Chocolate? - A Remus Lupin x OC Fanfiction

written by Jui Weasley

The first thing Ana thought when she met Remus- 'Look out, world!" WARNING: There are mentions of violence in this story. If it is a trigger, feel free to close this book. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my OCs. Please keep in mind that I do not support her views on the LGBTQIA+ community, as I am part if that community myself. Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy! :)

Last Updated






Honey, I Shrunk The Remus Because He Keeps Stealing My Ice Cream

Chapter 58

Ana stuck a spoon in her peanut butter ice cream and flopped down onto a cushy armchair in the Room of Requirement.

The Room had sensed the group's needs to have something to entertain them before everyone went away for winter break, so it conjured up a Muggle television and several pints of ice cream.

Remus sat down on the beanbag beside her and sneakily stole some of her ice cream.

"Hey," Ana complained.

"Shh," Ivy whispered. "Let him focus."

James kicked the TV in apparent frustration. "IT WON'T TURN ON!"

"You have to use the remote for that, you dolt," Marlene said, rolling her eyes. "Kicking it doesn't work. It generally makes it not work, as kicking things usually does."

Sirius high-fived Marlene and they dug into a carton of butterscotch ice cream.

James raised the TV remote. "That's what this was? I thought it was a torture device."

Sage wrinkled her eyebrows. "I thought it was a Muggle machine that shrunk you like the one from that movie Ana showed me and Ivy."

Ana chuckled. "You mean, 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids'? What a classic. Hey, how about we watch that one?"

Alice clapped her hands together. "Yes!"

James prodded the remote with his wand and pushed his glasses up his nose. "It's still not working!"

Ana held out her hand and gestured for him to give it to her.

James tossed it, and Ana caught it. With one click of a button, the TV flickered on, and a VHS tape labelled with the words 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids' appeared on the table beside the sofas, beanbags, and armchairs.

Ana placed the ice cream carton down and grabbed the tape.

A/n: There's just going to be a very simple and brief description of what Ana does to insert the VHS tape, because I have no idea how they did it back then, even with plenty of research that I did because I remembered Netflix didn't exist in their time. If you guys have any more knowledge about this sort of thing, please let me know, because I'd be grateful for a bit of knowledge in this subject. :)

She used the VHS tape, then pushed a couple of buttons on the remote.

The movie flickered on, and Ana rushed back to her armchair to eat her ice cream when she realized Remus was using his own spoon to munch on it too.

Ana smirked, and plopped down on the beanbag beside him. "If you're going to steal my ice cream, I'll steal it back."

"To share it with me?" Remus asked, grinning too, but sounding slightly muffled with the ice cream shoved into his mouth.

"You're disgusting."

"I live for peanut butter ice cream."

"SHUSH!" Frank and Alice said loudly. 

Ana jumped. Those two could get very invested in a good movie. Then she got a feeling in her body that she knew would kickstart the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Guys, can I pause the movie?" Ana said, even though they were barely 2 minutes in. "I have to pee and I don't wanna miss it."

Thankfully, a door to a bathroom appeared next to them, and everyone nodded kindly.

Ana quickly hit the pause button.

Just as she was about to get up, Lily grumbled. "Darn it. Now I have to pee too. Ugh. Better not go. I'll just waste more time in the bathroom."

James, sitting next to her on the sofa, leaned in and pecked her cheek. "You know, you ought to go if you really do have to pee. It's probably not good for you to hold it in for a long time."

A moment of silence passed around the room.

Remus blinked, glancing at Ana, who was halfway up from her seat, yet unmoving. She looked back and gave him a look like, 'Whoa. That just happened.'

Then both James and Lily turned the color of tomatoes.

James immediately began to stream out with apologies, while Lily kept saying 'no, no, it's fine, it's fine, no, no, it's fine, really' over and over again.

Nobody else said a word.

Then, Marlene squealed like a piglet, and Sirius joined in with her while they joined hands and sat there squealing on the sofa.

Peter grinned widely.

Ivy and Sage had their hands held up to their mouths.

Remus and Ana simply leaned into each other with smiles, silent, but knowing what would soon come.

And a few days later, their dream came true.

The last day before everyone went off for winter break, Ana, Ivy, and Sage, snuck over to the Gryffindor table to eat dinner with the rest of the group.

"No-" Ivy choked out, as Sage giggled on her other side. "For real? He said that?"

Marlene and Alice nodded with grins, about to spill the juiciest gossip they had ever heard.

As they continued to chat, Frank and Sirius were having a deep conversation about the laws of elemental transfiguration.

"But why can't I conjure my damn food, Longbottom, I don't care what Gamp says-" Sirius complained, stabbing his shephard's pie with his fork.

