Chocolate? - A Remus Lupin x OC Fanfiction

written by Jui Weasley

The first thing Ana thought when she met Remus- 'Look out, world!" WARNING: There are mentions of violence in this story. If it is a trigger, feel free to close this book. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my OCs. Please keep in mind that I do not support her views on the LGBTQIA+ community, as I am part if that community myself. Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy! :)

Last Updated






Arnie Loughty

Chapter 34


TW AND CW: light cursing

Ana breathed in all of it-

The dewy scent of the freshly mowed grass.

The damp-like smell of the bright and exciting train station.

The love for a home she was slowly losing.

"This is it, Remus," whispered Ana. "Another year gone."

"I know," said Remus quietly, clutching Ana's hand supportively. "You'll be alright. In the letter he sent, Arnie seemed like a wondrous person."

They stood in the crowded train station, filled with young children running up to their parents and hugging them.

It filled Ana with a sense of longing.

"You're right," said Ana. "But I don't even know him. I don't even know how Mum knew him."

It was very slight, but Ana's breath hitched at the word "knew".

"Ana?" called out a tall person from next to the barrier. "Ana Miracle?"

"Alright, you ought to get going," said Remus, releasing Ana's hand and looking down at her. "I'll miss you. So much."

"I know, Remus," Ana said back, smiling wistfully. "I'll miss you too. I'll write everyday."

"I will too," said Remus, smiling widely. "Let me know if you need anything at all." He leaned down slightly and pecked Ana's cheek. "Bye."

"Bye, Rem," said Ana, who was so bathed in her own thoughts that she almost missed this gesture.

When she finally realized, Ana turned a deep red and jumped slightly.

Pushing her cart forward, Ana walked towards the person who yelled out her name.

"Er- Mr. Loughty?" questioned Ana. 

"Ah! Are you Ana?" he asked, his green eyes twinkling with a excited glint. He had dark brown hair that sat atop his head in a mass of curls. 

"Yes, sir," Ana said. 

"Sir?" he chuckled. "Now I feel old. Just call me Arnie, we're family, after all."

"We are?" said Ana curiously. 

Arnie furrowed his eyebrows. "Did your mum not tell you, yet?"

"About what?"

"I'm your father, o'course," he said with a small laugh. 

Ana's smile dropped. "What?" she asked blankly. "I thought you left. Mum said-"

"What she said," cut in Arnie. "Was not the truth. We agreed on not telling you when you were younger."

Ana raised an eyebrow. "Right. And that was because...?"

"I suppose we should talk when we get home," suggested Arnie. "This is a bit of a mouthful."

"Yeah," agreed Ana with a quick nod. "Let's go."

Arnie extended out his arm. Ana held onto it and with a crack, they apparated to their home.

Without her mother's bright face peeking from the behind the curtains of the windows, Ana thought the place looked rather dreary.

"Come on inside," said Arnie. 

It felt a little weird to be invited into her own home, but Ana stepped inside anyways.

Placing her trunk next to the broken-down sofa, she sat down and crossed her legs. "Well?" she asked, in a slightly demanding tone. "What's the story?"

"Your mother and I graduated Hogwarts in 1950," said Arnie, sitting down on one of the armchairs. "We married in 1952 and your mother was pregnant with you in the December of 1958."

"I'm not entirely sure what this is about," said Ana in confusion.

"Patience," chuckled Arnie. "I'm getting to the point. A week before Christmas, Dumbledore owled me to ask me on a mission. You know Voldemort?"

Ana nodded. "Of course."

"Me and your mother went to school at around the same time as Voldemort did when he was a student," said Arnie. "We didn't know him very well, because I was a Hufflepuff and your mother was a Ravenclaw. Voldemort, on the other hand, was a Slytherin."

"Dumbledore thought that either me or Alwena could go on a mission to find Voldemort and see what he was up to," said Arnie, his voice wavering slightly at the mention of his wife. "Dumbledore always had his suspicions about Tom Riddle. Of course, Alwena was pregnant, so I agreed to go on the mission."

"I probably should have just denied it to Dumbledore straight up," sighed Arnie, running a hand through his dark brown hair. "I never realized... I thought I was just supposed to scout out Voldemort. See what he was up to. But apparently, I was supposed to go undercover and find our what his plans were."

"Undercover?" gaped Ana. "You mean you became a Death Eater? How didn't Voldemort find out?"

"Occlumency," Arnie said bitterly. "I will never forget the pain of having that horrendous mark carved into my skin. I even tried getting Dumbledore to take me out of the mission. But he said my life could be at risk if I abandoned the mission. Voldemort's lot could find me. So I stayed there... for years. Full years. Until I was walking by a couple of Death Eaters and they were laughing about some woman who died from a severe allergic reaction to Alihotsy fudge."

"The thought seemed really familiar to me, because I remembered your mother had an allergy to Alihotsy, but I thought nothing of it at the moment," continued Arnie, now a bit sadly. "They told me what had happened and then... then they told me the victim's name. And I found out... That one of Voldemort's lot had done it on purpose because 'she seemed like a blood traitor'."

Ana bit her lower lip.

She knew what he felt-




They were all words to describe pain, but no word could truly describe the feeling when she heard the news.

"I laughed with them so I wouldn't give myself away," Arnie said quietly. "I thought that maybe Dumbledore would have me come back home to my daughter. But he never owled back. That was the last straw. So I left. And Voldemort knows who I really am, now. A filthy, betraying, mudblood, who never showed true loyalty."

"Stop saying that!" chided Ana. "You are incredibly strong to go through literal hell and still come back! I wouldn't even be able to manage one day in a prison like that."

"You are so much like her," Arnie said, a sad smile wiggling onto his face. "Always putting others before herself- making them feel better before she did anything else."

Ana felt a sense of happiness lurch into her stomach. "I- er-thanks. But won't Voldemort be after you?"

Arnie nodded. "Thankfully, the Death Eaters don't know my real name, so I'm fine. They can't trace me."

"What do they think your name is?"

"Hydrus Marcus Burke," said Arnie with a sigh. "Don't judge me, ok? It was the only name I could think of."

"No, I like it," encouraged Ana. "Burke is a pure-blood family, but not so well known. Not well known enough for them to trace it!"

Arnie smiled a little. "You're right. Listen, how about you go to your room and unpack while I get started on dinner?"

"That sounds wonderful," said Ana with a smile. She now had new respect for Arnie. "Let me know if you need any help."

"Will do," he said, getting up and striding towards the kitchen while humming.

Must have been nice to be free from that sort of place, thought Ana with a shudder, hauling her trunk across the hallway to her room. He looks so happy to be home.

Ana began to unpack all of her stuff and when she was finished a half an hour later, she sat down on her bed and pulled out a piece of parchment.

Grabbing her quill and ink, Ana started jotting down a letter for Remus.

Dear Remus,

Arnie is a wonderful godfather. 

She thought it best not to mention any of the other details Arnie had mentioned to her, for his own safety.

He's been quite nice and welcoming! Turns out, he was Mum's best friend through all of their time at school. It was really fun to meet him.

How about you? Tell your parents I said hello!

I know it's literally just the first day of summer break but I already miss you.

Love, Ana Miracle 


I really appreciate that you guys are fine with the weird long updating gaps in the middle :)

Love y'all sooooooo much :)

- Jui W.

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