Chocolate? - A Remus Lupin x OC Fanfiction

written by Jui Weasley

The first thing Ana thought when she met Remus- 'Look out, world!" WARNING: There are mentions of violence in this story. If it is a trigger, feel free to close this book. All credits go to J.K. Rowling except for my OCs. Please keep in mind that I do not support her views on the LGBTQIA+ community, as I am part if that community myself. Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy! :)

Last Updated







Chapter 24

I love y'all too much to not write a chapter after that depressing author's note :(

So here you go :)


"Calm down, you're scaring the first-years," shushed James.

"Poor kids," added Sirius.

"Shush," said Peter to Sirius, who clicked his tongue and raised his hands up.

"Godric," Remus mumbled. "The first couple of O.W.L.s are next week and you haven't studied? We've been talking about this since two years ago! Every day, every class!"

"I'm failing Divination so badly," groaned Ana. "Why'd I even take that worthless class?"

A/n: me choosing my classes and dying over exams in the corner: i hate going to muggle school-

"You wanna be a Magizoologist," said Remus gently. "You don't need Divination for that."

Ana wringed her hands. "Who says I'm doing good in Care of Magical Creatures? I'm AVERAGE!"

"Which is okay," said James soothingly. "Have you seen MY scores in Care of Magical Creatures? They would make Sirius' grades look stunning."

"Shut up," grumbled Sirius. "But he's right, James has horrid grades."

"I'm top in Transfiguration," argued James.

"Lily," coughed Ana not-so-subtly. 

"She's not the top of the class!" objected James. "I am."

"And that right there, folks, is called arrogance," said Ana in a deep voice. "The number-one trait for you cocky Gryffindors- not you Peter, Remus. You guys are fine. But this is why Hufflepuffs are better."

A/n: i just found out i'm more than half hufflepuff- i should've chosen hufflepuff as my house on hih :( but anyways


"They are not!" said Sirius indignantly.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are you shutting up?!" shrieked Alice from the other end of the room, looking very frazzled and probably murderous towards her Transfiguration notes. 

Frank stifled a snort and patted her back from next to her.

Ana and the rest of the Marauders giggled like 5-year olds.

"Alank?" suggested James.

"No, Fralice!" piped up Peter.

They all high-fived Peter, who was now turning red.

A/n: HEHHEHEHHE TURNING RED I'M SORRY- *starts dancing aggressively to never met nobody like u*

Ana sighed and ran a hand through her messy brown hair. "Back to the original topic, though. What are we doing about our O.W.L.s? Alice is already freaking out. Marlene's probably contemplating things in the kitchen with some cookies. Lily's probably cooped up in the library, screaming for her life. Oh, and Ivy nd Sage are definitely in Hogsmeade, buying fluffy knitted socks."

Remus blinked. "Ok... well, I suppose all of us could meetup everyday to review our notes in the library."

"Sounds good," agreed Ana.

"But we don't wanna do homework," whined Sirius.

"It's not homework, it's review!" snapped Ana. "We'll fail if we don't-"

"Shush," said Sirius suddenly, with a jump.

Ana squinted her eyes. "What?"

"You hear that?"

"Er... what?"

"The sound of me not caring," said Sirius and James in unison, then they high-fived.

Remus rolled his eyes playfully. "Ana, I don't think they'll actually come to the library. The only time they went there was to steal stuff. Should just the two of us go?"

"Starting tomorrow," agreed Ana. She turned to the others. "So, how about that Marauders initiation ceremony?'


"Repeat after me," said James. 

Ana nodded.

They were standing in the number-one place of Marauder mischief- a little surprisingly, their own common room.

"I pledge kindness to the Marauders and the wish that they remain alive for the longest period of time possible," said James, without even cracking a emile.

Ana held in a snort. They really needed someone better to write this. She said the words.

"Good," said Sirius. "Now, we have some terms and conditions, and a contract saying we're not viable for any deaths."

Ana coughed. "What?"

"See, this is why most people back out," said Peter. "You gotta stop talking about dying. It's not a good selling point."

"Peter's right," said Remus. "Maybe go for something happier?"

James and Sirius were stubborn enough not to change anything.

