Forever And Always

written by Claudia White

This is a Dramione Love Story, written in Hermione's Point of View. It is a story of how me and none other than Draco Malfoy falling in love. How will it happen? Will everyone support their new relationship? How about Ron and Pansy? How will they react? Will we have fights or not? What will happen? Will there be ups and downs to our relationship? Read this Dramione fanfiction to find answers to all your questions! This is a Harry Potter Fan Fiction! There WILL be spoilers!!! Do NOT read unless you have read all 7 books!

Last Updated






Chapter 10- Head’S Compartment

Chapter 10

We quickly made our way to the Head's Compartment without
running into anyone we were too close to. Sadly, however, we did receive some
questionable looks from other students we didn't know, since we were
practically celebrities. But, we just ignored them and quickened our pace until
we finally made it to the compartment.

Draco jumped unto the sofa not even ten seconds after we got
into the room. I put down my bags and tried to fight off my tears as I walked
over to him. As I walked over, he closed the blinds with the wave of his wand.
I sat down next to him without saying a word just trying to take everything in.
We sat there in silence. A couple seconds passed, until he broke the silence.

"What happened Hermione? Even though I've had only one
civil conversation with you, it hurts me to see you like this. I...I...uh...I
care" he said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Draco Lucius Malfoy,
the person who loathed me for almost all my life, actually cares about me?
What? I must have heard him wrong. But, he cut me off before I could say

"I know it sounds crazy. But, I really think I do. Wait
no...I know I do. For the past two weeks, I have been in living hell for some
reason. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Running into you at Diagon Alley,
and then going to your parent's house... I don't know. I'm probably just going
crazy. We should talk about you, what happened, and why you're crying, I've
talked long enough." He said, motioning me to talk.

I took a long, deep breath and began my story.

"Well, it all started about two weeks ago, the day
before I ran into you at Diagon Alley. I had gotten accepted back to Hogwarts
for my seventh year. So, I told my parents and they were so excited. And, my
mom recommended that I go tell Harry, Ginny, and Ron. I apparated to the
Burrow. But..." my voice cracked. "When I went in all the lights were
off. Curiously, I went in the living room and turned the light on to find Ron
and Lavender on the couch snogging the living daylights out of each
other." I sobbed. "So, I started yelling at Ron, who I was dating,
and broke up with him. So, I apparated out of there and went home, told my
parents what had happened and went to sleep." tears were now falling
rapidly down my face. Draco got up and conjured a couple tissues. I wiped off
my face and continued my story. "Then, just now I walked in where Harry,
Ginny, Ron, and now Lavender were sitting to say hi to Harry and Ginny. I
hugged both of them and then Ron and Lavender noticed I was there. They both
started yelling at me and then Lavender called me a filthy little mudblood. And
so I left and then I ran into you. And here we are." I finished and began

"I don't know what to say. Other than, Ron is a
complete dumbass." he spat, I looked at him, listening to him with open
ears. "I mean, come on Hermione, you deserve way better than somebody who
does that. He cheated on you. If there's anyone who should feel bad it's him.
He did this, not you. Why are you crying? Because you loved him? Well, I'm not
an expert, but if someone has the capability of even thinking, let alone
actually cheating on someone, they don't love you. If he truly loved you, he
wouldn't have cheated on you and he would have stopped Lavender before she ever
called you...that. Hermione, I think you need to move on. He's not going to
change his mind anytime soon. I would try as much as you can to hang out with
Harry and Ginny. And, if they don't understand and try to help you through it.
Then, try to make new friends. I will help you through this. But, I can't
promise that anyone else will. You can hang out with me, if you trust me that
is..." Draco said, rubbing my back.

I didn't know what to say. I just froze. I needed Harry and
Ginny. But, Draco is right I need to move on.

"I trust you" he stared at me in shock. "And,
I wanted to tell you, thanks. Also, I do care about you. For the past two
weeks, I have felt the same way. I kept wondering why, and if you were feeling
the same way-" But, I was cut off by his pale lips smashing into mine.


Cliffhanger! Thanks for reading, next chapter coming soon...
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I'm going to start doing CHAPTER DEDICATIONS. Please leave a
COMMENT on THIS CHAPTER if you want one. I will try and do everyone at least
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