips to the next page and every few minutes to the next. He observes her actions and face. Why hadn't he noticed before that she is actually quite beautiful? Well actually he had before but he never really acknowledged it and appreciated it. 

Hermione starts to feel someone watching her. She looks to her side to see Draco looking at her. How long had he been there? He looks away quickly and opens his book which Hermione observes that the title is Hogwarts: A History. A book she has read several times in the past. He begins to read. She sighs and goes back to reading. But she can't help but look back at him. His light blonde hair is falling onto his forehead but he pushes it back every once in awhile. She watches him flip the pages and how his light ocean blue eyes go back and forth on the page. She never really appreciated and acknowledged how handsome he was. Hermione shakes her head at her thoughts and continues reading her book. 

She feels him glance every once in awhile but she is sure he feels her glance too.


I hope you liked it! 

Story comes from my own personal Wattpad: FandomNerd463. If you have a account, please go vote for my story chapters. :)

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