"The terms and conditions are as follows," said James, reading off of a piece of parchment. "'1. Must know about Remus' furry little problem and accept it. 2. Have common sense. 3. If you enjoy throwing stuff at people, just know that this is a valid job for you. 4. Only Gryffindo-' Ah, we'll wave that one off for you. You're ok."

"Thanks," grumbled Ana. "I love being 'ok'."

"'5.,'" continued James. "'Must have prior interaction with two or more Marauder members.'"

"Yup," said Ana. 

"6. Must think Remus Lupin is pretty," James read, now stifling a snort.

"What?!" Ana spluttered. 

"I went through this too," Peter grumbled. "The pain passes after a while, though. They asked me if I liked Sarah Diggory from Ravenclaw. But not for you. People already think you're dating Remus. It's horrible for you."

"Thanks Pete, that cheers me up," said Ana, squinting her eyes and turning to Remus. "Rem, you are a very pretty person. No offense meant, Remus, but these guys are targeting me."

"None taken," said Remus with a shrug. "When I did this, these two asked me if moose were pretty."

Ana squinted again. "Isn't it supposed to be meese?"

"No, it's moose," corrected Remus.

"Just get on with it, for Godric's sake," said James. "Ana, you also have to say why you think he's pretty."

Ana flared her nostrils at him. "I think Remus is pretty because he has very fluffy and curly hair. I like that color. It's very pretty. He's very sweet and understanding, too. Helps anyone out when he can."

"Get the camera!" Sirius yelled to no one in particular. 

"Shut up," Remus grumbled, already a bright red.

"Also, he's easily embarrassed," added Peter. 

"And you have the best taste in sweaters," Ana continued. "And you know any chocolate flavor by its simple smell. And you can tell exactly when food's gone bad. You have a sense of general intuition about your surroundings, I guess you could say. That's why I think Remus is pretty."

James and Sirius turned to the side for a side dialogue that lasted only a second.

"We approve your submission," said Sirius formally. "Remus, would you do the honors?"

"Er..." said Remus, still a little red in the face. "What honors? Was I supposed to bring cupcakes or something?"

"No, I mean," clarified Sirius. "Put her name on the Marauders Map."

Jamws handed Remus the map, who simply blinked.

"Shouldn't she have a name, first?" aaked Remus. "I can't just write Ana."

"Since all of yours related to your animal, shouldn't mine as well?" suggested Ana.

James nodded. "True. Luna?"

Ana shook her head. "Too... vague. I want it to be absolutely stupid and crazy. Like you, for example."

"I took Latin once," said Remus. "Wolves have ears, right? And the Latin term for ear is Auribus. You wanna go with that?"

A/n: pronounced aw-RIE-bus

Ana thought. "Actually, I like the sound of that. But maybe... Aurie? It's shorter."

A/n: and this one's just AW-ree

"How about we write it as Auribus on the map but just Aurie as a nickname?" suggested James.

"I like that idea," said Sirius. "And I like the name."

"I second that," piped up Peter.

"An?" asked Remus, turning to her.

"I love it," said Ana with a grin. "Go on."

Remus took a quill out of his pocket and wrote Auribus on the map next to their names.

Then he pulled out his wand to change the top of the map a little to make it all fit.

"It's wonderful," said James excitedly.

"Yeah," said Ana with a grin. "I can't wait. But first, I gotta go make sure Ivy and Sage stop buying more fluffy socks. We already have too many. Bye, you guys."

She waved to them.

"Bye, An," said Remus with a grin.

"See ya, Rem," she said, stanfing on her tip-toes and pecking him on the cheek. Ana skipped off to her common room.

Peter stated the obvious after a moment of silence. "You're so whipped."

After a bunch of arguing and denial that Remus was 'not whipped', Remus finally admitted his slight crush on Ana and Sirius ran around the common room in happiness.

A/n: sirius doing the naruto run tho-

They may have only been in their 5th year at Hogwarts, but one thing was certain:

Moony, Auribus, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would remain together forever.

And that's just how it was meant to be.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for the long update in the middle, I had quite a bit of work to finish up :)

Thanks for all the reads and kind comments, I appreciate them very much :)

Love, Jui W.

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