"Yes, but they're the LAWS of elemental transfiguration, Sirius, not the kind of rules you can break. IT'S LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE."

"I can make it possible."

Next to them, Peter was quietly chatting with James and Remus, while Ana was exchanging notes on the winter break homework with Lily.

Suddenly, James stood up. "Remus, Peter, I'm not doing that! You're mad!"

He picked up his plate and sat on the other side of the table, sandwiched between Ana and Lily, who looked supremely confused.

"What happened?" Lily asked in her light voice. "Is something wrong, James?"

James' ears turned red, a sign that he was about to lie, a tell that only the other Marauders knew. "They think it'd be funny to set back Hogwarts' main clock in the bell tower."

Lily, while she was not a Marauder, knew James well enough to know that something was off about what he had said.

While she continued to ask him questions, Ana turned to Peter and Remus. "You're trying to get him to-" She stopped, glanced around at Lily, then hastily whispered in the little Latin that she knew. Remus nodded frantically.

The message she had conveyed to him, and which he was, at the moment, conveying to Peter, was, 'You're trying to get James to ask Lily out?'

It came out more as, 'You get James Lily out?' with Ana's severely broken Latin, but Remus got the message more or less.

"Tell him to do it," Remus whispered, once again in Latin, which was the only secret language they had together. "He likes her, he told us himself, but he doesn't have the courage to ask her out again!"

Ana nodded, jabbing James in the middle of his shoulder blades with her thumbs.

He jumped in his seat. "What was that for?!" James said.

"You. Me. Talk. Let's go."

Ana stood up and brushed her hands on her napkin, when Lily stopped her. "Hold up. What's going on?"

She looked positively terrifying, being an inch or two taller than Ana, with dramatic red hair and glaring green eyes. "Are you hiding something from me, Ana?"

"Yes, no, maybe so," Ana said quickly, grabbed James' arm and rushed away to a corner of the Great Hall where they wouldn't be noticed. "Tell her." She glared at him.

James looked panicked. "No! I can't! She'll just be more annoyed at me-"

Ana grabbed him by the shoulders and shook them hard. "Are. You. CRAZY?! She's head over heels for you, Potter! She just doesn't want to say it! You're being like Remus! 'Oh, she doesn't deserve me, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah.' That's what he said, and now look where we are! Sirius and Marlene hated each other, and now they're Hogwarts' dream couple! Alice and Frank! Mike and Ivy! Sage and Willow! I could go on ALL day!"

"Please do!" James said. "Anything is better than asking her out!"

Ana gave him a withering look. "Fine! I can't do anything to control your romantic escapades, but I'll give you some advice- do you like Lily?"

"Yes. A lot."


"She's kind, like, not just like the usual. I mean, you're kind too. But she deliberately goes out of her way to be kind. She-"

Ana said, "YES!" so loud that James jumped, his hair standing up. "That's what you're gonna tell her, not me! Do you feel this feeling from the depths of your heart?!"

"I dunno."


"Fine. Yeah. I do like her. From the depths of my stomach or whatever."



Ana stomped on his foot and glared at him. But it was too late. The entire Great Hall had gone silent.

"Well, that worked," Sirius said loudly, finally, breaking the silence.

James and Ana ran over to the Gryffindor table, where everyone was still in shock.

Lily was standing up, looked like she had been Petrified, with her jaw dropped and her fork clutched tightly in her hand.

"Er," she managed.

"Um," James replied eloquently.

Ana simply smirked and went back to sit down and finish her dinner, while James and Lily somehow managed to form the words to agree that they had to talk.

"How'd you do it?" Remus asked.

Ana shrugged and grinned, a mouthful of treacle tart stuffed into her mouth. "I annoyed him. I'm good at that."

"Well, I think you did a good job annoying him," Sirius said in awe, pointing with his fork to the middle of the hall, where everyone's focus now was.

James and Lily were kissing gently, swaying slightly on the marble floor, making everyone 'awwwww', even the teachers.

Ana later swore that Professor McGonagall handed Professor Flitwick several Galleons, and a disgruntled Professor Sprout passing Professor Flitwick a few Galleons too.

"JILY FOR LIFE!" a random Ravenclaw shouted.


Ana stuck her hand in her pocket, where her polaroid camera was placed, as per usual. She pulled it out and snapped a photo of the everlasting couple. People were now blasting flowers into the air to celebrate, which just made the photo look even more beautiful.

Remus leaned over her shoulder. "It's a beautiful picture," he said with a smile. "Glad to know that camera has a good use put to it."

Ana smiled along with him, and tucked it back into her pocket. She kissed Remus on the cheek. "Merry early Christmas, Remus."

"Merry early Christmas to you too, An."

Thanks for reading this story, guys, I really am grateful! :)


Love, J.W.

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