Y/n Riddle (Book 2)

written by Astrid R Jade

(Read book #1 first) Y/n has an interesting life and her two brothers make it all the more interesting. Thomas, the oldest, is now going into his final year of hogwarts. Mattheo, the middle child, is going into his 4th year. Y/n is looking forward to her 2ed year at Hogwarts. Even while she is getting more notice in the family she still feels like everyone is drifting in different directions. This book is finished: Started June 28th- finished July 28th. I am in the process of writing a third book.

Last Updated






Chapter 13

Chapter 14

The weeks leading up to Halloween went by slower than usual. My classes gave out a lot of work and it almost felt like I had no free time. Almost. Thomas still was keeping his secrets but he also continued to help me with my magic.

It was finally Friday, finally Halloween and it felt like I had been waiting for forever. We had classes as usual but at dinner we had a feast, and lots of candy. I didn’t eat too much though, I hated feeling full. After dinner I went to my dorm and got ready for the party. I put my hair into two french braids then did my makeup and nails. My outfit was simple but still fashionable because it was more casual. I wore a black, long sleeve, off the shoulder top and a knee length, black, pleated skirt. I added a leather belt in the middle and wore the snake necklace and earrings I had gotten from Thomas last year then put my dagger in a holster that was around my thigh, and it was covered up by the skirt. My wand also fit in the holster. 

Thomas, Mattheo, and I agreed that we could meet up in their dorm so when it was time I appareted to their dorm. I sat on my old bed while they did a couple last minute things. 

“You look beautiful” Mattheo complimented 

“You too”

“Did you just call Mattheo beautiful?” Thomas asked, coming out of the bathroom

“Yes, yes I did, why? Is it an insult for a male to be called beautiful?” 

“No” They replied one after the other 

“Ok…” I nodded my head slowly

Mattheo changed the subject “Do you miss sharing a dorm with us yet?”

“Can’t say that I do” I replied and Mattheo rolled his eyes “Tho there are some things I miss” 

“Like what?” Thomas asked “Mattheo being a child and refusing to get out of bed?”

“Hey!” Mattheo threw a book at him and he catched it then I made a book hit him in the back of the head and Mattheo and I started laughing. 

Thomas turned around to face me and I put my hands up “What? I didn’t do anything” 

“You made the book hit me”

“You do not have any evidence supporting your claim” I countered, he just glared at me without saying anything. 

Two minutes later they were ready and we headed out into the common room. Enzo was standing at the end of the staircase, watching from afar as people were dancing and kissing. My brothers went over to their friends and I elbowed Enzo “What are you doing?” I asked him with a smile

“I’m not big on parties” He explained 


“I never was invited to them and everyone just sits around getting drunk and kissing other people” 

“Ahh, I see, but you were invited to this one, and plus what do you expect from a room mostly full of teenagers?” 

“I guess when you put it like that I can understand it better, but I still don’t like them” 

“Well if your not going to join the party, at least live life, even if it’s just tonight, live life in the present, because this… it’s never going to happen again” 

“Yeah sure, but I am still going to stay here” 

I shrugged “Suit yourself” I walked away and looked around a little more. Theodore was leaning up against a wall drinking firewhisky with some other boy who I guessed was in his year. Thomas was talking to people and Mattheo was in a corner, alone. I walked over to the couches where the other people my age were and sat down next to Olivia. Jamal was standing up on the couch across from us, chugging what I think was firewhisky. When he was done some other people cheered and I rolled my eyes. 

He blinked a couple of times “That burns” He said as if to himself 

“Duh, it’s firewhisky, that's what it does” A random student cut in “You’ve never had it, have you?”

“It takes a while to get used to but it still burns” Another person claimed 

“You want some” Jamal asked Olivia, picking up another bottle 

“No thanks” Olivia declined, shaking her head, then someone else shouted that they wanted it and he threw it to them. 

Theodore came and sat on the arm of the couch and handed me a bottle “Want some?” He asked “I see you don’t have any”

“Sure, why not?” I grabbed the bottle from him and opened it. Someone was calling Theodore and he left. 

Olivia turned to me as I took a sip of it and her eyes widened “You're having some?” She asked “Since when do you act like this?”

“Since always, I have had firewhisky a couple times now” I explained 

Her mouth dropped “Where do you get it?” 

“I have my ways,” I smiled. 

Jamal jumped down from the couch and came over to me “You're firewhisky?”

“Yeah” I replied 

“Doesn’t it burn?” He asked 

“Ehh” I shrugged 

“I dare you to drink all of it, right now”

“I don’t do dares but I was going to do it anyway” 

I finished it quickly “Done” 

“Are you ok?” He asked 

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be, I mean, it’s only firewhisky, I’ve had it before” I got up and left, leaving Jamal speechless. 

“Having fun?” I asked Mattheo as I walked towards him, still in the corner. 

“Yeah, totally. Are you?”

“I’m only having a good time if you are, so that depends on you” 

“What did you do back there? Everyone seemed speechless”

“I drank firewhisky, it’s not that big of a deal but they were making a big deal about how much it burns, but I mean I’ve had worse” 

“Yeah, you have” 

Olivia came up behind me “Hey we are doing spin the bottle, you wanna play?” 

 “No, I don’t play,” I replied. The last thing I wanted to do right now was kiss someone.

“Oh come on, it will be fun” 

“I’m sorry, I don’t kiss people, nor do I feel like kissing people right now” 

“Fine, I’m sorry I asked” She turned and headed back to the others and I went back to talking with Mattheo. 

“You're not going to play?” He asked

“You know how I feel about that sort of stuff” I replied 

“I do” 

“Then don’t push it, if you want me to do it so bad why don’t you do it?” 

“Fine, point proven” He put his hands up in defense “I’m going to go talk to other people” He left. 

I decided to go up to the astronomy tower because I wasn’t feeling the best and I wanted fresh air, plus it was getting to be really loud and I was getting a headache. 

I stepped out into the chilly, october air and a gust of wind greeted me. I went to the edge and looked out at the stars and moon. I still felt bad, like I was going to throw up or something, my powers felt weaker. I wonder what had happened. Maybe it was just something about it being Halloween that made me feel different. 

I suddenly felt a hand cover my mouth and eyes and I was pulled backwards then shoved into a wall.

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