Y/n Riddle (Book 2)

written by Astrid R Jade

(Read book #1 first) Y/n has an interesting life and her two brothers make it all the more interesting. Thomas, the oldest, is now going into his final year of hogwarts. Mattheo, the middle child, is going into his 4th year. Y/n is looking forward to her 2ed year at Hogwarts. Even while she is getting more notice in the family she still feels like everyone is drifting in different directions. This book is finished: Started June 28th- finished July 28th. I am in the process of writing a third book.

Last Updated






Chapter 9

Chapter 10

I tried to sense where he was and sensed he was on the astronomy tower. Without even trying I suddenly found myself on the tower. Did I apparate? Mattheo was on the ground, leaning against the wall, he had blood on his face and he looked drunk as well. Then there was someone in front of him, pointing a wand at him. It was a Death Eater. I waved my hand and the wand flew off the tower. They turned to see me, I think it was the same one who tried to choke me the year before. He glared at me. “Save it” I commented “Why are you here?”

“And why should I tell you?” 

“I mean you don’t have to help me but I could throw you off this tower and that would probably hurt way more then just being thrown into the courtyard” I smiled “The choice is yours” 

“The Dark Lord wants to talk to him” 

I rolled my eyes “Why?”

“That I do not know so I can’t share” 

I felt someone staring at me so I turned to see father standing there. Oh great, I looked away for a second then back at him “Hello father” I greeted it a not so cheerful tone

“You're still alive. Good, I thought you just might have been dead” 

“Well Thomas didn’t let me die trust me, if he hadn't I would have been dead by now, trust me” 

He gave me a suspicious look “What did you do?” He asked sounding bored 

“She fell off the tower,” Mattheo answered, now standing. He came over so he was next to me. 

“I jumped” I said turning to face Mattheo 

Father sighed and gave me the ‘what has become of my children’ and ‘you're an idiot’ look “Why did you do that?” 

“Well Thomas said that you didn’t want me dead so I knew he would save me and I just wanted to feel what falling felt like” I shrugged “Just normal stuff” I didn’t even have to look to know Mattheo was rolling his eyes.

“So why have you decided to visit me, the weakest sibling?” Mattheo asked. 

I elbowed him “You're not the weakest” I whispered

“Says the the girl who got moved up a year because classes were too easy” He whispered back

“You got moved up a year?” Our father asked. I glared at Mattheo.

“Yes, I did” I answered and he just nodded.

“Ok you may now leave, I need to talk to Mattho. Alone. He looked at me and then at the Death Eater. I left and started walking down the hallways and then I saw Cora. I haven't seen her for a while and her hair was longer as well as she was taller, but not as tall as me. She had her usual group of girls and then some new people  

“Oh look, your all alone, Y/n Riddle” 

“So what?” I asked

“I just wanted to tell you that everyone hates you because of your dad and brothers” 

“Ok then I hate you because you have blond hair and your friends are terrible” I replied 

“I can’t control thoes things” 

“Exactly, I can’t control my family” 

“Yeah but your father is evil and your brothers are no different. It’s ok though, every story needs a villain”

“Your my villain”

“But I am popular, if anything I would be the hero’s wife in every story” 

“Everyone is raised differently, taught differently. When we are young we learn about heroes and villains, people who are worth it and people who are lost causes, but something you don’t understand is that heroes and villains are different in everyone’s eyes, it all just depends on whose point of view it is from. Take you for example, your friends and boyfriends may think you're on the hero side of things but to others, to people who you bully, the people you make feel bad, and the ones you judge without knowing their story, to them you are the villain. Also this can change over time. The hero can become the villain and the villain can become the hero if they want to. Now you can do what you will with that but just think about that” I smiled and left. I really wanted to punch her but I didn’t. I always loved that quote. I hadn’t said it exactly but it had the same lesson. A whole story can change if you just change the point of view, you need both sides, all sides. 

I found Thomas sitting on a bench in the courtyard “What’s up, you seem tense”

“Father is talking to Mattheo and I want to punch something because I just saw Cora again and she was being annoying”

“Cora is like the popular Ravenclaw in your year, right?”

“Yeah, did Mattheo tell you about her, I don’t recall actually telling you about her”

“Yeah, Mattheo told me”

“Ok, well I think I am going to head to the library” I got up and left. 

When I got to the library I found some books then sat down and started reading. A little while later I saw Theodore enter then walk over towards me. He sat down in front of me. He looked tense. “What’s wrong?” I asked


“You seem tense”

“Oh, yeah um, it’s nothing” 

“Then why did you come over to me, did you want to talk about something?” 

“Your brothers started fighting and I needed to get away from them” He explained 

I tried to sense where they were in the Slytherin common room. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be in there but I think this would be an excuse. A second later I was in the Slytherin common room.

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