A Gay’s Gaze at Hogwarts: Issue #4

A Gay’s Gaze at Hogwarts is a weekly publication aimed at the LGBTQ+ community here at HiH. In this issue; a surprisingly small number of posts in the LGBTQIA+ HIH Community club, Tom Felton announcing that he’s writing a memoir, and an exclusive interview with a candidate for the Slytherin Head House Representative!

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Slytherin HHR Election: Exclusive Interviews!!!

Chapter 7

There is an active Hogwarts Student Council currently being made. The group, founded by Isadora and Irene Scamander, is currently holding its first Head House Representative election: the Slytherin HHR election. The Slytherin HHR will represent the entire Slytherin House on the council.

There are four candidates currently in the running: Andromeda Riddle,Andrea Nightshade, Alexandra Giovanelli, and Ilene Levesque. We are lucky enough to have exclusive interviews from Ilene Levesque, Andromeda Riddle, and Andrea Nightshade! I thank the candidates endlessly for taking the time to answer these questions for A Gay's Gaze.


{Disclaimers: Any spelling errors were made by the candidates, not myself, as I have put their exact words here. If it seems like some candidates got more space than others, that is also their own doing, because I have put their exact words here.}

Andrea Nightshade

Please briefly introduce yourself--name, pronouns, maybe a fun fact about yourself. 

"I am Andrea Leona Crane Nightshade, A muggle born but I was raised by my pureblood adopted parents after my birth parent's death. I don't really mind what pronouns are used for me, but I prefer she/her. I also have a crup puppy named Buddy."

Why are you running for Slytherin Head House Representative?

"I am running for Slytherin Head of House Representative because I feel that I can do a good job, but most of all I can get along with almost anybody and settle problems without a huge fight."

As the Slytherin HHR, how would you make sure everyone’s voice is heard? How would you make sure that your own biases don’t influence how you act as the Slytherin representative?

"I will let people speak their ideas and take them into consideration, instead of just my own ideas. I wouldn't ever just want complete control, i'm just not that kind of person."

You’ve been on HiH for much longer than any of the other candidates. Do you think this makes you a more worthy candidate?

"I think in a way it might, because I have been on long enough to get to know people a little more than the others and what different concerns are on HiH. But I don't really think it matters who has been on longer."

You’re a known Keeper. Can you tell us what your beliefs are regarding this? Will your Keeper beliefs impact the decisions you make as HHR?

"Yes, and in a way no. I feel that being a keeper has helped me develop some very valuable leadership skills. When making decisions, I will make them in a way that will help everyone."

Though you’ve been on HiH since April of 2021, you’ve only earned 55 House Points. Should voters be concerned that you’re not dedicated to HiH because of this?

"I don't think this should be a matter that concerns voters, seeing as people do have lives outside of HiH. And with school for many people, it is hard to balance extra work online as well as their school work."

Why should people vote for you over the other candidates?

"I feel that I can offer a kind of leadership where it helps everyone and not just me or a group of people."

Andromeda Riddle

Please briefly introduce yourself--name, pronouns, maybe a fun fact about yourself.

My name is Andromeda Riddle and I come from the Riddle family as you probably guessed. I am a female Slytherin and I think that it is almost my duty to uphold the traditions and powers of the house and so here I am. Mt pronouns are she/her and I am proud of that."

Why are you running for Slytherin Head House Representative?

"I am running for this position as I feel that I am a natural leader - I have many siblings for example which gives me a small advantage that I have practice. I already had a taste of being a Representive in a council that fell inactive long ago so I am sure that I can volenteer some good ideas."

As the Slytherin HHR, how would you make sure everyone’s voice is heard? How would you make sure that your own biases don’t influence how you act as the Slytherin representative?

"I would hold special 'meetings' - by that, I mean, I would post in the common room and invite others to say what they want and how to change. I think that everyone's voice is importent."

Your profile makes it seem as though you are—and do forgive me if I’m incorrect—a Pureblood supremacist. You say that you want to “follow in his [Voldemort’s] footsteps” and that you think that Muggleborns should have to “prey [pray]” to you. You also say that you want to “purge the world of Muggles.” Should Muggleborns be scared to vote for you? Will it put them in danger to have you in a position of power?

"I think that by the way that this question is formed, you know all about me and you are sure that I havn't changed or anything."

It also seems from your profile as though you are quite power hungry. Would you say this is true? Do you think it is bad for leaders to be power hungry?

"I repeat [my answer to the last question]."

You have done quite a bit of advertising and promotion. Do you think this will give you an advantage over the other candidates?

"I don't think so."

Why should people vote for you over the other candidates?

"I have told you above on the first two questions--I think."

Ilene Levesque

Please briefly introduce yourself--name, pronouns, maybe a fun fact about yourself. 

