The Sacred Wolf

written by Rachel Jordan

Rachel Tala Black is the adopted daughter of Sirius Black. Being close friends with Lily and James Potter, Sirius leaves young Rachel with them and baby Harry. However, he never could predict what would happen next. Join Rachel Tala Black on her Hogwarts journey as she discovers secrets, plots, and more. And maybe there is more to the young girl than anyone could know.

Last Updated






Dumbledore's Errand

Chapter 8

Previously on The Sacred Wolf.


Sirius: *soft smile* It’s alright, Star. We’ll speak again soon. I love you, my sacred wolf. 


Rae: *soft smile* I love you too, papa wolf. 



~ The call disconnects and Sirius’s face vanishes from sight. Rachel takes a deep breath and takes her time running her errands before meeting back up with the boys. ~



Currently on The Sacred Wolf


~ Diagon Alley: Gringotts  ~


~ In the meantime, Harry and Hagrid are on their way to Gringotts, whereas Rachel is running her errand. Curious about what Code Black is and what it has to do with Rachel, Harry decides to ask Hagrid. ~


Harry: *curious* So what is Code Black Hagrid? Is it some type of secret code word for something? And why were you so worried about Rachel?


Hagrid: *sighs* There are evil people in this world, Harry. Tha' is all I will say.


~ Sensing Hagrid doesn’t want to discuss it, Harry nods his head and drops the topic for now. They reach the bank and walk inside. Tiny creatures can be noticed as they walk down the shiny aisles. ~


Harry: *nervous* Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are those things?


Hagrid: They’re goblins, Harry. Clever as they come, goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me. *Harry sticks to him. He clears his throat to catch the goblin’s attention* Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal. 


Goblin: *looks up* And does Mr. Potter have his key?


Hagrid: *searches coat* Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. Here’s the little devil. Oh, and there’s something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It’s about you-know-what in vault you-know-which. *hands letter wrapped in a string*


Goblin: Very well.


~ Diagon Alley: Gringotts: Underground ~


~ Harry and Hagrid are taken underground by Griphook, a goblin, by a cartlike structure. It comes to a stop outside a vault, and they climb out of the cart. ~


Griphook: Vault 687. Lamp, please. *Hagrid hands him the lamp* Key, please. *Hagrid hands him the key and unlocks it*


~ The vault door swings open, and Harry is stunned. The vault is filled from top to bottom with coins. ~


Hagrid: *smiles* Didn’t think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing, now, didja?


~ Harry grabs a few handfuls of coins, and they continue through the caverns.~


Griphook: Vault 713.


Harry: *curious* What’s in there, Hagrid?


Hagrid: *serious* Can’t tell you, Harry. It’s Hogwarts business. Very secret.


Griphook: Stand back. 


~ Griphook slides a finger down the vault door. It opens to expose a small white stone package. Hastily Hagrid scoops it up as the eerie light it reflected disappears. ~


Hagrid: *serious* Best not to mention this to anyone, Harry. 


~ Harry nods, hearing the seriousness in Hagrid’s voice as they head back to the main room. ~

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