The Sacred Wolf

written by Rachel Jordan

Rachel Tala Black is the adopted daughter of Sirius Black. Being close friends with Lily and James Potter, Sirius leaves young Rachel with them and baby Harry. However, he never could predict what would happen next. Join Rachel Tala Black on her Hogwarts journey as she discovers secrets, plots, and more. And maybe there is more to the young girl than anyone could know.

Last Updated






A New Friend

Chapter 3

~ Dursley’s House ~


~ Almost ten years later, the camera pans on a sleeping boy, almost eleven, with a lightning-bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. There is a clicking and knocking on the door by his Aunt Petunia Dursley. ~


Petunia: *yells* Up! Get up! *sighs* Now! *smacks closet door*


~ A large, tubby boy named Dudley suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet. He stops halfway and starts jumping on the staircase. ~


Dudley: *yells* Wake up, cousin! We’re going to the zoo!


~ Dudley laughs and continues down the stairs heading to the kitchen. The boy, Harry Potter, tries to come out of the closet but is pushed back in by Dudley. Petunia can be heard from the kitchen talking out loud. ~


Petunia: *joyful* Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!


~ A larger man, Vernon Dursley, is sitting at the kitchen table. ~


Vernon: *happy* Happy birthday, son.


~ You can hear Petunia and Dudley giggling together as Harry comes into the kitchen dressed in rags. ~


Petunia: *disgust* Why don’t you just cook breakfast and try not to burn anything. 


Harry: *miserable* Yes, Aunt Petunia.


~ Harry starts to cook, wishing he had at least a friend he could talk to. Little did he know his wish would come true soon. ~


Petunia: *demanding* I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley’s special day.


Vernon: *demanding* Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy!


Harry: *miserable* Yes, Uncle Vernon.


~ Petunia leads Dudley over to the family room, where there is a vast amount of presents, making Dudley stare in awe. ~


Dudley: *excited* How many are there?


Vernon: *proud* 36. Counted ‘em myself.


Dudley: *upset* 36?! But last year I had 37!


Vernon: *nervous* Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year.


Dudley: *angry* I don’t care how big they are!


Petunia: *tries to calm him* Oh, now, now, now. This is what we’re going to do is that when we go out, we’re going to buy you two new presents! How’s that, Pumpkin?


~ Dursley’s House: Outside  ~


~ After Dudley’s temper tantrum, the family heads outside to the car to go to the zoo. However, before Harry can even get in, Vernon stops him. ~


Petunia: *excited* This will be a lovely day at the zoo. I’m really looking forward to it. 


Vernon: *serious* I’m warning you now, boy. Any funny business, any at all, and you won’t have any meals for a week. Get in.


~ Zoo ~


~ The Dursley family and Harry Potter arrived at the zoo and are currently standing in the reptile house, looking at a large Boa constrictor. As the family and Harry look at the snake, a light-skinned girl walks over to the exhibit and stands beside Harry. ~


Dudley: *yells* Make it move!


~ Trying to keep their son happy, Vernon makes raps on the glass of the cage. The girl turns her attention to the man in disbelief. Being a well-trained animal caretaker, she knows that irritates snakes. ~ 


Vernon: *yells* Move!


~ Dudley, who is impatient, raps on the glass harder, making Vernon wince. This causes the girls’ blood to boil, knowing the snake must be severely irritated by the noise. ~


Dudley: *yells* Move!


?: *yells* Would you people stop it! You are harming the snake! 


~ Harry, who just realizes someone is standing by him, looks at the girl in shock at her reaction. The family stares at the mystery girl, who huffs and turns her attention back to the snake. ~


Harry: *stunned* He’s asleep. 


Dudley: *uninterested* He’s boring.


~ The family leaves to another enclosure leaving Harry with the snake and the mystery girl. Still entranced by the mystery girl, he watched her as she sits on her knees softly smiling, at the snake as it slithers over to her. ~


?: *smiling* There we go. That’s better. 


~ The snake hisses and nods its head, making the girl giggle. She stands back up and turns her attention to the boy that’s still staring at her. ~


?: *smiles* Hi! The name is Rachel, but people call me Rae for short. You are? *holds her hand out to shake*


Harry: *snaps back* Oh! I’m Harry. *shakes her hand* That was incredible how you stood up to them back there.


Rae: *smiles* Oh, that was nothing. *place her hand back on the glass, and the snake rubs where the glass meets her hand* I’m an animal lover, you see. Also, a trained animal caretaker, so I know this guy must have been irritated by that rapping on the glass. It affects their hearing and angers them.


Harry: That’s amazing. *looks at the snake* Sorry about him. He doesn’t understand what it’s like, lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you.


~ Rachel watches as Harry speaks perfect Parseltongue instantly, knowing the boy in front of her was the one and only Harry Potter. Not wanting to cause a scene, she secretly noted to become better friends with him. She turns her attention back to the snake, who looks up at him and blinks. ~


Harry: *amazed* Can you-- hear me? *looks at Rachel then back to the snake who nods* It’s just-- I’ve never talked to a snake before. Do you-- I mean-- do you talk to people often? *the snake looks at the girl then back at him shaking its head* You’re from Burma, aren’t you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family? *looks at Rae, who holds a frown then switch attention back to the snake, who turns its head to the sign saying, ‘Bred in Captivity’* I see. That’s me as well. I never knew my parents, either.


Rae: *broken hearted* This poor baby should be in its natural habitat, not captivity. *looks at Harry* Also, I don’t know my parents either.


Harry: *surprised* Really? But you are amazing and kind. 


Rae: *softly smiles* Thank you, Harry.


~ The now awake and moving snake attracted Dudley’s attention. He runs over to the cage knocking Harry to the floor, angering Rachel. She drops to the ground beside him. ~


Rae: *concerned* Are you okay, Harry? 


Harry: *smiles* I’m okay, Rachel.


Dudley: *excited* Mummy, dad, come here! You won’t believe what this snake is doing!


~ Dudley puts his hands on the glass wall yet again. Harry, who’s still on the ground beside Rachel, glares at him. Out of nowhere, the glass disappears, causing Dudley to fall towards the exhibit. ~


Dudley: *scared* Whoa! Ahh! Ahh!


~ Dudley falls in, sputtering in a pool of water causing the two to chuckle. The snake gets out of the exhibit, stopping in front of Harry and Rachel. ~


Snake: Thankssssssss.


Harry: *smiles* Anytime.


~ Before the snake leaves, it rubs the side of Rachel’s face, making her grin, then it turns and leaves. Harry looks at Rachel, amazed that the snake just did that. ~

Rae: *sees Harry* I told you. I’m an animal lover, and animals love me. *smiles*


Harry: *grins* I can tell.


~ As the snake leaves, a man yells ‘Snake!’ as it slithers to freedom. Dudley, however, gets up to try and get out but is met with the glass back in place. Frightened, he begins to pound on the glass. ~


Dudley: *terrified* Mum, mummy!


Petunia: *sees him and panics* Ahh!


Dudley: Mum, help! Help me!


Petunia: *screams* My darling boy! How did you get in there?!


Rae: *grins* That’ll teach you to be nicer to others.


~ Harry and Rachel grin and giggle at the situation in front of them. For the first time, Harry finally felt what it was like to be happy and have fun. However, that soon ended when Uncle Vernon glared down at them, resulting in their grins disappearing. ~


Petunia: *still screaming* How did you get in there? Dursley, oh, Dursley!

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