"I'm Ilene Victoire Levesque, a first-year Slytherin with high ambitions and a handful of determination to give back to my community as well as prove myself. I primarily go by she/her pronouns, though I do not mind they/them. I'm a bisexual myself, so I'm very pleased and relieved that the LGBTQIA+ community in HiH continue to find their voices and safe places here, as well as representation, through "A Gay's Gaze at Hogwarts"! It's been one of my missions as well to provide a voice, representation, and a safe space for this community. A few things about me... I may seem unapproachable or intimidating, but I'm always open to anyone! I'm also quite ambitious regarding my studies here at Hogwarts, as I am an aspiring auror. Feel free to always come to me if you have any academic-related questions, or if you need a friend's shoulder to lean on!"

Why are you running for Slytherin Head House Representative?

"As I said, I have high ambitions, but also determination. Not only to prove myself to the world but also to give back to my community. I've experienced firsthand what it is like, to have a Gringott's vault full of ideas, opinions, and thoughts; yet with no voice loud enough to shout into the world. I would love to be that voice, or that Sonorus charm, to help our community voice out their ideas, thoughts, opinions, concerns, and many more. Furthermore, I believe our house has so much potential that can be honed and showcased. Slytherin has many talented witches and wizards waiting for a chance to bring their talent out into the world, whether it be academically, athletically, in creativity, or even in other aspects. We are as curious, knowledge seeking and academically competitive as any Ravenclaw. We are as courageous, brave and athletic as any Gryffindor. We are as loyal, hardworking and creative as any Hufflepuff. We have our strengths and talents that are worthy of fair competition alongside the other houses. I decided to run for Slytherin Head House Representative, not only to give our house members a voice, but also to be a leader that can encourage them, and bring out the best hidden potentials in them. I want to be a leader that leads and walks by their side, not be their senior and walk ahead. I wish to bring glory to our house's name, as our founder would have wanted."

As the Slytherin HHR, how would you make sure everyone’s voice is heard? How would you make sure that your own biases don’t influence how you act as the Slytherin representative?

"As the Head House Representative for Slytherin, I would do everything in my best capacities to ensure that every single voice is heard without bias, injustice, discrimination, or any of the sort. As I previously said, I am and will always be open to anyone, whether they wish to relay their thoughts, opinions, ideas, critics, or concerns. I will ensure, as Slytherin HHR, that this right remains available to each and every single student, Slytherin or not. Every single student will have equal rights to come to me and have their voices heard without being diminished or drowned out. Everyone will have a chance to ensure their voices are heard, through me. Following this, I will ensure a thorough discussion and processing of the matter at hand. If they convey an idea or proposal, I will make sure to follow up and ensure this idea gets heard and hopefully, implemented. If they convey an opinion or critique, I will ensure this is heard and processed thoroughly, and improve based on these inputs. Above all else, I will ensure that I remain as a neutral individual, leaving no space for personal bias, prejudice or any of the sort. I will do my best to neutrally represent Slytherin in a manner it benefits all parties involved."

You only joined HiH last month. Should voters be concerned that you’re less experienced than some of the other candidates?

"Ah yes, I suppose I am quite a new addition to HiH. However, do not worry! I have had my fair share of experience outside of HiH in terms of similar communities, and I have been successful in taking up leadership roles in said communities. I have also taken up leadership roles such as in both my real life and roleplay-related student councils and similar organizations. I am a very determined person, and I am very ambitious in my future here, in HiH. Furthermore, even in a short span of a few weeks, I have accomplished quite a few things in HiH. Such as participating regularly and performing well in all my classes, as well as earning house points. You may visit my profile to see this for yourself! Overall, I would confidently state that I am as experienced as any other candidates, if not more. I am always willing to learn more in the future as I spend more time in HiH, and I greatly appreciate the help from the senior members of HiH. Ah, and a slight addition regarding the question about bias earlier. My new arrival in HiH should ensure I have no personal biases, no? I am a fresh start, ready to bloom new relationships with everyone, with zero prior bias."

You’ve done a fair amount of promotion and advertising. Do you think this puts you ahead of the other candidates?

"Yes, I have done a fair amount of promotion as well as advertising, if I may say so myself. However, I don't think I'm significantly ahead of the other candidates or any of the sort. I'd love to remain as humble as possible, and think I am equal to all my fellow candidates, competing in a fair manner. But of course, I'd be honoured if my efforts in promotion pays off with many people supporting me and trusting their votes onto me."

Why should people vote for you over the other candidates?

"While I am sure many of my fellow candidates may share the same qualities as I do, I can be certain in stating my willingness to put effort and work hard. I have a strong ambition and determination to bring out the best in Slytherin as well as providing the best for Slytherin, in terms of a voice and a safe space. I am a woman of my words. Not only will I be the leader if I become the Head House Representative for Slytherin, I will also be a friendly classmate, trustworthy and reliable as ever. I will be a leader that remains relatable and grounded. I will continuously do my best for Slytherin, and for Hogwarts. For all of you, my friends!"

Polls close tomorrow, so please do vote! I encourage you all to check out the other candidates and cast your vote.

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