Chocolate? - A Remus Lupin x OC Fanfiction

written by Jui Weasley

The first thing Ana thought when she met Remus- 'Look out, world!" WARNING: There are mentions of violence in this story. If it is a trigger, feel free to close this book. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my OCs. Please keep in mind that I do not support her views on the LGBTQIA+ community, as I am part if that community myself. Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy! :)

Last Updated






The Game

Chapter 55

Even after she did it, even though a weight seemed lifted off of her chest, Ana thought she really shouldn't have made up with Remus.

"Remus!" Ana called out, jogging behind Remus to catch up with him in the loud corridor.

Remus turned around, sandy hair flopping over his forehead. He raised an eyebrow, as if to ask, "What is it?" because nothing could be heard in the chatter of conversation-deprived 6th years.

Ana tucked her chestnut hair behind her ear and gestured for him to follow her to a stone bench on the side of the corridor.

Remus pushed his way through the crowd to join her on the bench.

"What is it?" he asked, not meeting her eyes, while rifling through his knapsack to find a quill and parchment to take notes during his next class.

"We need to talk, and not about something good."

Remus paused in his search of the knapsack and looked up quickly. "Is anyone hurt?"

"Not physically," Ana said, gritting her teeth. Like Sirius had said, she was going to bring it down hard on him.


"You and me."


Ana took a deep breath.

"You, Remus Lupin, are a jerk," she stated. "I don't care what your opinion is, but leaving me alone that day near the Great Lake- a stupid, stupid move."

Remus opened his mouth to answer, but he was speechless.

"I was happy, Remus, did you ever think about that?" Ana hissed. "I liked you- correction- like you. And as emotionally and romantically blind as I may be, I am not blind enough to see that you do too. So when you said, 'I don't deserve you', you are hurting me as much as you're hurting yourself."

Remus gritted his teeth. "Excuse me? When I said that I didn't deserve you, I meant it. I-"

Ana interrupted him with a loud click of her tongue. "AND," she added. "When you say that I don't deserve you because of your furry little problem, you should realize that James, Sirius, Peter, and I literally sacrificed our legal records for you. So yes, we care about you, a lot. Another thing? If you say you care about me too much to be with me, you hurt me when you left. Ironic, isn't it?"

Remus, once again, could not speak.

"Tell me, Remus, the truth. Why did you leave that night? Pure honesty, please."

"Because I don't deserve someone like you, or James, or Sirius, or Peter!" Remus snapped. "You are all too nice, too kind, and I could hurt you if I wanted! I could- do it on purpose, like Greyback!"

Ana's face softened. "Remus, do you really think you'll be like Greyback?" She scoffed. "For one thing, you bathe regularly- for another, I know that I am luckier to have you than anyone else. And I'm not just being soft here- this is genuine. Believe me, Remus, if you care about those you love, leaving them behind isn't the greatest way to go."

Remus stared at her for a couple more seconds. "Ok. Fine. I know you're right. I'm- I'm sorry. I know I hurt you even more by leaving. Can we just- restart?"

Ana grinned, and Remus' heart soared. It was a sight he hadn't seen in a long time. "Duh," Ana said, and her heart sank as she knew she had to say the next part of her sentence. "Friends?"

Remus' smile flickered too. "Friends."


The Hufflepuff Quidditch tryouts were finally here, and Remus and Ana had finally returned back to their usual, joking selves. 

However, whenever someone asked about what had happened between them, they would always turn pale and turn away.

Ana, despite her life of teenage drama, was psyched for the tryouts. She was hoping on getting Chaser, and James had even lent her his Quidditch Diary, where he scribbled down notes about every training and game.

Ana had managed to pass the tryouts with flying colors, and secured the position of Chaser.

Her first game was against Ravenclaw, and even though she had Ravenclaw friends on the team, she had never been more determined to beat them.

"What can I say?" Ana said with a shrug to Lily, who had just wished her luck before she headed out to the pitch. "Even Hufflepuffs can be rebels sometimes."

Lily chuckled, then hugged Ana. "Good luck," she said proudly. "We all believe in you."

Ana's heart filled with warmth as Lily stalked off to the crowded Quidditch stands. Ana rushed to join the rest of her team.

Penny Wood, Keeper and Captain of the Hufflepuff team was gritting her teeth and glancing suspiciously at everyone. "Ravenclaw's got Olive Maisey in this game. She's a good Keeper, so Chasers, watch out for her."

Michael Manning, Beater, grinned at her. "No better Keeper than you, Penny," he said.

Tammy Faulkner, one of Ana's fellow Chasers, jumped up and down. She couldn't contain her anxiety for the match, while the Seeker and calmness-keeper of their team, Amos Diggory simply sighed at Penny. "Penny, calm down. We'll be fine. We've been training hard."

Ana nodded in agreement. "Amos is right. We'll win this game. Where's that Hufflepuff sass that crowd's looking for?"

Their pep-talk seemed to have worked. Penny smiled widely, and then shouted to the crowd, "WE'RE GONNA WIN," and then proceeded to call the Ravenclaw Keeper some unsavory names.

Thankfully, Madam Hooch hadn't heard, or their entire team would have been sacked.

With a whistle, Ana and her team mounted their brooms. At the second whistle, they pushed off of the ground and Ana quickly moved for the Quaffle. 

To her delight, she caught it, and immediately flew in a zig-zag pattern to avoid the Bludger one of the Ravenclaw Beaters senr at her.

She tossed it to Tammy, who was closer to the goalposts, and Tammy passed it to their third Chaser, Marisol Bentley, who was intercepted by a Ravenclaw Chaser who managed to kick it far away from the Ravenclaw goalposts.

Thankfully, Ana managed to catch it, and swerved her broom back to the goalposts, avoiding the Bludgers and Chasers. She threw it far, far ahead, and by some miracle, it soared through.

The Hufflepuff team roared in delight.

The rest of the game continued like this, with everyone scoring and catching and hitting.

When Amos zoomed in to catch the Snitch at breakneck speed, Ana sucked in her breath.

Closer, closer, closer...


150 points had been added to Hufflepuff's already 540, and Ravenclaw had lost!

Ana collided with the rest of her teammates in a mid-air group hug.

They had won, and Ana was apart of the victory.

Thanks for reading :)

I appreciate the time you guys take to read my crappy books, and only ask that you prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter :)

Love, J.W.

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