Y/n Riddle (Book 2)

written by Astrid R Jade

(Read book #1 first) Y/n has an interesting life and her two brothers make it all the more interesting. Thomas, the oldest, is now going into his final year of hogwarts. Mattheo, the middle child, is going into his 4th year. Y/n is looking forward to her 2ed year at Hogwarts. Even while she is getting more notice in the family she still feels like everyone is drifting in different directions. This book is finished: Started June 28th- finished July 28th. I am in the process of writing a third book.

Last Updated






Chapter 4

Chapter 5

 (Mattheo’s pov) 

I caught her and brought her to the ground. I saw a passing Slytherin student that I had seen talking to Theodore before “Hey, you” He looked at me “You know Theodore Nott right?” they nodded “Can you go get him in the Great Hall and bring him back here?” They nodded again and left. I know I didn’t really need to ask, a lot of people were scared of me and would do anything I asked but it was nicer and I was trying to be nicer. A minute later I saw Theodore and Enzo with the Slytherin student, the student pointed at me, said something then left. The boys saw me and Y/n and came over. 

“What happened this time?” Theodore asked 

“This time? You mean this happens often?” Enzo was confused as always. 

We both looked at him and said at the same time “Yes” 

“At least once a week, maybe twice” I continued 

“So what are we going to do?” Theodore asked

I thought for a moment, Thomas was always the one who came up with the plan and if Thomas wasn’t there, which he was there 99% of the time, Y/n made the plan. Now I didn’t have either of them available “Enzo, go get a professor, Theodore, you stay here with me”

Enzo went away “What happened” Asked Theodore 

“She started saying that her magic felt weaker then she said she was dizzy and she fell” I explained. Enzo came back with a professor and then they got her to the hospital wing, usually we just put her in her bed and she got better but we didn’t really have that option, she couldn’t be in the Slytherin common room and I couldn’t be in the Ravenclaw common room, unless I apparated into her dorm but I couldn’t apparate in Hogwarts. 


(Y/n’s pov)

I opened my eyes to find I was in the hospital wing. My head hurt and my arm that Thomas had touched and thrown the dagger at was even more sore. Mattheo was the only other person there. There were no other students or professors or anyone else in the room. He looked up when he noticed I was moving. “Y/n? Are you ok?”

“Are you skipping class?” I asked 

He smiled a little bit “Are you ok?”

“No, I’m never ok” I replied smiling 

“Apparently not. And yes I am skipping” 

“Mattheo” I exclaimed  

“What? I’m only missing boring history” 

“Where are Theodore and Enzo?” 

“In class”

“Like they should be” I added 

“Hey, you should be in class”

“I’m only missing DADA and herbology, DADA is easy, just like any other class and herbology is herbology” 

“No you missed DADA, your missing herbology currently, you were out for about two hours” He corrected 

I raised my eyebrows “Two hours?” 

“About two hours, yep” He nodded 

A professor or some adult came out “Miss Riddle you are free to go, you can skip class and go rest until dinner. Mr Riddle if you could walk your sister to her common room that would be great” then she left 

Mattheo helped me up and handed me my dagger “I took this before they brought you here just incase they found it and took it away” 

I grabbed it and hid it “Thank you” 

“No problem, shall we leave?” 

“We shall,” I laughed. We walked towards the common room and when we got there I told him I would see him later then he left and answered the riddle then went in and up to my dorm. I opened the door and Thomas was standing out on the balcony. He turned to face me. 

“What are you doing here, how did you get in?” 

“I am a Death Eater, just like father I can apparate within Hogwarts”

“So what do you want?” I asked cautiously

“It’s not what I want, it’s what father wants, to test you, frankly I don’t agree with him but what can I do?” He started walking towards me until I was against the wall then pulled out his wand and waved it. I slid down the wall to the floor in pain, trying not to scream. Why was he doing this? He grabbed my dagger, cut my arm in the same place he had touched it the day before, then grabbed my arm again and I felt the same pain as I did yesterday. He left me on the floor with the dagger next to me then walked out to the balcony and disappeared in black smoke. I heard someone knocking on the door “Who is it?” I asked weakly, hiding the dagger again. 

“It’s Phoebe… the prefect” 

“Oh, come in” She opened the door to see me on the floor.

“What happened to you?” She closed the door behind her and kneeled down next to me.

“My brother” I replied 


“No, Thomas” 

“Why would he do this?” 

“I don’t know he’s been… weird lately” I think I knew the reason but I wasn’t going to tell her it was because he’s a Death Eater. She went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and got it wet then put it on the cut, it stung. 

“Is there any way I can help?” She asked 

“I know Matttheo shouldn't be in here but I need to talk to him and he can help”

She nodded her head “I understand, he’s family. I will be right back, will you be ok?” 

“I think I will be fine” 

A little while later Mattheo appeared at the door. He idmently came to me and Phoebe closed the door behind him. “What happened?” He asked 

“Thomas, he was here when I got here” I explained the rest of what happened and showed him the cut, it was still bleeding. He put his hand on the cut and it felt the same as yesterday, when he healed the cut on my shoulder. When he lifted his hand it was healed, it was nothing but a scar.

“How do you do that?” I asked

“You can make things float with your hands while I can pretty much use heat to heal cuts” 

“I never knew you could do any magic without a wand”

“All of us, you, me, Thomas, we all can do one or two spells without using a wand, and they are all different spells. I can use heat or fire, you can make things float and fly, and Thomas can make people feel pain”

“How long did you know that, what you can do and what Thomas can do?”

“I learned my power over the summer and Thomas I just learned yesterday, though I had my suspicions” He explained “Did he say anything about why he was doing this?” 

“He said he didn’t want to do this but father wants to test me” 

“Why would he want to test you? Unless…” He went quiet 

“Unless what?”

“Unless he wants you to become a Death Eater sooner”



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